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jim 44-40
06-14-2022, 12:02 PM
I have been to every state except Louisiana,Rhode Island,Maine
Overseas was in Germany and Holland
In Canada been to Nova Scotia,Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Yukon Territory.
Born in Lawton, Oklahoma
Go Army

06-14-2022, 03:00 PM
The only foreign countries I have visited are Canada and California.

06-14-2022, 03:02 PM
Been to 19 states, Puerto Rico, China (4x), Austria, and Switzerland.

I'd like to see all the states eventually...We'll see.

06-14-2022, 03:08 PM
47 states an Ontario

06-14-2022, 03:10 PM
Hmmm..Qatar, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Dubai, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Bosnia, Mexico, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, Hungary, Guam, Waikiki...I am probably forgetting some..

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06-14-2022, 03:23 PM
Been to every east coast state, Texas, California and Canada, but Alaska is hands down my favorite.

06-14-2022, 03:34 PM
From my 1985 and 1986 summer vacations :)


06-14-2022, 04:38 PM
Mostly courtesy of military and commercial flying:

Every state except Montana and the Dakotas. All the southern tier Canadian provinces.


Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cayman Islands, Bermuda

Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama


UK, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands

Japan, South Korea, Guam, Saipan, Papua New Guinea


06-14-2022, 04:58 PM
All states except Alaska and Michigan (some just passing thru), little bit of Canada, and when I was little (6 or so)England, West Germany , Spain and France. Would like to go to Ireland, Scotland, back to England, Germany and France and the Scandinavian countries. Would like to see the Aurora Borealis in Alaska someday.

06-14-2022, 05:09 PM
40 of the 50 + these

06-14-2022, 05:46 PM
Let’s see, for the continental US my basic rule of thumb is that I had to have spent the night and airport layovers and drive through don’t count. So that just leaves Idaho, Montana and oddly enough New Mexico. Yep got Alaska and Hawaii checked off.

Outside the US: Canada, Germany, Mexico (if Tijuana counts) Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Mainland Japan, Okinawa, Hong Kong, Philippines

Shanghai Jack
06-14-2022, 05:57 PM
Okay - I'll throw in a wierd one - anyone else been to Iwo Jima?

06-14-2022, 06:04 PM
Just the East and West coasts with Ohio and Minnesota thrown in. Did some travel in Canada, beautiful country. Was in Japan for business. Fly in, trouble shoot a manufacturing problem for KHI, fly out. Not much sightseeing. I saw Japanese airports, Japanese trains and Japanese factories. The last night in Tokyo I stayed in a hotel with a traditional garden. It was gorgeous and relaxing after a truly hectic few days. I spent several hours strolling the grounds and drinking it in.

06-14-2022, 06:19 PM
Let's see England, France, Sweden, Canada,Spain, Morocco, Yugoslavia, Italy Egypt [been to the pyramids], Scotland, Sicily, Germany, Mexico, Algeria and 41 of the 50 states.

Might have forgotten a couple. Most courtesy of Uncle Sam.


06-14-2022, 06:28 PM
Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Mexico per Sam. Japan, Korea and Germany per work. Most of Canada east of Detroit. Can't think of a state other than Alaska & Hawaii I haven't at least driven through. Really don't care to go anywhere anymore. Well, maybe Ireland but that isn't going to happen.

06-14-2022, 06:35 PM
We are trying to visit all 50 states before the oldest graduates, he’s a senior this upcoming year.

We’re in Ohio and going on a trip this year to Maine and back. After that all we have is Alaska, Washington and Oregon left.

With that said been to Hawaii twice, Niagara Falls, Canada and Cancun, Mexico.

06-14-2022, 06:38 PM
Every state west of the Missouri river plus:
All canada providences
Viet Nam

Like some others Surely I have missed a few..Uncle sam took me lots of places so has work and fishing trips..

Half Dog
06-14-2022, 07:04 PM
Okay - I'll throw in a wierd one - anyone else been to Iwo Jima?

I was born a little late for this one but still willing and able.

Know anybody who can help?

Larry Gibson
06-14-2022, 07:05 PM
I been to 3 county fairs, 2 hay rides and a hog killin'........

