View Full Version : Hit for 50 gal fuel need cameras

06-22-2022, 12:49 PM
I got hit for 50 gal of fuel, with the cost, I need some motion cameras to put in the machine barn. Looking for cameras that would be hard to see day or night. Want something that takes a good picture that can be used in court. Must work day or night. Want to be able to turn off when working in the barn. Putting locks on all doors today! Might be good to have the cameras alarm in the house.

06-22-2022, 12:54 PM
i use a wyze camera records to cloud, need to have internet. cheap and works well. they may have other options but it is hard to keep up with changing technology

06-22-2022, 01:00 PM
look at no glow game cameras.

here is one of many that are available


06-22-2022, 01:02 PM
well there are all kinds of game/trail cameras. if you have decent speed wifi the Reolink cameras are pretty darn good. the ones I have are both wifi and they record to a micro sd chip in the camera. they are cheap enough that you can put up 5 or 6 or more and still be less cost than some of the wired camera set ups like they sell at Walmart.
there are some great reviews of how to find the best cameras for whatever your situation is on YouTube.
sometimes having cameras where people can see them is a deterrent but then also have some hidden to go along with an overall security setup.
there are also some great infer red intrusion alarms like the ones made by miltonsbells.com that will let you know when someone is on your property.

06-22-2022, 01:47 PM
For remote viewing/alarm, internet or cell phone service is needed and many of the cameras DON'T work with Windows. You could set up a local private wireless network but not what most manuf. want. Kinda like the ring camera, worthless without a subscription and cell/internet connection. I haven't found a good inexpensive commercial solution.

06-22-2022, 02:46 PM
thousands of wireless security cams on the market that do NOT need an internet subscription(but may require the purchase of software to monitor them). If you can find one with its own base station/mini monitor that is the route to go. Amazon has MANY, read the reviews first! Make sure to read 1 star reviews, many will be for never arrived, or arrived damaged, or can't get them to work(human problem)... and are not indicative of a problem.

MT Gianni
06-22-2022, 03:18 PM
Is your pump locked? Gravity fed vs a pump with a switch inside? Accessible only through your rottweilers dog run? There are plenty of deterrents and sad as it seems few county attorneys would prosecute for only $250 of gas. A civil suit would cost more than you would recover. If they got away with no physical deterrents they will be back.

06-22-2022, 03:45 PM
Something to be said for nice dome shaped 360 degree camera's outside the door in plain sight. Even a dummy camera Discourage the attempt in the first place. Actual image capture inside should help avoid false alarms. If they camera inside picks up motion then someone is actually inside the locked building and you want the picture and the alert.

Shades of the 70's gas crisis coming back around! I recall a girl that had farm & fleet fuel at her house, she dated a buddy of mine who always could get at least a couple of gallons for cruising when he picked her up. Cute and had gasoline, that was a winning combination in those days.

Losing 50 gallons is a pretty big chunk of money, establishes the price range for security expenses. If you don't have young kids around then may I suggest a Pit Bull with aids?

I agree you might need to push to get prosecutor and police to pursue a "minor" crime such as fuel theft but I think one can make a good case for only a matter of time before it escalates. Either to larger thefts or because the thieves run into a homeowner or are careless and cause a fire.

06-22-2022, 04:12 PM
Adam20 has a good idea there. I know nothing about tech stuff. Sometimes, hammers seem to be advanced tech for me. If Adam20's idea is plausible, I'd put them in very well hidden locations and then put out the cheapest trail cam obtainable. Let them think they have defeated a simple device and they will never look for the real deal.

06-22-2022, 04:28 PM
Was having similar problems at my business with fuel and catylyst thefts, local law says can't do much about it, as its petty theft, and probably transients stealing the fuel (we live adjacent to major highway). But since putting up phony yard cams and getting a big cane corso and a presa canario in the fenced yard no more problems for now. A dog is a great deterrent but if it bites, deny, deny, deny, ownership, probably a stray that got locked in by accident. Dog will need a safe house for a while.

