View Full Version : Bullseye Powder Can Be Chunky!

Super Sneaky Steve
05-29-2022, 10:24 PM
I'm not sure if this is always true, but for me Bullseye powder, for whatever reason, can have some flakes stuck together in chunks.

When I'm using my Hornady bench powder measure it's usually not a problem. I can feel the mechanism cut through the chucks sometimes, but the cylinder where the powder falls into is large. Adjustments only make it more or less shallow.

Today on the press I was using a Lee Autodisk while loading 380 automatic. The disk I was using was only .34 cc which is a small hole.

When I use a progressive press I'm always very slow and attentive. Luckily I found a case that looked low to me. I measured it on my scale and it was only 0.8gr of powder. Not sure if that would squib or not, but it should have been 3.2gr.

I never found the chunk, but it's the only reasonable explanation. Does anyone else find this powder to be chunky and is there a method of sifting it to solve this problem?

05-29-2022, 10:30 PM
Can’t say I’ve ever had that issue before and I go through a lot of Bullseye.

05-29-2022, 10:48 PM
I have this problem too and so the metered powder varies. AA2 flows better

05-29-2022, 11:22 PM
My first thought was that the powder had somehow become moist. I live in a dry climate, have used Bullseye for 50 years, and never seen what you describe.

05-30-2022, 12:20 AM
That could be. I traded powder for my Bullseye. Otherwise, I live in CA and I keep my powder in a closet

05-30-2022, 08:26 AM
Never had the problem with Bullseye powder.

05-30-2022, 11:10 AM
It does sound as if it’s become moist. I’d pour it out on a poster board and let dry.

05-30-2022, 11:30 AM
I think I know what you are talking about in the Hornady powder measure. Powder is not actually chunky but fills like it is when moving the rotor to charge cartridges. Mine will do that, I think what happens is some flakes do not shear and run parallel (flake thickness wise) and smears between the rotor and the cast housing causing a binding chunky action. In Pacific / Hornady shot shell loaders static charges in the plastic hopper tubes can become an issue. The old remedy was to rub tube with dryer sheets to release the powder flakes from the plastic tubes.

05-30-2022, 08:38 PM
I can't say I've ever had that issue with BE either. My first thought would be moisture as well. I use BE and RD mostly. I keep a 1 lb. contained for my bench and refill from a * lb. jug as needed. I used to shoot mostly BP - GOEX - and I always gently shook the container as I have seen sticky grains in that - especially with Michigan humidity from filling horns/flasks for shooting/hunting then putting back into can.

I just got into the habit of gently shaking and moving the powder in the 1 lb. containers of BE, RD, etc. I mainly use a couple of vintage Lyman 55s for metering and it seems to handle the BE fine and throw acceptable BE charges. Wonder if it is a "batch" or "lot" thing?

05-30-2022, 10:29 PM
I've been a Bullseye fan all my life, but I've pretty much changed over to HP38 because it seems to have a slicker grain that goes through my measure better, especially with tiny loads like one or two grains. Seems like maybe graphite in the mix. I'll continue to use Bullseye for certain loads, but been doing my 380's with the HP38. jd

05-30-2022, 10:34 PM
I've not had that issue but only used about 8 lbs of bullseye.

05-30-2022, 11:04 PM
I had this same problem. I smelled the powder and it smelled bitter. I sprinkled it on the yard.

Super Sneaky Steve
05-31-2022, 07:54 PM

I screened it just to show you guys what I'm dealing with. It may be a batch issue but it's not anything I'm doing since all my powder is stored in the house.

05-31-2022, 09:26 PM
How old and what lot number? I use a couple of Hornady powder measures and lowest charge is 2.7 grains and is always spot on.

Super Sneaky Steve
06-01-2022, 04:11 PM
053Z053012 is the Lot on my 1lb can. It's pretty old. The 8 pound jug is older I think. The Hornady powder measure has a large nickel sized chamber so I wouldn't expect too much trouble there. In the past I've noticed much bigger chunks than what I found in the video.

06-01-2022, 07:09 PM
Over the past 40 yrs and I don't know how many 8 lb jugs of BE I have never seen anything like what you show in your video. Are those chunks made up of individual flakes of BE or something else?