06-14-2022, 07:26 PM
Alaska, Wash, Ore, Ida, Mt, Wyoming, Calif, Nev, Arizona, Ill, Utah, Mexico, Canada (YT, BC, Alberta) and Tahiti ( Bora Bora, Riatia, Tahaa ). Drove to all except Tahiti and Ill. Been to several county fairs a rattle snake hunt and a hog killin' but never been on a hay ride.

06-14-2022, 07:28 PM
I been to 3 county fairs, 2 hay rides and a hog killin'........

What about them goats in the marketplace?

06-14-2022, 07:28 PM
As some above mentioned, these are visits, not just drive-through or layovers

Born in Cuba; So, I'll start with my adopted home state - Florida
GA, SC, NC, KY, VA, DC, MA, NH, AR, TN, PA, OH, LA, TX, NM, IL, CA, NM, NV, MN, UT and PR

Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Colombia, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Bahamas, Aruba, Jamaica, Italy, Quatar, Iraq, and Kyrgyzstan

Driving in the US - drove round trips from Miami to Boston, Miami to TN, Miami to IL, Miami to PA, Boston to NH, IL to OH, Miami to TX, several Miami to NC trips and NC to Miami

Bucket list items - all 50 states, and the bigger US National Parks, and museums. Overseas - Chile, Argentina, Panama Canal, Italian and Greek isles, Europe river cruise, and other European destinations

06-14-2022, 08:14 PM
43 states

1. Iceland
2. England
3. Wales
4. Scotland
5. Ireland
6. Portugal
7. Spain
8. Netherlands
9. Denmark
10. Norway
11. Sweden
12. Latvia
13. Finland
14. Russa
15. Australia
16. Fiji
17. New Zealand
18. Cuba
19. Jamaica
20. Dominican Republic
21. Turks & Caicos
22. Canada

06-14-2022, 08:18 PM
I've been to the top of the Eiffel Tower. walked on the Great Wall of China, and eaten kangaroo in Australia.

06-14-2022, 08:20 PM
Raised in AZ on the Navajo Reservation.
Lived in California, Missouri and New Mexico
Visited for extended stays in Idaho, UT, CO, NV, TX, OK, LA, FL, MS, AL, IL, WY, MT, KS, TN, HI, Tijuana, Mazatlan.

No biggie. I suppose a good road trip would get me the rest of the states and Canada. I would like to visit Machu Picchu some time. Who knows?!


John Guedry
06-15-2022, 09:17 AM
You need to tell the "powers that be" to send you to "beautiful" Fort Polk. Then you can scratch that off your list.

06-15-2022, 09:25 AM
Been to a bunch of those listed above and many are on my to do list. But the most out of the way place, at least for me, was Easter Island.

Noah Zark
06-15-2022, 09:40 AM
US States: PA, NY, CT, MA, RI, VT, NH, ME, DE, NJ, MD, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, LA, TX, OK, TN, KY, WV, OH, IN, MI, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY, CO, NE, IA, MO, KS, NM, AZ, NV, UT, CA, OR, WA

Countries: Bermuda, Canada, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Vatican City, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England


ETA: Vatican City; it's a country.

06-15-2022, 10:04 AM
The only foreign countries I have visited are Canada and California.

Me too.

06-15-2022, 11:35 AM
Overseas: Canada (BC, Alberta, Ontario), Mexico, Japan (mainland and Okinawa), Korea (both, technically), Thailand, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain.

USA: Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Cali, Nevada, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Mass, and Connecticut. That only leaves Hawaii, Oregon, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont, as far as the USA.

06-15-2022, 12:07 PM
Bourbon Street , New Orleans , Louisiana ... during Mardi-Gras

That's a whole different world Cher !
Can you say " Throw Me Something Mister " ?

06-15-2022, 02:08 PM
46 of 50 states; managed to avoid Delaware, Rhode Island, and New Jersey and, somehow, never managed a landing in Oregon. Outside US: Viet Nam, Laos, Malaysia, Phillipines, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.


06-15-2022, 08:24 PM
I can see California from my house. Does that count?

