View Full Version : Need help with Greener Police MKIII shotgun safety please...

05-10-2022, 10:33 PM
So I bought a GP MKIII Police shotgun in original 2 3/4, 12 gauge. Nice shotgun overall. It levers open, loads and closes correctly. But here's the problem...when you raise the lever and the breech closes, the safety lever on the right hand side drops down (as it should). Then to fire the gun, you have to push the safety lever forward, and then pull the trigger...again no problem. The problem occurs if you do the following...After levering closed the breech, if you pull on the trigger before disengaging the safety, the gun naturally will not fire (as it shouldn't since the safety is engaged), but if you now lever the safety off THE GUN WILL FIRE! In other words, if you pull the trigger with the safety on nothing happens, but then take the safety off and the gun fires without touching the trigger...that is the problem. Is it supposed to work that way? I was watching youtube videos and iraqvet8888's greener doesn't automatically engage, and so he never needs to turn his safety off, and several other images of greener police shotguns don't even have a safety lever. Please help? How is this action supposed to work? Who repairs these, and where can I purchase parts if needed?

05-10-2022, 11:05 PM
If that's the same action as a .450/577 that is not a safety it's a cocking indicator. Martini's don't have a safety.

05-11-2022, 12:24 AM
I have two greener actions and they do have safeties. Don't know how one would go about fixing the OP's problem. I have seen an article about doing away with the safety altogether. Seems the author reworked the internal parts and made up plugs to fill where the original safety was. Welded in place and cleaned up the welds externally and internally. I believe he made a schutzen rifle out of it. Frank

John Taylor
05-11-2022, 09:05 AM
I have had several come through the shop and a few would do as you say, go off when the safety was released. This is caused by ware in the action parts. The ware can be in the pivot hole or on the safety arm. Sometimes the safety can be built up with weld and function properly. Main problem is the parts were never hardened. On several I tapped the safety hole and screwed plugs in. I used plugs because welding on a cast action can cause problems also. When working properly the trigger should have no pressure on it when the safety is on, you should be able to pull the trigger and it should go back under its spring pressure without any drag.

05-11-2022, 09:57 PM
if you take out the safety lever ,there is no need to modify the internal parts of the firing mechanism.

05-12-2022, 01:37 PM
Hey thanks to you all for all the help...turns out that the screw for the trigger had backed out and was allowing the tumbler/safety to not properly engage the trigger, allowing it to ease back and not properly hold back the striker. All is fixed now...again thanks to you all!

05-12-2022, 10:04 PM
The issue is the safety is worn allowing the trigger and sear to engage slightly, so once you flip the safety off it drops the striker. The safety needs to be adjusted by a qualified gunsmith so it wont allow this to happen.