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View Full Version : Downright MEAN People, Folks Are ANGRY Hope This Goes Viral...

04-30-2022, 09:59 AM
I grew up in Ocean Springs Mississippi, a small town on the Gulf Coast that resisted the casinos and commercialism that swept Biloxi up into the gold dust and swallowed it. OS is now THE PEARL of the Mississippi coast, beautiful small town with all the charm you'd expect to see, this post is to illustrate one evil act of cruelty to an animal that seems to have touched everyone in town, and getting the attention of the MSM.

Carl The Rooster was a beautiful vibrantly colored rooster that roamed the uptown district as if he owned it which he practically did, he was a LEGEND in his own time. People would bring their children for miles around to let them see and meet Carl, he hung out on store fronts, roosted on people's porches, he was both a mascot and a celebrity, well loved and well cared for.

There was lots of merchandise, tee shirts, coffee mugs, door mats, with his likeness, his presence was the highlight of many a young child's summer vacation to the beaches. Carl loved people, loved strutting around and showing off his colorful bouquet of tail feathers, he was as it is said "the cock of the walk." He hung out in bars and eateries, you would see him all over the downtown area, until...

At a little after 3am a few nights ago a group of six people can be seen taking Carl off his roost and walking down the street with him in their arms. Video later shows them dumping his body on the side of the road. They have been identified and apparently aren't Ocean Springs residents.

The instigator and the person who actually removed Carl from his roost turns out to be a Jones County Juvenile Corrections Officer, who was FIRED from her job by the Jones County Sheriff, and also charged in Ocean Springs with "misdemeanor animal cruelty other than to a dog or a cat."

Court date is May 4th 4pm, I (along with the entire town and Carl's large social media following) am anxiously waiting to see the wheels of justice roll slowly over this low life maggot of a human. 35yrs old. Any officer that would do something like this does NOT need to be working with troubled kids!

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Here is a FB page for Carl:


Farther down the page you can find a listing for tee shirts and other items that proceeds support a memorial for Carl.

04-30-2022, 10:22 AM
That is just SAD. How could a person do something like that to an innocent animal?

I hope the wheels of justice turn and all parties involved are squeezed tightly in them!!!!

04-30-2022, 10:24 AM
Some people’s children…… We had a similar group in Destin, one big mistake they made, at 3AM one morning, I could not sleep, and saw them from my picture window with a cup of coffee in my hand, them under a street light, destroying the neighbor’s property, IDed them, their car and the club they used and they had damaged their car in the get away, Deputy caught them, about a mile away. I prosecuted them. Too bad they only got fined and probation…. Judge made them as a group, come to my house and apologize to me, get a written statement signed by me that they had done so. They should have all been sentanced to jail for a year and a day making them a convicted felon..

04-30-2022, 10:29 AM
those fools should be tar and feathered in the pubic square

04-30-2022, 10:30 AM
Some people are just broken beyond repair. There was a similar story in a small town near me. A dog that belonged to a local panhandler who always sat at the one stop sign in town. The man passed away but the dog kept coming to the stop sign. He became like a mascot in the town until a few months ago someone purposely swerved onto the shoulder to hit him. I think if they ever find the driver he’ll likely just disappear into the Ozark Mountains…

04-30-2022, 10:38 AM
Trump made animal cruelty a federal felony, and the town where this happened has Gulf Islands National Seashore within city limits. Maybe.. Just MAYBE this could come under federal jurisdiction, because the whole town is listed as a "resort area" where you can serve liquor 24/7 so we will see how this turns out..

04-30-2022, 11:17 AM
DougGuy, if you don’t mind please update this thread after the hearing.

04-30-2022, 11:38 AM
Did some fishing in ocean springs last year, nice area, had my catch cooked at McElroys chef did a good job. Hope the perp gets more than a slap on the wrist.

04-30-2022, 12:00 PM
Similar things have happened here. There were tame ducks at one of the local landings,and some immigrants from Europe killed and ate them. Didn't waste them at least. Then there were hundreds of ducks at a local park, that had become a nuisance, and the F&G trapped a bunch and moved them away. Transients regularly would catch one and eat them before the flock was trimmed.

04-30-2022, 01:08 PM
Thanks Doug! I too hope that this goes viral and I sincerely hope those involved get the most severe penalty under the law! There is absolutely no reasoning for an act like this, from a stupid kid much less an adult, in this case….a sub human adult! memtb

square butte
04-30-2022, 01:17 PM
Similar things have happened here. There were tame ducks at one of the local landings,and some immigrants from Europe killed and ate them. Didn't waste them at least. Then there were hundreds of ducks at a local park, that had become a nuisance, and the F&G trapped a bunch and moved them away. Transients regularly would catch one and eat them before the flock was trimmed.
Ah Yes - Woodland Park

04-30-2022, 01:38 PM
Used to have a tame feral cat named Goofball who lived where he chose... he stayed with me sometimes(yes in the house, he was well behaved and litter box trained), with my neighbor, with the neighbor across the street... he roamed about a 6 block area and people would let him in to hag out, when he went to the door he went on his merry way to the next house he wanted to visit. He stayed with me about half the time so I considered him my cat, made sure he saw the vet etc. Goof loved to go to the bar in summer and hang out on the patio and get snacks from people and a lot of pets and love.

One night I was out in the garage working on a project when I look out and see Goof heading across the street to come hang out with me. He was good with traffic and looked both ways... except the guy 2 houses west of me screamed around the corner on his motorcycle and deliberately swerved to hit him. I reported it, he got charged and convicted of animal cruelty, I buried Goof under his favorite tree across the street. He is missed by everyone in town!

