View Full Version : Fox Squirre VS a grown Deer

06-07-2022, 03:48 PM
Yesterday, looked out in the back, about 100 yards, and one of the fox squirrels had climbed up on top of the duck’s, cracked corn bowl. Laid claim to it, as squirrels are prone to do, they figure any food source is theirs. So along comes a big doe, she proceeds to butt the squirrel flying. The fight was on, fox squirrel was too fast for her, ran between her feet and then when she started dancing around, jumped on her face when she went to butt him again, and then he grabbed her face with all four paws. She beat him off on a tree and ran off.

The fox squirrels are formidable little buggers, take on a goose or muscovy duck in a second. Never figured on one taking on an adult deer.

Wish I had a video of that fight, it was too far away and no preparation for that duel.

06-08-2022, 10:15 AM
Funny stuff for sure. Critters can get defensive over food or babies!

06-08-2022, 12:08 PM
When I was about 12 , Our little dog chased a fox squirrel into our old garage ... it climbed around on the open stud walls while the little dog went beserk ... jumping and yapping while the squirrel looked on in amusement ... my little brother came and got me ...he and his little friends didn't know what to do ... So the squirrel is hanging on the wall about shoulder high looking at us and then the dog ...
So I says I'm going to Catch Him ... with my bare hands ... when I grabbed for him ...he jumped right at my face !!!! I ducked my head down and the thing jumped and ran down my shirt and did two laps around my midsection and back before I could get my shirt tail outta my pants ...
Lordy I didn't want that thing going down my pants .
When I got home I was all scratched up ... front and back ...bleeding like a stuck pig from all those scratches .
Mom said I looked like I had been in a Cat Fight . When I told her the story ...she laughed untill she cried ... it wasn't funny at the time !
So if you want to catch a squirrel ...do not do it my way !
Them danged fox squirrels is mean !

06-10-2022, 05:12 PM
A live squirrel will bite the sxxt out of you if you grab him and he won't let go! Don't ask me how I know. Lets just say it's one of life's little lessons I learned as a teenager.

06-10-2022, 06:11 PM
Forty plus years ago when I had just started hunting, my dad told of a time when he was a kid and one of his cousins had a squirrel come to life in his hunting coat. To hear him tell it, it was an exciting few minutes.

A few years later, I shot a fox squirrel out of a big sycamore tree with a 20 gauge. When my dog grabbed it, it turned around and bit Molly on her nose. Drew blood and I do believe it ticked her off a bit. She ensured it was thoroughly dead (as only a German Shepard/Collie cross can do) before she gave it to me.

And yet house cats kill them semi-regularly.


06-10-2022, 07:01 PM
There is a video on YouTube where some kids set a clay pigeon thrower up on their deck over a small pond. They put some peanuts in a bowl on the thrower arm and let the squirrels get use to it for a few days. Then they set at a window in the house and run a string to the release. When a squirrel hops up in the bowl for a peanut they launch way out in the pond. The squirrel will splash down and swim right back to the deck for a peanut like nothing ever happened. I LMAO every time I run across the video.

John Guedry
06-11-2022, 09:36 AM
My older daughter had a dauxhound (?) that would on occasion run down and kill squirrels.

06-11-2022, 11:16 AM
dauxhound They are ratters.

06-11-2022, 05:26 PM
Dachshunds were originally bred in Germany for hunting badgers. Supposedly they were sent down holes to drag the badgers to the surface.

Seems like an awful big task for such a small dog, but they are fearless. Also make a pretty good rabbit dog.


06-11-2022, 08:34 PM
Those dachshunds were the " standard " size about 18-20 lbs, not the miniature that a lot of us are used to. They are still small for a fight with a badger. On second thought, I'm small for a fight with a badger without a weapon except my teeth!

06-11-2022, 10:47 PM
Our Boy Scout troop had an arrangement with a local farmer that would let us camp on his wood lot. There was a decrepit cabin in the lot and he allowed us to repair it and bring in a wood stove which made winter camping a lot more fun. The older boys pulled scrap plywood and curbside carpet up into the rafters and they would sleep up there.

Well, one weekend we showed up and we’re putting our gear in the cabin when the guys found a nest of flying squirrels under the carpet in the loft. They scattered of course, but one was captured by a nimble young man wearing heavy winter gloves to protect from tooth and claw. The boys carried the prize out behind the cabin where we all gathered in a circle and the squirrel was set free in the center. Magnificent creature. Beautiful red fur.

And fast. In the blink of an eye it had run straight up my brothers pant leg. To this day a smile comes to my face remembering the screams and dancing. It only took seconds to get the pants down, but his leg was pretty clawed up. Fortunately it stayed out of his shorts. [smilie=l:

06-12-2022, 08:44 PM
And that gentlemen, is why you wear tighty whiteys instead of boxers ����!