View Full Version : Brass question can't find section

07-05-2022, 02:30 PM
So I see some .223 brass for sale and it is noted that no FC brass is offered. I spent crazy amounts of time, last year, separating, cleaning and, exact matching, headstamps and no one wanted it. Lots was probably FC, at least I see that I have plenty, now. So whats wrong with FC?

Winger Ed.
07-05-2022, 02:35 PM
Nothing I can tell.
I've loaded some without issues. Maybe it has a shorter life or something.
As with all my .223 brass, it's so plentiful on the range for free,
before the ammo shortage- I could pick up a almost coffee can full each time I went.
I don't think I have any that been loaded more than 3 times.

Once .223s have 3-4 extractor marks on the rim, I keep them separate.
When I shoot that batch, I don't pick any of them up.

07-05-2022, 06:05 PM
I made a, somewhat adjustable, drop tube for my Belding and Mull measure, out of a .300 mag case; so now I am in right section. Loaded up 50, nice and shiny and totally, pre- prepped LC12 cases and 50 FC11s, I can't tell the difference. I guess there is nothing wrong with FC, except too many pesky headstamps.

Dusty Bannister
07-05-2022, 06:58 PM
Nothing "wrong" with FC other than some are a bit short. Makes no difference if converting to other uses like 222, 221, 22 TCM and that sort of thing. One former member, now passed on, said that some FC was made on the same equipment as LC. I do not know that for fact.


07-05-2022, 07:21 PM
Now that you mention it,the FC cases were all trimmed or sorted to 1.735 which is even less than my usual 1.740. Getting the full 1.750, usually, leaves too many short ones, in my experience. I think you answered my question. I usually sort into a few bunches and eventually get a full box of 50 or 100 of the same length or trim if needed. I don't what I was thinking cause I also found a 50 and 100 rd boxes all set to 1.770, loaded with primers and ready to load. Maybe I really was tired of trimming.

07-05-2022, 10:35 PM
Might be because the seller saves the FC brass for his own use. I do.

07-05-2022, 10:49 PM
Oh wow never thought of that

kevin c
07-06-2022, 04:06 AM
FC is commercial, right? Some high volume rifle action shooters I know who load their own prefer commercial .223 like Remington or Federal because the primers aren’t staked or crimped in like LC 5.56: saves them a step in processing the brass.

07-06-2022, 07:04 AM
I use FC brass almost exclusively and have no problems whatsoever with it. It works fine for the local police special services division (where I get it from) and has not failed me yet.

07-06-2022, 09:56 AM
The story is that FC .223 brass frequently has loose primer pockets after even the initial firing. I know people who shoot FC .223 factory ammo and leave the brass for the scavengers. I haven't used enough of it to comment one way or the other, but that's the story. As far as FC being made on LC machinery - maybe at one time, when ATK was running the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant. Winchester is currently running Lake City.

high standard 40
07-06-2022, 10:04 AM
If I remember right, some early FC 5.56 cases had thin case heads, similar to the old balloon head cases. That possibly leads to the loose primer pockets.

07-06-2022, 10:56 AM
I guess its time to prime some and see. I have a dozen head stamp choices. I have some with one embossed dot and some with two. Then plenty have none. Mentioning LC, like I said, at least the 50 I just loaded had the year 11

07-06-2022, 01:20 PM
Dunno 'bout the current FC brass but back when IHMSA was the hot-rock shooting game, I recall that FC .223 was the preferred case for reforming to any of the TCU rounds.


07-06-2022, 08:47 PM
I only deal with regular reloading and only form things to eat but maybe I will post some brass for sale