View Full Version : paper patched 9.3X72R

David todd
06-24-2022, 12:11 AM
Well, I decided to experiment with my drilling a bit more more even though it is shooting the big 293 grain PC'd greasers well![smilie=b:
A friend loaned me his NOE .358 mold, and the unsized the bullets weigh out to right around 236 grains, much lighter than the monsters I was shooting before! LOL
Patched up, they measured .366-.367 , so I was estatic!
The load I decided on however was a bit light I think ( 33 grains of IMR4064), with a bit of a scattered group, so I will try another 35 grains tomorrow when I chronograph the load .
That group is about 5 inches offhand at 50 yards, still minute of deer:D
All in all I am pretty happy with the lighter bullet, and although this was a nitro proofed rifle, I may just decide to shoot BP out of it as well.:D
The bloopers did get into the rifling however, and the patch was not torn when I punched it out, so that is a good thing

06-24-2022, 01:52 PM
What kind of paper are you patching with? That's interesting....lol!

David todd
06-24-2022, 02:45 PM
What kind of paper are you patching with? That's interesting....lol!

I am using paper from an old bible, it works well.
I shoot a 3 1 /4" three shot group today with it, using 35 grains of IMR 4064.

06-25-2022, 08:16 AM
I wondered if maybe it was from The Bible. I couldn't think of anything else printed on paper thin enough.

06-25-2022, 09:11 AM
He does work in mysterious ways!

06-26-2022, 03:27 AM
Is it blasphemous spreading the good word around the range?

It won’t be in vain if you patch a little higher towards the nose.

David todd
07-01-2022, 12:00 AM
Is it blasphemous spreading the good word around the range?

It won’t be in vain if you patch a little higher towards the nose.

Well, I trashed the paper patch idea with the .358's , the accuracy just wasn't consistent enough. I went back to the powder coated 293 grain 9.3's and changed up the load process. Things are good now with good velocity:D
I ended up just pushing the bullet in until it stopped in the neck sized case, then pushed it into the rifle chamber and closed the breach.
After that , I am able to open up the gun and remove the cartridge easily . The bullet is now seated hard to the lands with good neck tension, and the expanded case mouth is straightened out in the chamber, and put in my cartridge box.
I filed down the front sight a bit because I have to hold it quite high above the rear sight to get it to print center at 50 yards.
More tests are on the way !:guntootsmiley:

Good Cheer
07-01-2022, 08:58 PM
Yes please, more results when you can.

David todd
09-08-2022, 11:59 AM
Yes please, more results when you can.
It has been a while since I posted ( tied up with Palma match rifles LOL)
Well, I tossed the PP idea with the 358's,and reset the alloy and I am casting 285 grain bullets now, sized to .368.
33 grins of IMR 4895, and a bit of wasp nest to help keep the powder against the primer , and things are super!
I resize about 1/2" of the neck using a set of 7.3X74R dies, then just a slight bell with a Lee universla neck expander.
I then prime and charge, and put about 1/@" X2" pice of wasp nest rolled up into the case iwht a pencil, just until it stops. I then had set the bullet, and finishis it by putting it into the gun and closing the breach to set the bullet and finish size the case. I then put the loaded round into its box or on my cartridge belt.
The only thing about this is that the bullets start to engrave into the rifling, but they shoot well enough that I am not worried .

is right around 1,700FPS and offhand accuracy is good at 50 and 100 yards.
I took the front sight down a bit to get the POI up and offhand without warming up I can keep it within 3" at 50 , so it will suffice.
Now, bring on the deer and birds!:bigsmyl2:

09-08-2022, 01:29 PM
Well that ought to do do something.
Must feel like a man of gentry while idly strolling through the woods carrying that thing.
I would.