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View Full Version : Uses for messed up wood ??

05-10-2022, 05:53 AM
So I'm allowed to cull ( remove it from the main stock and prep it to be resold as damaged at a marked down price )bad wood here with my new position in the lumber department. I've been going through about every bunk of wood and culling anything that doesn't look like something I'd buy or I'm 90% sure a customer wouldn't pay full price for.
Most of the time the customers will just chunk bad wood all over the place during the day and it just makes a big mess not to mention there's people asking for discounts on messed up boards all day long so it make life easier to just get rid of it now. After I build the packs their usually marked down to 50% of what the original price would be. The short stuff seems to go pretty quick ,longer boards stay long though.
I dont get a kick back or anything from it I just like getting this crap out of my department

Here's one pile I'm about to make I to a pack so real beauties in this lol. What would y'all do with something like these ? Other the fire wood that is lol.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220510/ff0e08f5f232f4d460a37bbb9130f1bb.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220510/a809f9afad1035263b05aaa2d1d2b7cb.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220510/fa566c3cc4d4125ff4d915cc8a6265bd.jpg

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Gator 45/70
05-10-2022, 06:21 AM
Yep, There's still squirrels running around in some of that stuff, Sell it.

05-10-2022, 06:24 AM
Wolf, at the current prices of lumber I would make that work for construction projects. Framing for sheds or outbuildings. If you have a planer you probably could turn it into something else.

ohen cepel
05-10-2022, 06:28 AM
My local place paints it all with a line to make it clear it is jacked up and then sells it at x% off. That is what I would do to get it moved. Let the buyer figure out what to do with it.

Just last night I was looking at the culled wood at my local place. Sometimes I only need a section of a 2x4 so don't care if there is a big knot in the other end if the price is right. Lots of uses for the cut down sections if one has projects going on. ie; building a base for a new to me Star reloader, need a couple sections of 2x4's for the risers, 6-9in long. No reason to buy a full length board just for that.

david s
05-10-2022, 06:35 AM
Put a premium price on it, call it Rustic Design or some other cute name, say its manufactured in an exclusive process, heck someone will but it just for the bragging rights.

05-10-2022, 06:54 AM
Put a premium price on it, call it Rustic Design or some other cute name, say its manufactured in an exclusive process, heck someone will but it just for the bragging rights.O you mean live edge boards yeah we have that too lolhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220510/99fc0a8f7368638a0453f0365c650d7a.jpg

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05-10-2022, 07:02 AM
Those, in the first post, would come in real handy at the 2x4 shoots we have. We cut them down to two feet and place them in a stand. Two shooters will attempt to cut them in half. They don't have to be pretty.

They could also be used to make target stands. Here again, they don't have to be pretty and will definitely get shot up.

05-10-2022, 07:39 AM
First comes time, then learning to use tools, then patience.

It's a confusing photo, Rolling clamp rack built on a yard sale cart, weight rack, and lumber rack in the back ground. All build from scrap wood (and the weight rack shows it), construction dumpsters, and salvaged crates.


Restored 4" jointer on scrap wood and salvage flooring deck. The 2X4s that make the frame under the plywood are much crappier than what you're selling. They only have to be true on 2 sides, then a 60 grit belt on a sander to "fine tune".

Old cabinet with scrap wood racks ... and a fine assortment of truing tools. All those dividers cut from warped & twisted dunnage.

Shave horse, salvaged beams

Wood cost on all of this is pretty much just sweat equity. My friends call my shop OPG- Other Peoples Garbage. Putty and paint, makes it look like what it ain't.

William Yanda
05-10-2022, 07:48 AM
Tomato stakes

05-10-2022, 08:13 AM
there are two local sawmills near me that I have experience with. the smaller one makes giant piles of culls and they are free for anyone who comes to get them..
one neighbor that. I know has made all sorts of stuff out of the culls including goat barns and dog houses.
the second is a much larger mill and they sell bundles of board 5' wide x 5' tall 8-16' long for $150. you can get either oak or poplar.

05-10-2022, 08:14 AM
Make a chicken coop from em. Ridiculous what it is costing me and I am using all my scraps, etc. I "might" be going overboard with two solar panels on the roof, dual tires all the way around (to roll around the yard), automatic door with remotes, storage compartments, heating compartment, solar lights, and a few other things. It's not my fault....

05-10-2022, 08:15 AM
Make a chicken coop from em. Ridiculous what it is costing me and I am using all my scraps, etc. I "might" be going overboard with two solar panels on the roof, dual tires all the way around (to roll around the yard), automatic door with remotes, storage compartments, heating compartment, solar lights, and a few other things. It's not my fault....Wheels ? You making a coop or a tractor? Really need to get to building a new chicken tractor...