06-01-2022, 07:10 PM
In 40 years of loading with Bullseye , in the humid South , I've never experienced "chunky" ... but with plants running full out and / or a change in production the "chunkies" might start showing up ...
Thanks for heads up !

One thing that flakey Bullseye will do is "bridge" ... especially in a small charge measure ... the large flakes make a little "dam" by bridging cross-wise and you get that 0.8 charge instead of the normal 3.2 charge . When dispensing Bullseye you need to tap or rap the measure on the fill stroke to make sure you don't get a bridge ... the tap breaks the dam .
Accurate Powders ... like Acc #2 , Acc #5 and Acc #7 are almost like tiny balls , not flaked , they flow like water and are easy to use with dippers also .
If you are having trouble dispensing Bullseye you might try Acc #2 ... but the truth is , for accuracy ...Nothing Beats Bullseye ... others come close and Acc #2 ain't Bad ...but I still love Bullseye best and will use a Lyman 55 or dipper to dole it out with .

ATTABOY on catching the 0.8 low charges ... You did great ! Plus you caught it on a progressive ...
2X - Attaboy's !!!
Eyeballing charges before seating boolits is insurance that you can't afford not to use !
I learned the hard way years ago , stuck boolit in barrel but just once ... have become both anal and OCD about powder charging ...it's Okay to do that !

Keep On Keeping On ... Gary:drinks:

06-01-2022, 08:20 PM
I just watched your video of the screenings ... that chunkey BE ain't right .
I take it this is not new powder ... I've got some 1970's BE and I just checked it , smells good , no red dust and no "chunks" .
But those chunks you screened are messing up your measure .
If the powder smelled pleasant and has no red dust , I would sift it all and de-chunk it ...
I'm not about to toss perfectly good powder out ...of course I am a card carrying Tightwad Pack Rat.

06-02-2022, 10:59 AM
Bullseye is a very fine small diameter flake powder. “Large” diameter it ain’t. Especially compared to 700X, Red Dot, Unique, Clays etc.

In fact it is one of the smallest diameter and granule size flake powders available. Just setting the record straight. I have never had a problem bridging it in a measure. The other powders, yes, if the cavity diameter is small enough as in the smaller Lee Pro Auto Disk sizes.

If your Bullseye is clumping something is wrong with it.

Super Sneaky Steve
06-02-2022, 05:20 PM
The chunks are flakes that are attached in some way. They can be easily broken up if found but they are firm enough to to break up on their own flowing through a measure.

I'm about to progressively load about 5K .38 special rounds. With a small charge of bullseye in a deep dark case it's really hard to eyeball the charge. After screening I'm more confident that I won't have any trouble. No other powder gives me this problem.

Bridging is a real thing I've experienced using a large extruded rifle powder through a smaller dispensing tip but I don't think that's happening here.

06-02-2022, 06:00 PM
60 years with Bullseye and never had this problem. My guess is the OP is leaving the powder in the measure and it is picking up moisture. I have never left powder in a measure overnight.

Super Sneaky Steve
06-02-2022, 10:59 PM
I've never left it in the powder measure. I consider that unsafe practice. It goes back in the bottle after each loading session.

06-03-2022, 01:03 PM
Do you have a camera capable of taking a closeup of a couple of your chunks showing the actual grains of powder?

06-03-2022, 01:34 PM
Do you have a camera capable of taking a closeup of a couple of your chunks showing the actual grains of powder?

In post #13 I watched the video and then enlarged it as much as I could on my desk top computer
and you can get a pretty good look at the chunks ... they are not regular at all but...
Irregular Chunks . Strange condition !

06-03-2022, 01:43 PM
I have gone through about 17 pounds of Bullseye since I started loading without a problem. My right arm is larger than my left. I do clean my powder bar ever so often. Maybe put the powder in your tumbler in a plastic zip bag?

Super Sneaky Steve
06-03-2022, 01:44 PM
The good part of the powder was small flakes as it should be. The clumps you could tell were still flakes but somehow squished and bound together. As of right now they are all broke up by me forcing them through the small screen so unfortunately I can't take any more pictures of them.