View Full Version : Backwoodsman Magazine

Mr Peabody
05-24-2022, 08:33 AM
I've had a subscrition to this magazine for quite awhile. I sent my renewal monies in last week and the post office returned them. I get no answer's with the email, have they folded?

05-24-2022, 09:10 AM
I had a subscription,, then it lapsed. I finally got around to renewing,, using email. After several months of NO response,, I called. I then tried to mail in a renewal,, and the check was taken & cashed. But,, after several months,, no magazine. (I had specified which month to start with, due to newsstand purchases.) I called and was told; "We are shipping you a magazine right now. Current issue." Again a delay, followed by a newsstand purchase. Then,, FINALLY I got my following issue,, which was the May-June issue.
I think they are trying hard to keep going after Charlie passed away. Most likely they are struggling to figure everything out.

I'd call them & ask about WHY they aren't receiving mail.

05-24-2022, 09:24 AM
I just got my recent issue about 5 days ago…

MT Gianni
05-24-2022, 11:05 AM
The printed magazine has shown up regularly in my local store. I only get it occasionally as I think it has dropped a lot since Junior took over. I have no interest in watching youtube or seeing how it's done in the desert.

Mr Peabody
05-24-2022, 04:13 PM
Guess I'll call. I dislike phones

05-24-2022, 11:40 PM
Guess I'll call. I dislike phones

Don't have an issue with the phone, it's the people on the other end that bother me.

05-25-2022, 08:54 AM
I believe that both the husband and wife who founded the magazine passed. That may be part of it.

05-25-2022, 09:01 AM
Was a great read for many years. But like everything analog it is not too relevant in todays bias for digital information. Read hard copy is becoming a 'lost art'! I have many years of them and will pass them on to my son if he ever puts down his phone. Don't think he has ever read the books I've gifted to him!

05-25-2022, 12:49 PM
Both the founder and his wife passed within a short time of each other. Understandably, that situation sort of caused turmoil with the publication but things will likely settle down shortly. I buy the magazine in the local supermarket and in my opinion it is still an excellent value. There will likely be some changes due to "new" management but from my perspective that is OK.

05-25-2022, 12:59 PM
Believe it or not when the Backwoodsman first started up I wrote for it. After the original owner died the children sold the magazine and all the rites to it. It was a very informative magazine back then. Sorry you are having trouble getting the magazine.


05-25-2022, 01:28 PM
Believe it or not when the Backwoodsman first started up I wrote for it. After the original owner died the children sold the magazine and all the rites to it. It was a very informative magazine back then. Sorry you are having trouble getting the magazine.


?? The children sold the rights, and new management took over? Are you sure about this, or are you possibly thinking of a different magazine? The last several issues that I have received since Charlie Sr.'s passing have indicated that Charlie Jr. took it over. In my humble opinion, the magazine is still very good -- the last issue was particularly good.

Time will tell, but I have had an uninterrupted subscription since 2002 and have no plans to change that. Look forward to every issue.

Just my $.02 though.