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05-10-2022, 08:50 AM
OK. What`s a chicken tractor?

05-10-2022, 08:59 AM
Around here contractors build houses out of such. I don't, but they do.

05-10-2022, 09:21 AM
OK. What`s a chicken tractor?Basically its a mobile self contained chicken run and coop deal. Really really nice if you don't wanna have a big run and coop set up. Only deal is you gotta move them daily but only a few feet forward or back so there on new grass. Absolutely loved mine . Built it out of steel though so was a little heavy but let me raise 4 chickens on the side of my house on a strip of yard maybe 20' wide and 30yd long moving it daily kept it from having any bare spots ,no smells and the grass was green as can be do to the poop. Was also cool because if I had a pice I wanted a garden or had weeds or something I could just move it over the plot and leave them there for 4 or 5 days and it would be bare and ready for whatever. Lotta my neighbors hated it though because it wasn't the " right way" . They would always try and tell me how I needed a big fenced in run with a huge coop and all but egh. Never had a problem with predators ,chickens getting out , chicken crap smells fly's ect.Not to ment my girls got fresh grass and bugs on the daily ! I swear some of the best tasting eggs ever !
Here's a few pics off Google till I find some of mine

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05-10-2022, 09:42 AM
Since you report that shorter such boards sell quickly, try cutting some of these longer ones down to see if the 'short buyers' bite on 'em.

05-10-2022, 09:51 AM
Since you report that shorter such boards sell quickly, try cutting some of these longer ones down to see if the 'short buyers' bite on 'em.

Can't do that unfortunately, against store policy. Now if they bought a 2x4x16 and asked for it to be cut down that would be different....gotta love big box stores lol

05-10-2022, 09:51 AM
First comes time, then learning to use tools, then patience.

It's a confusing photo, Rolling clamp rack built on a yard sale cart, weight rack, and lumber rack in the back ground. All build from scrap wood (and the weight rack shows it), construction dumpsters, and salvaged crates.


Restored 4" jointer on scrap wood and salvage flooring deck. The 2X4s that make the frame under the plywood are much crappier than what you're selling. They only have to be true on 2 sides, then a 60 grit belt on a sander to "fine tune".

Old cabinet with scrap wood racks ... and a fine assortment of truing tools. All those dividers cut from warped & twisted dunnage.

Shave horse, salvaged beams

Wood cost on all of this is pretty much just sweat equity. My friends call my shop OPG- Other Peoples Garbage. Putty and paint, makes it look like what it ain't.

Absolutely beautiful work ! I do the same type of stuff with scrap metal and drops, could never get wood lol

Der Gebirgsjager
05-10-2022, 10:23 AM
I've seen some really beautiful furniture such as coffee tables made from boards that still had some of the bark on them. Surfaced with resin or heavy coats of clear lacquer.


John Guedry
05-10-2022, 10:24 AM
As my old daddy used to say "in the old days they would use that stuff to fire the boiler in the sawmill".

05-10-2022, 10:37 AM
Back when I was "in the business", I used a lot of 'cull' for temp framing...like diagonals to hold a pre-fabbed wall in place or horizontal stringers to keep trusses in alignment while we set the ridge beam, or anyplace else that I needed a brace that would be removed later.


05-10-2022, 10:58 AM
Make a pile from them and put a sale price PER POUND or BOARD FOOT. Let the customer sort through the pile for the lumber that they want.

MT Gianni
05-10-2022, 11:11 AM
If they have a square side that stuff gets used around here to frame out a basement wall. When both sides have rounded edges, it's a tough sell.

05-10-2022, 12:51 PM

You seem to be short on clamps. You can never have enough clamps.

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05-10-2022, 02:30 PM
You seem to be short on clamps. You can never have enough clamps.

Well.. there IS the other side.....

05-10-2022, 02:39 PM
I don't think I've ever done a project where I didn't say to myself at some point "Damn, I wish I had 2 more clamps!"

Pictured below: not nearly enough clamps.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220510/6617ef8510b0e9f5a041d018e299aedc.jpg

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05-10-2022, 04:58 PM
Deer blinds, chicken coops, sheds we always send lumber back like that homeowners dont like to see that in the walls. Or buy it from the home owner to do projects at home.

