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01-25-2009, 07:16 PM
I finally was able to get outside today to smelt some lead for my bullets. I wanted to work it up first before I actually start pouring bullets. My lead is from a shooting range so it is full of bullet jackets and paper pieces.

Well, my little portable gas grille was not the best heat source. Since it was only 17 degrees outside today I had a hard time keeping the metal hot. It was slow to heating it up and I had to use a small propane torch to help keep the pot hot. I am using some old cast iron pots to melt it in. I am going to hunt around for an old turkey/fish cooker for this. I swiped one of my wife's muffin pans to make my ingots. She has three of them so she won't miss one LOL.

I guess I am now hooked on another hobby! I spend many hours out in my garage loading ammo so this will just add to my projects.

01-25-2009, 08:18 PM
Great job, aint it fun even if you freeze your a@# off.

01-26-2009, 01:42 AM
hey 26,

You're gonna be suprised at how fast those muffins disappear when you start casting!! :drinks:


01-26-2009, 02:01 AM
hey 26,

You're gonna be suprised at how fast those muffins disappear when you start casting!! :drinks:


Thats no joke! Last time I tested myself in the cold to do some casting, I think I used about 12-14 muffins!!! Which is a lot for me, because I use the small LEE pot, and ladle pour. And I was casting 124g 9mm at that! Now that was a productive day. I ended up with about 700 that I boxed up for later loading and consumption. Now I can load up a hundred rounds for everytime I go to the range. To feed my PC9 carbine.

That is when I get a new seater for my RCBS dies. Only have the one for FPs at the moment. Didn't come with the RN.

Yeah, I envy your muffins. Your stash in the pic is about twice of what I have on hand ATM. Lead is scarce in my neck of the woods. Gotta do some evil-bay'n

01-26-2009, 12:12 PM
I swiped one of my wife's muffin pans to make my ingots. She has three of them so she won't miss one LOL.
I find that hard to believe...

My wife probably has more pots-n-pans than I have fence staples, and some of them don't get used often. But, if I took one...it might be six months before she looked for it, but...she would be asking me if I knew what happened to it.

A wife may not be able to remember the difference between a swather and a baler, but (in my experience) she damn sure remembers how many 'whatevers' she owns.

You'll probably learn the real story someday when you say, "Hey, Snookums, how come you never make muffins any more?"

She'll say, "Because all of my recipes make three pans of muffins, and I only have two now...Boolit Master!"

01-26-2009, 05:29 PM
Luckily I do most of the cooking at our house too, so my wife doesn't notice the missing pan.

Scarce isn't a problem I have right now. I have about 400 mini-muffins (12 oz average weight) on my bench right now. But they do seem to go when I get out there and start casting.

01-26-2009, 07:00 PM
Welcome aboard, now your hooked LOL

FN in MT
01-26-2009, 07:18 PM
Personally I enjoy taking a pile of dirty WW's and turning it into uniform ingots that I stack on a small pallet. Great excuse to have a BIG cigar too. Not to often I have the time to sit outside with a Churchill size or larger.

FN in MT