06-15-2022, 08:28 PM
47 US states, Mexico, and Canada. Never made it to Washington, Oregon, or Hawaii.

Gator 45/70
06-15-2022, 10:17 PM
Bourbon Street , New Orleans , Louisiana ... during Mardi-Gras

That's a whole different world Cher !
Can you say " Throw Me Something Mister " ?

Funny, When I was there it was something about a show me something? I couldn't quite understand what the yelling was about or bead throwing?

06-16-2022, 03:31 AM
That’s the same as asking me to name all my old girlfriends. I could come up with most of them, but I’m sure some would be forgotten.

06-16-2022, 04:22 AM
US states I've lived in? Idaho, Washington, Iowa, California, Tennessee, Arizona, and Hawaii. US states I've visited? The before mentioned plus MT, ND, SD, UT, NV, NE, MN, MO, OK, KS, CO, NM, TX, OR, FL, and GA.

Countries include Mexico, Kuwait, UAE, Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and Canada.

Of all the places I've lived and visited, I still come back home to the Northwest. But, Arizona still calls my name. Wonderful variety of ecosystems and terrain with mostly conservative values.

Land Owner
06-16-2022, 04:54 AM
Islands including: Howland and Baker; Little Diomede; Kodiak; Nunivak; Adak; Pearl Harbor; Ascension; McMurdo; Andros; Curacao

Mainlands including: Prudhoe Bay; Melbourne, Australia; Wellington, New Zealand ; N. America (excluding Canada); Europe; Chile; Argentina; Baha

06-16-2022, 01:31 PM
Lower 48, AK, MX, Canada... but I come back to northern MN as my favorite place to visit. When I was young and in good shape I would do a 2 week solo canoe trip in the Boundary Waters. Carried minimal food in with me and ate off the land as I went. It was easy to catch fish and I brought in cooking oil, bit f flour, and S&P for fried fish at night. Breakfast was panfish in foil packets that cooked int he coals f the previous nights fire. Let it cook as I broke camp for he next leg of the trip. I tool routes that were rarely traveled and often went 2 weeks without seeing another human! Those routes had challenging portages to get around the rapids between lakes!

MT Gianni
06-16-2022, 02:26 PM
From Illinois west and south to Kentucky, then east to Georgia. I have never visited the North East except to fly out of. Germany, Albania, Greece, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Falkland Islands.
As far as preference, there is no better week than hunting or fishing and not seeing anyone outside of your party. Even better if you can stand 3 of 4 days by yourself.

06-16-2022, 03:08 PM
Where I have not been:

North Dakota
New Hampshire
Rhode Island

Where I have lived:

Kansas (born at Smoky Hill AFB hospital)
Ohio (3 times)
Michigan (twice UP & St Clair)
South Carolina
Washington (twice before permanent)
New Jersey

Where I was stationed/assigned or TDY 30days or more:

Lackland AFB TX (San Antonio)
Keesler AFB MS (Biloxi)
Malmstrom AFB MT (Great Falls)
Tinker AFB OK (OK City)
Yokota AB Japan (outskirts of Tokyo)
Anderson AFB, Guam (6mos TDY)
McGuire AFB NJ (Wrightstown NJ)
Tonopah Test Range NV (resided in Las Vegas)
Fairchild AFB WA (Spokane)
Galena Airport, AK (1yr CONUS isolated)
Wright-Patterson AFB OH (Dayton)

Foreign countries - Japan & Canada

06-16-2022, 10:52 PM
I've been south to San Antonio Tx and Bia San Quentin Baja (sounds more like canteen that the Cali prison) north to some little town on I-5 east of Vancouver and north of Seattle and Calgary AB .

Baja Mexico
Alberta Canada
Washington State
California , my birth was registered in Bakersfield .
New Mexico
Kansas those 8 months were the longest 5 yr of my life .
Wyoming , Buford is a stupid place to leave a car .
Illinois , my daughter graduated from Great Lakes .
Indiana , Bloomfield , home of the Handyman Jack .

I did it all on my dime with as many as 4 kids in tow except for Calgary AB . I did drink a Labetts in the bar from Cool Runnings . I got to crawl around in the Lancaster Bomber in Nanton before it was much more than a plane in a barn .

