View Full Version : Henry Long Ranger Express 5.56/300BLK

07-01-2022, 08:07 AM
I’ve recently become aware that Henry is making this rifle (https://www.henryusa.com/rifles/long-ranger-express/).

I immediately thought that is would be perfect in 300. I went to the website, and there is no such offering. I used the ‘contact us’ to send an inquiry. The rep responded that she’s not aware of anything on the way, but that if I want to see it, I should use the “Suggestion Box (https://www.henryusa.com/henry-firearm-suggestion-box/)”.

I watched the Alabama Arsenal and 22Plinkster videos later. They said the same thing. Great rifle, now make it in Blackout.

So, if you’re interested and agree, please let them know.

07-01-2022, 08:44 AM
Or, I guess I overlooked the real opportunity. In 350 Legend this would be the 357Max lever gun we always wanted but never got.

07-01-2022, 08:56 AM
Henry makes the LR in .308 - that's probably as close as you will get to a 300 BO. While anything is possible, they tend to stick to very common calibers.

07-01-2022, 09:07 AM
Henry makes the LR in .308 - that's probably as close as you will get to a 300 BO. While anything is possible, they tend to stick to very common calibers.

Well... they do offer a 38-55, or at least did, I'm guessing it's still offered.
Just checked the web site and it still shows it.
Would be easy to add to the single shot lineup, but they don't.[smilie=b:


07-01-2022, 09:25 AM
Henry makes the LR in .308 - that's probably as close as you will get to a 300 BO. While anything is possible, they tend to stick to very common calibers.

But not in a 16”, threaded, convenient 1913 rail on top version.

07-01-2022, 10:09 AM
Long Ranger platform would not be a viable 300BO gun. 4 rnd mag. Stick with AR, bolt or single shot. I have the 308, very nice. BO is fun too.

07-01-2022, 12:50 PM
Long Ranger platform would not be a viable 300BO gun. 4 rnd mag. Stick with AR, bolt or single shot.

Why do you say that?

07-01-2022, 04:24 PM
Too many others already in BO. 1k$ min when a 400$ works fine. BO is decent for deer at short range. Hogs usually want a larger mag. Advantage of the Long Ranger is 'long range'. 308 or 223 or others. BO isn't a long range cartridge. They could make a more tactical levergun in BO, stick with the tube mag and side gate. I have MSRs and SS in BO, they do the job for much less $.
Henry just couldn't sell enough to make it worth while.

07-01-2022, 04:34 PM
300 bo is a 300 meter gun. It is not a long range cartrage. 5.56 700 meters .308 900 meters .338 1500 meters you want long range, look too a cartrage built for that.

07-01-2022, 06:20 PM
300 bo is a 300 meter gun. It is not a long range cartrage. 5.56 700 meters .308 900 meters .338 1500 meters you want long range, look too a cartrage built for that.

I have a friends Marlin Cowboy in 38-55, and he used to shoot 900 yds. regularly.
Why wasn't it offer in the LR I wonder?


01-24-2024, 07:27 PM
Dead thread resurrection. It looks like it’s happening. It's not the Long Ranger Express, but similar. Henry Supreme (https://www.google.com/search?q=henry+supreme+300blk&sca_esv=601222021&sxsrf=ACQVn08hVVzyMtryrc4lTvajZ9LgPU4xYA%3A1706138 660012&source=hp&ei=I5yxZfD5O8T9kPIPmrWJoAE&oq=he+ry+supreme&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCINaGUgcnkgc3VwcmVt ZSoCCAQyBxAjGLACGCcyBhAAGAMYDTIGEAAYAxgNMgYQABgDGA 0yBhAAGAMYDTIGEAAYAxgNMgYQABgDGA0yBhAAGAMYDUjlJFD5 B1jUGXABeACQAQCYAagBoAHiDKoBBDIuMTG4AQHIAQD4AQGoAg _CAgcQIxjqAhgnwgIKECMYgAQYigUYJ8ICBBAjGCfCAgoQABiA BBiKBRhDwgIQEC4YgAQYyQMYxwEY0QMYCsICBRAAGIAEwgIVEC 4YgAQYigUYQxixAxiDARjUAhgKwgILEAAYgAQYigUYkgPCAgUQ LhiABMICBxAjGLECGCfCAg4QABiABBiKBRiRAhixA8ICGhAuGI MBGMcBGJECGLEDGMkDGNEDGIAEGIoFwgIGEAAYAxgKwgIHEAAY gAQYCsICCxAAGIAEGIoFGJECwgITEC4YChiDARjHARixAxjRAx iABMICFxAuGIAEGIoFGJECGLEDGIMBGLEDGNQCwgINEC4YChiD ARixAxiABMICBxAAGIAEGA3CAgcQLhiABBgNwgIKEC4YgAQYDR jUAg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp).