View Full Version : Bean time

05-27-2022, 11:30 AM
Putting up first picking of (rattlesnake) pole beans. So far 10 Qts. Processing this morning. Shooting for at least 52 Qts. Anything extra go to neighbors and friends.

Already gave away about 100 # new potatoes extra and storing about that many in cold storage and in hay barn with lime and hay covering.

Waiting on tomatoes and okra, tomatoes soon okra later in summer if we get more rain. Peas off to a good start with keeping deer out, 3 strand electric fence and panel fence kept them out last year along with some lead deposits.

How’s everybody’s garden doing?

05-27-2022, 11:41 AM
my beans are just now popping out of ground. had to spray for aphids today, they are spraying the neighbouring hay fields for them and chasing them all to me.

05-27-2022, 12:06 PM
heck, I'm not even going to plant beans until after this weekend.

MT Gianni
05-27-2022, 02:41 PM
Beerd, the only thing I put in the ground before Memorial day is potatoes.

Wayne Smith
05-27-2022, 03:06 PM
Beans have flowers on them. Cucumber flowers and two started, tomato flowers, blueberries already beginning to pick the early ones. Already cut some thyme and used it, likewise rosemary, and have cut and dried bunches of oregano. Peppers have buds - and the Jerusalem artichokes are knee high.

05-27-2022, 03:56 PM
Only thing I'm growing this year is green chiles. Lot of Hatch and Mirasol - rain was too sparse to do much else.

05-27-2022, 07:01 PM
heck, I'm not even going to plant beans until after this weekend.

Beerd, the only thing I put in the ground before Memorial day is potatoes.

I gamble and tried planting carrots & beets about 10 days ago, might get lucky.

05-27-2022, 07:14 PM
Not much planting around here until Memorial Day weekend. Heck, we had snow here for Mother's day. Been so wet lately the garden is just mud. Just dried out a little last week and got to till our garden a few days ago.
Hope to get some planting done this weekend if the rain holds off.

05-28-2022, 07:35 AM
I just planted our beans last week.

05-28-2022, 09:15 AM
My strawberries are producing like crazy. Started with five plants last year and my berry patch now has around thirty. Made preserves last night. We've picked about 10 lbs already. My lettuce is doing nicely. We found six plants around the area where we were growing them in buckets last year. Seems when I was collecting seed or mother nature let some eyes out. Have about three dozen of them growing. PM
Peppers and some experimental corn from Costco fresh corn (delicious) actually sprouted so next year will be a go for really planting them. Tomatoes, potatoes, beans, etc will be planted this week. We are very small scale.

05-28-2022, 09:22 AM
My strawberries are producing like crazy. Started with five plants last year and my berry patch now has around thirty. Made preserves last night. We've picked about 10 lbs already. My lettuce is doing nicely. We found six plants around the area where we were growing them in buckets last year. Seems when I was collecting seed or mother nature let some eyes out. Have about three dozen of them growing. PM
Peppers and some experimental corn from Costco fresh corn (delicious) actually sprouted so next year will be a go for really planting them. Tomatoes, potatoes, beans, etc will be planted this week. We are very small scale.

Mr Wolf, I live in SW PA north of Pittsburgh, so I'm guessing our climate is similar to yours. I have thought about strawberries for a while, but never had luck growing them in the past. Do you have any tips on growing them? I am guessing that you have everbearing, rather than June bearing.


05-28-2022, 06:33 PM
Mr Wolf, I live in SW PA north of Pittsburgh, so I'm guessing our climate is similar to yours. I have thought about strawberries for a while, but never had luck growing them in the past. Do you have any tips on growing them? I am guessing that you have everbearing, rather than June bearing.


Honestly I have no clue what I am doing or what I have. Seriously. We went to the nursery so my gf could get tomatoes and they had a flat with the five Strawberry plants. Knew I wanted to make a "berry patch " at the corner where I have a 275 gal tote rain barrel. I had put a white lil picket type fence around it. Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are planted with the latter two being trained to cover the fence and rain barrel. For the strawberries, I just kept taking the runners and planting them in those small black pots, then replanting them. We just took another almost five pounds out tonight and my gf said there are still more ripening. I have no idea what I am doing gardening but am trying different things. Honestly, I am not much of a vegetable eater but trying to learn. I also planted two small cherry trees next to the existing apple trees. Fruits I like 8-)

I think about four or so years ago I did roto till that area and put down cow manure. Can't think of anything else.