05-10-2022, 05:00 PM
Would make myself a nice butcher block table top!

david s
05-10-2022, 05:20 PM
Where I work, we buy 2X4X10' by the bunk. Probably 80% plus have some "live edge". With lumber yards only getting small diameter fire or beetle killed lodgepole trees they try and get as much yield out of these small trees as possible. Hence the "live edges". Had a friend when I lived in Florida who worked the docks at Port Everglades. His home was paneled with an amazing assortment of exotic woods from around the world salvaged from shipping pallets.

05-10-2022, 08:01 PM
From what I’ve seen, every one of those is acceptable for making houses for other people. [smilie=b:

05-10-2022, 08:41 PM
Looks like good deer blind material

05-11-2022, 07:43 AM
From what I’ve seen, every one of those is acceptable for making houses for other people. [smilie=b:

Especially if you work for Dan Ryan Builders. (A local builder in the mid Atlantic states known for shoddy work.) :groner:

05-11-2022, 07:45 AM
Another beautiful piece from today lol. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220511/9ab656ee384641b629c5a7368d6571ab.jpg

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05-11-2022, 07:57 AM
Target frames.

country gent
05-11-2022, 08:04 AM
When I do a butcher block bench top I look for the boards with the chips / voids on the sides and I only need ine good edge even that can be a little rough as I make a saw cut to remove the radius. on the sides it hold the glue much better and the bad edge is underneath the top the sa cut saves a lot of planing when glued up and doweled. Im getting ready to do a 32" round butcher block top fora 4 place grinder stand. What the under side looks like I dont care but the top will be good. This will sit on the wall maybe a corner and the top will make 1 rotation allowing the desired grinder to be brought up to use in the front.Limiting rotation to 1 turn wont allow the cords to get wrapped up and broke. Mounted on it will be my 2 8" grinders the 6" tool sharpener and my foredom tool. For this I need one good edge for the top and the boards for the base need one good face. Once the bearing and support rollers are mounted the inside or bottom of the table dosnt matter. I will probably fill in with epoxy for a true flat surface.

05-11-2022, 10:53 AM
By the number of posts here,, you can see a LOT of excellent ideas for the use of cull lumber.

I'm guilty of buying such stuff myself. I use it on various projects around my range & sheds etc.

Yes,, if doing a job for a paying customer,, a contractor will not want to pay full price,,, as it's sub-standard,, or could be rejected by inspectors. But hobbyists,, or casual folks needing something that doesn't need to be perfect,, it's GREAT to be able to buy it at a discount.

The trick is finding the type & size of lumber to fit your needs.

05-11-2022, 12:47 PM
Local Menards re-stacks it in the front of the good lumber then they get all bent out of shape when I ask them to bring in the forklift to get the garbage wood out of the way.

05-11-2022, 04:11 PM
Some of that wood has Peyronie’s disease.

05-11-2022, 05:53 PM
I say firewood! That is real garbage and the time, electric energy, and effort used to cut, plane, sand it is not worth it! After all, it is ONLY old pine.

I only use excellent 100% grad A lumber, mainly oak and walnut. I do not ever mess with pine at all. Especially as bad as that carp is.

05-11-2022, 09:08 PM
I go to Rockler and Woodcraft and check the end cuts bin for nice pieces of hard wood for measures and flasks. Don't have to be very big for them.

Land Owner
05-12-2022, 06:45 AM
Horizontal Stockade FENCE members.

05-12-2022, 08:08 AM
Wheels ? You making a coop or a tractor? Really need to get to building a new chicken tractor...

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IF my idea and build actually work it is both. Kinda like a Class A RV. Had it already flip over and twist when I put 10" wheels directly UNDER it - duh. Working on it after that and on a hill (driveway) has been fun. I am trying hard to get it done this weekend as we will finally be getting nights in the 50's and time to kick the girls out. I will post a pic in a separate thread when it is basically done.

05-12-2022, 08:20 AM
Remember the tags on those jeans with holes in them? They say something like "holes and imperfections are part of the desired look and style, and are not flaws." It's worth a try.


country gent
05-12-2022, 10:00 AM
The other place those boards are good is the sacrifice board on saw horses or trestles where it going to get cut up drilled and destroyed.

Geezer in NH
05-13-2022, 10:15 PM
Big box store no doubt. My local supplier when I was doing work would never have that bad of quality lumber. Then again they were paid decent prices for the lumber mostly by the lift amount.

One of the mills in my area sold cubes of cull 3/4 pine $ footx4x4 for the outstanding price of $30 loaded on your truck. My son got 2 per season and made sweet money making bird houses and decorative lawn junk out of them.