I grew up about 35 miles from the ejection seat canopy failure scene site in the first Top Gun movie and about 75 miles from the long time home of the actual Bonnie and Clyde car as well as the one time huge Harrah's automobile collection .

I once dreamed of standing in the shadow of the Victors Arch in Rome and Paris but having been to London Bridge cured that need . For those that don't know the Lake Havasu land mark is the actual falling down bridge where Wm Wallace had his head hung after that whole whooping he laid down on Edward the First's Army .
I've been to the Roadkill Cafe and stood on that corner in Winslow Az .

Albuquerque is as weird as it's spelling , Tucumcari and Xuzax are different but seem pretty friendly .

I liked Groom Tx until I realized what it looked like I was seeing nice people but definitely a "the intrastate is over there" kind of vibe . Nice cross though .
If you are artsy I would recommend you see the Cadillac Ranch soon because it will probably be crumbling under the weight of the paint in another 5-10 yr .

Bonneville looks different than you would expect . Canyon Lands and Arches national parks still shine . SLC is just another city .

Minden Nebraska has a pretty cool walk through park/museum thing .

There's a lot of cool wild west stuff all along US 54 from Tucumcari up across Oklahoma to Salina and Liberal Ks . The state fair is pretty good too .

I live about 40 miles from Mansfield AR now . It boasts a pretty big saw mill and a Guinness book and Ripley's cemetery/grave yard . It's not however famous for being the resting place of the actor Arthur Hunicutt , it's because it has US 71 running through the middle of it and it's the only one of it's kind .

Baja was Amazing 30 yr I don't think I'd go back now . Turns out where we often fished just off the bay is a seal island ........every yr it sees an influx just in time for the pupping season of great whites , as many as 30 known and identified regulars of 16-18' and a bunch of little ones just 12-14' ..........I didn't know that but I had a moment when I learned that I felt pretty small and helpless in that 16' Glasspar . It was a pretty awesome day fishing with my Dad , Grandfather , and 2 sons .

06-16-2022, 11:30 PM
I've been to Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota
Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota
Wichita, Tulsa, Ottawa, Oklahoma
Tampa, Panama, Mattawa, La Paloma
Bangor, Baltimore, Salvador, Amarillo
Tocapillo, Baranquilla, and Perdilla, I'm a killer

I've been to Boston, Charleston, Dayton, Louisiana
Washington, Houston, Kingston, Texarkana
Monterey, Faraday, Santa Fe, Tallapoosa
Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa
Tennessee to Tennesse Chicopee, Spirit Lake
Grand Lake, Devils Lake, Crater Lake, for Pete's sake

I've been to Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, Ombabika
Schefferville, Jacksonville, Waterville, Costa Rica
Pittsfield, Springfield, Bakersfield, Shreveport
Hackensack, Cadillac, Fond du Lac, Davenport
Idaho, Jellico, Argentina, Diamantina,
Pasadena, Catalina, see what I mean

I've been to Pittsburgh, Parkersburg, Gravelburg, Colorado
Ellensburg, Rexburg, Vicksburg, El Dorado
Larimore, Atmore, Haverstraw, Chatanika
Chaska, Nebraska, Alaska, Opelika
Baraboo, Waterloo, Kalamazoo, Kansas City
Sioux City, Cedar City, Dodge City, what a pity

I've been everywhere

06-17-2022, 05:47 PM
I've been to the top of the Eiffel Tower. walked on the Great Wall of China, and eaten kangaroo in Australia.

I've been to the Eiffel Tower in Paris Texas! When in France skipped Paris and went to Normandy!

06-18-2022, 07:40 AM
Pa let me go to town once . . . .

06-18-2022, 08:22 AM
Been to a bunch of places, but one that I have been to that I have not seen listed yet is Fanning Island. Part of the line Islands in the central Pacific.

06-18-2022, 04:19 PM
I been to see the Elephant.

Shanghai Jack
06-18-2022, 05:44 PM
I been to 3 county fairs, 2 hay rides and a hog killin'........

That wasn't exactly the way my drill instructor put it but . . .