05-30-2022, 06:16 PM
Thanks, I appreciate your honesty. I am much the same way; I never plant the same kind of tomatoes twice, because I just want to see what will happen.


06-05-2022, 12:34 PM
So, when we told a friend that we wanted to grow strawberries, she said she had a patch that she wanted to thin, and would give us some plants. We'll see how they do.


jim 44-40
06-05-2022, 12:47 PM
Hard to beat canned green beans from the garden.

06-05-2022, 12:59 PM
I gave up on gardening after a crop of beans. A few years ago I had a whole stand of purple hulls getting ready and I was watching carefully for just the right time to harvest. Turned out I wasn't the only one watching. Went out in the morning to pick and not a bean was left, deer had stripped them clean overnight!

06-05-2022, 11:08 PM
How does one from Mississippi not know that purple hulls are peas, not beans?

Wayne Smith
06-07-2022, 07:17 AM
Wayne, strawberries reproduce by runners. You will have plants that you plant and they will produce strawberries - and runners that start new plants. These plants will produce for several years, so do not remove the original plants. The runners will produce berries next year, or later this year for the everbearing type. And they will produce runners, and so on, as long as you want to increase your patch. At some point you will replace your original plants with runners, and you have come full circle.

06-07-2022, 07:53 AM
Wayne it looks like my strawberries have stopped producing like they were. The patch is about 5'x7' and we got almost 30 lbs from it over the last month or so. Curious if it will be done for the year. Good luck with yours.

06-07-2022, 08:38 PM
Picked a mess of bush beans yesterday for son’s family.

06-07-2022, 09:05 PM
My blackeyed peas were just beginning to bloom when the deer found them. Put up fencing and everything was going great just a little behind schedule. That is until I had to come out here to TX to take care of family. I just want some BEP's with snaps <sob> maybe next year.

Mmm tomatoes and okra over rice. Gotta do that too.

06-08-2022, 08:46 PM
I am glad for the block wall around the place, and chicken wire on the gates, there are dozens of rabbits here and the javalinas live on cactus, pigs in a garden would be bad. Some of the Villagers put out water for the critters, birdbaths, I hope they don't feed the javalinas. Youtube has a channel for javalina attacks in Green Valley.
I have some small melons starting and I have hopes the rest of the flowers set. Snow peas in March. Bush beans in April, still producing now in the third planting. Three zucchini vines are taking over the backyard so I pick zucs very small. I am picking summer squash but the flowers got eaten, likely by the quail family that ate my tomatoes last year. Wife planted marigolds and the quail ate them. I'll pick cukes next week. Gonna be 117F on Friday, I need to put the sunscreens up or have fried veggies.

06-09-2022, 09:22 PM
Purple hull peas now blooming, just finally got .7” rain yesterday. Been very hot and dry end of May and first of June. The deer have been watching the patch but have yet to cross the electric or jump the panel fence.

06-18-2022, 09:04 AM
Wayne, strawberries reproduce by runners. You will have plants that you plant and they will produce strawberries - and runners that start new plants. These plants will produce for several years, so do not remove the original plants. The runners will produce berries next year, or later this year for the everbearing type. And they will produce runners, and so on, as long as you want to increase your patch. At some point you will replace your original plants with runners, and you have come full circle.

I have a four by ten foot plot that I am hoping will become a permanent strawberry bed. Now I have to build another to put the tomatoes and beans in.


06-18-2022, 09:06 AM
Wayne it looks like my strawberries have stopped producing like they were. The patch is about 5'x7' and we got almost 30 lbs from it over the last month or so. Curious if it will be done for the year. Good luck with yours.

Thanks for the inspiration, Mr. Wolf. I didn't really expect much this year, but I'm hopeful that next year will have an abundant harvest. I plan to mulch heavily to get the plants through winter.