06-22-2022, 04:37 PM
I am a refugee Yankee. Where I grew up, 1960's, my bicycle was chained to the shed, shed was locked, bicycle gone. Evil children with boltcutters. We can't have nice things. One person in a thousand is a thief, and they sure are busy.

I have seen neighbors swap propane tanks. The numbers on the empty tank were wrong. Not friendly.
The 12v pump on your truck's bed tank is designed to steal fuel from an underground tank.
Lockable spill protection just unscrews unless you weld it.

A full gasoline jug is worth $50? $30 for the gas, $20 for the jug.
Children stole two of my jugs 2017 in Helena MT.
Hotel had a video, so what?
That formed my opinion of Montana.

06-22-2022, 05:09 PM
My experience with cloud-based WIFI security cams, specifically the Ring line, has been hit and miss. Generally, they just aren't reliable enough to count on as "real" security. This will especially be true if it's mounted in an out-building far from your router.

A better option might be a wired CCTV system with a looping DVR. Or just one of those fake cameras mounted conspicuously to act as a small deterrent.

To be honest, even with HD video and all that, I'm doubtful the cops would do anything more than take a report and tell you "well, we'll look into it, but don't hold your breath..." At least around here, anyway.

06-22-2022, 06:42 PM
If you have an old cell phone and WI-FI nearby you can use that as a camera. Free app called Alfred works well. I taped one to my window after my Trump yard signs were disappearing. Also did not trust my contractor's helper and put two cell phones in my reloading room when I could not be home.

06-22-2022, 08:51 PM
2 farm pickups have wifi through AT&T, normally parked in barn. Is it posable to keep the wifi on with the key removed. If the wifi is on can I use the cameras like people use in their house to catch the babysitter doing something. The law around me is real good. Had an aircompresser taken and a deputy sheriff watched several prawn shops and when it showed up they caught the guy and he is doing 5 years now. He got probation and took another air compressor, breaking his probation twice and away he went.

06-22-2022, 09:10 PM
Another vote for Wyze. They have several models to choose from.

06-22-2022, 09:14 PM
Another vote for Wyze. They have several models to choose from.

Cameras won't do it.
Bait and switch is the best bet.

06-22-2022, 09:31 PM
Or set out some 1/2 full old gas or diesel plastic jugs and see who stalls out close to your location.

06-22-2022, 09:39 PM
I have heard that chewing tobacco is a good gas additive for the bait and switch.
They say that sugar doesn't mix as well.

06-23-2022, 07:40 AM
I think I'd set up freebie can filled with about half e85 and water. Camera is gonna only allow you to identify, and maybe determine if it a neighbor or someone you know. Sorry no one in law enforcement will care a fig about less than a $1000 loss, and even then it won't be investigated. I had a brand new mower stolen a decade ago and it was, oh well as far as the sheriff was concerned.

Also, if you are less than half a mile from the shop, I'd add an alarm. I have two of these on my 400 ft drive. Each has different melody and 150 ft apart, as I have wildlife set them off once in a while. HTZSAFE on Amazon. I've used for 5 years, one failed early and they replace under warranty. Solar power works fine. Easy to set up, just break the beam and it turns on the receiver in your house. Or get one with alarm at the shop. Capturing photo is waste of time.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

06-23-2022, 07:49 AM
If you go to the courthouse, you loose. A bottle of sugar pop in a can of gas or diesel will teach 'em not to suck eggs.

06-23-2022, 08:09 AM
If you go to the courthouse, you loose. A bottle of sugar pop in a can of gas or diesel will teach 'em not to suck eggs.

Or get you vandalized. Either way you take your chances. If you have a good quality video to give the sheriff it sure couldn't hurt. If someone is stealing from you they are probably stealing from others as well. The more evidence the better.

Half Dog
06-23-2022, 08:27 AM
A friend owns an electrical company that got broken into. Unless it is a closeup and good quality headshot of the thief it won’t help. The police weren’t interested in getting a copy of his security footage. I would suggest using your money to devise a different plan.

