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View Full Version : Unable to Connect - Firefox Warning

07-08-2022, 10:41 AM
Since 7/6/2022 I have been unable to connect to CastBoolits using Firefox browser. I get an error message "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" and when I use the "Advanced" button to bypass this I end up with the same warning multiple times. I also see a message from Opendns stating that this is blocked because it is on their block list under "weapons".

Did something change in the last few days, or has Firefox become PC?

I had to use the TOR browser to get here, but this adds quite a bit of time delay.

Please let me know if others have the same problem, or if it is something with my ISP.



Dusty Bannister
07-08-2022, 10:46 AM
I have no issues with Firefox. ISP is Cox cable. Any time I have unexplained issues, I reboot. I do not log off and then back on though.

07-08-2022, 11:08 AM
Since 7/6/2022 I have been unable to connect to CastBoolits using Firefox browser. I get an error message "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" and when I use the "Advanced" button to bypass this I end up with the same warning multiple times. I also see a message from Opendns stating that this is blocked because it is on their block list under "weapons".

Did something change in the last few days, or has Firefox become PC?

I had to use the TOR browser to get here, but this adds quite a bit of time delay.

Please let me know if others have the same problem, or if it is something with my ISP.



Try clearing cookies in the browser. Restart the browser, and try again. Might also try making sure you're accessing the group using https instead of http protocols. Look at the address, it should be as above, rather than starting with http. Also look for a lock icon in front of URL, if you can't see the http/https in the URL, if its unlocked, you're using http instead of https. I'm using the Brave browser, and it doesn't show the protocol, but I have a locked lock icon, if you're not using the correct protocol, it will be unlocked if you have it. I dumped firefox a few years ago when they decided to go even more woke than they were. If, like most folks, you're using a Windows computer, try Microsoft Edge, just to make sure you're not having some other problem. If you type it in, as I did, with the http protocol, it changes it to https, as does Brave. Logging off and back on may also fix it. Restarting the browser may also fix it, and restarting the computer may also fix it. Or not. Back when I was doing telephone tech support for AOL4.0, restarting the computer was the sovereign remedy for that sort of problem, but things have changed a bit since then. ;)



07-08-2022, 01:29 PM
I am using Firefox now and have no issues.

07-08-2022, 01:53 PM
Fire fox shut down for a bit, a couple hours just the other day, They did apologies and all is well. Check your firewall.

calm seas
07-08-2022, 01:53 PM
Firefox recently did an update, to version 102. If you updated, that might be the issue.

07-08-2022, 03:28 PM
I am using firefox with no problems. I just checked and firefox wants to do the update to version 102. I'll let that happen then update this post (if I can get on).

Edit: I let firefox do the update and here I am, no problem.

07-09-2022, 10:02 AM
Clearing the cache and deleting cookies from OpenDNS solved it. Thanks everybody.