06-23-2022, 01:21 PM
Adam20 has a good idea there. I know nothing about tech stuff. Sometimes, hammers seem to be advanced tech for me. If Adam20's idea is plausible, I'd put them in very well hidden locations and then put out the cheapest trail cam obtainable. Let them think they have defeated a simple device and they will never look for the real deal.

Hmmm see if you know anyone with a bad trail cam. Put a small tank of dye and a mini pump inside the gutted camera under the cover they have to open to get at the memory card/batteries... blaze pink should mark them for the community! Open door triggers switch and SPRAYED, add a little skunk pee to make them easier to detect via smell. Have a safety switch that is reachable thru a hole in the back... little bit of work but something you can keep around forever. Just remember to disable it before working on it!

06-23-2022, 01:33 PM
A 4 camera wireless system that store at your location(no cloud required). Something like this does very well even at night but the cameras DO give off a glow for the night vision. I didn't search for one that doesn't. 1080P or better video so crystal clear...

https://www.amazon.com/Monitor-Wireless-Security-10-1LCD-Waterproof/dp/B07H4RYSQS/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3EHQOCCLN3U08&keywords=4%2Bcamera%2Bwireless%2Bsecurity%2Bcamera %2Bsystem%2Bwith%2Bmonitor&qid=1656005148&sprefix=4%2Bcamera%2Bworeless%2Bsecurity%2Bcamera% 2Bsystem%2Bwith%2Bmonitor%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-5&th=1

06-23-2022, 01:45 PM
A friend owns an electrical company that got broken into. Unless it is a closeup and good quality headshot of the thief it won’t help. The police weren’t interested in getting a copy of his security footage. I would suggest using your money to devise a different plan.

that's unacceptable in my book. if the police are not interested in doing the job to best of ability why are they there. they need to find some other line of work. I know where I live we only have county sheriff and state police and if something gets reported to them they take every call seriously and do the best they can each and every day at least that's the way I see it.

Land Owner
06-24-2022, 06:55 AM
What we EXPECT of the sheriff's department and what we GET are two different things. If I do the work and make the DA's case, I might get a favorable response. If THEY have to do work to gather evidence, surveille pawn shops, interpret photographs, follow leads, etc., to make "another 'iffy' case" for the DA, the victim's report is probably going straight into the sheriff's statistical crime file, and nothing further will be accomplished.

Only dumb luck, a cold stolen gun pawned, and one Detective's five year-old file led to the capture and prosecution of a Thief and RETURN of a firearm! Farm equipment, including fuel, isn't "sexy enough" for them to pursue.

Flash - Bang trip alarms might be useful (if you are near them, they are near you) - See Taofledermaus and Fith Ops 12 ga. and primer version videos.

06-29-2022, 11:25 PM
It turns out it was two teens, they hit a neighbor who had a shotgun and a motion alarm that sounded in the bed room. A round close to them and one crapped his paints and both stopped. They won't be prosecuted as both are pleading guilty to a dozen B&E's, they go before a judge in about 6 months. Each out on bond, $5000.00.

07-01-2022, 05:20 AM
An acquaintance had a block of rough country in an area known for light fingers, and he was losing sheep. In days past, trap guns (trip wires attached to triggers - not clay target guns) were popular for killing wild dogs. By the time of our story, trap guns were of course highly illegal, but the folk memory of them remained. Our aggrieved stock owner responded to his losses by running for some months a weekly advertisement in the local newspaper "wanted to buy - single barrel shotguns, any condition".

My own organisation was running a grazing trial with sheep, unfortunately rather close to town. The locals were periodically butchering our sheep, which was not good for the integrity of the research data. It happened that a new project was kicking off, not in the paddocks, but in the Animal House. The project involved the use of radioactive isotopes to track phosphorus metabolism in sheep. Signs with the radioactive symbol had to be erected all around the shed. Some spare signs found their way out to the paddocks as well. End of problem.