People like that deserve to rot in a cell for 5 years, instead he got a fine. He still lives in that house but nobody in town talks to him and I have been hearing the house is going up for sale this summer and he is moving to a different state to get away from the cloud of bad following him. He lost his job over it, nobody in a 5 county area will hire him...

04-30-2022, 01:45 PM
It's just a sign of the times these days.
Happens here so often, it's no longer reported.
Parents can no longer discipline their kids, thanks to the damacraps.
Morals, manners, pride, honor, have no meaning anymore.
Country is going down the toilet real fast.

04-30-2022, 02:41 PM
Very sick people out there.

Land Owner
04-30-2022, 02:52 PM
And THAT's why we can't have nice things...

04-30-2022, 03:51 PM
It's just a sign of the times these days.
Happens here so often, it's no longer reported.
Parents can no longer discipline their kids, thanks to the damacraps.
Morals, manners, pride, honor, have no meaning anymore.
Country is going down the toilet real fast.
please dont give me this political division garbage
this kid I had crossed paths with, yeah, I knew him. a very wealthy family, big time GOP supporters donated millions , the kid murdered another kid in front seat of his car for a brick of cocaine. had his car washer, yeah, had a private car washer, clean the blood out of his car. republican kids lack manners and ethics just like the independents, libertarians and democrats. its a generational morals thing, some just live in all white ghettos.

Jon Anderson wrote the line in a song
crawling out of dirty holes their morals disappear
well sometimes the ones living in dirty holes have the highest morals and those living in penthouses have none.

white eagle
04-30-2022, 04:04 PM
it's to bad people are like that
chances are pretty good nothing will happen to deter this kind of behavior in these slime bags
there should be some creative punishment given these degenerates to make an example of them

04-30-2022, 04:07 PM
in case your interested here is part of the story. the entire true events were n ever really revealed because Andy shcells family is very well connected lets call it.


here another part of the story. life sentence converted to 7 years, yeah, how's that happen. you think maybe his old man or someone might know someone?


thew story actually got more strange yet.


04-30-2022, 04:16 PM
Ocean Springs can mete out some very fitting punishment like painting the City Hall building, where everybody knows everybody, and they smile at you when they walk by with that "uh huh there's the little sonofabitch paying his dues, look at him they let him off too easy" look in their eye. Ask me how I KNOW this...... A lot more than just labor comes with their Community Service agreement. You do this or you do some time in the graybar hotel just behind City Hall.

Buzz Krumhunger
04-30-2022, 05:13 PM
They ought to spend their nights at the Graybar and their days on a chain gang clearing the shoulders of county roads with a YoYo.

04-30-2022, 05:44 PM
It's just a sign of the times these days.
Happens here so often, it's no longer reported.
Parents can no longer discipline their kids, thanks to the damacraps.
Morals, manners, pride, honor, have no meaning anymore.
Country is going down the toilet real fast.

People are people some are good and some not so much. You are 100% correct and spot on about the damacraps leading the charge to eliminate personal responsibility.

To the current left accountability, morals, manners, pride, honor do have a meaning. To them it means white patriarchal society that must be eliminated. The current left hates and despises traditional American values that they want to replace with normalization of mental illness.





04-30-2022, 05:48 PM
A public flogging (by the public) and hang the dead rooster around their neck until it decomposes and falls off ...... just like you do with a chicken killin’ dog!


country gent
04-30-2022, 05:55 PM
Its amazing how "attached" you can become to those friendly critters. They can become quite friendly catching attention just being there. Those that have to harm them are jealous of the attention they get.I think it would be more fitting to sentence the people to make a memorial for them and erect it

04-30-2022, 06:01 PM
Well, the girl that took him off his roost hasn't got anything to be jealous about, in fact she is QUITE the looker from the photos I have seen! 35yrs old? Maybe she's a cougar looking over her "feed lot" of younger guys in trouble with the law. Maybe she took the juvenile corrections job because well, they needed a seasoned "pro" to make sure they are on the straight and narrow? If I would have had a CO that looked like that I would have made SURE I made repeat visits to that facility. Couldn't be jealousy but if your CO is out on the town with your and your homies at 3am, uhh somefin' goin' on dere yer honor fo sho! Lot more to this story than just Carl the rooster.

04-30-2022, 06:38 PM
Well, the girl that took him off his roost hasn't got anything to be jealous about, in fact she is QUITE the looker from the photos I have seen! Maybe she's a cougar looking over her "feed lot" of younger guys in trouble with the law. Maybe she took the juvenile corrections job because well, they needed a seasoned "pro" to make sure they are on the straight and narrow? If I would have had a CO that looked like that I would have made SURE I made repeat visits to that facility. Couldn't be jealousy but if your CO is out on the town with your and your homies at 3am, uhh somefin' goin' on dere yer honor fo sho! Lot more to this story than just Carl the rooster.

This story this keeps getting more and more interesting .
We live within driving distance of Ocean Springs and spend much time there , dining , shopping and going to the Anderson's Shearwater Pottery ... it's a magical place to visit .

Keep us posted on what becomes ... it's a shame but Chickens in the deep South have a rather short life span ... Fry-days are usually their demise !

04-30-2022, 07:18 PM
This story this keeps getting more and more interesting .
We live within driving distance of Ocean Springs and spend much time there , dining , shopping and going to the Anderson's Shearwater Pottery ... it's a magical place to visit .

Keep us posted on what becomes ... it's a shame but Chickens in the deep South have a rather short life span ... Fry-days are usually their demise !

Walt Anderson's wife was my 1st grade teacher, 1957. I remember community dances and bands playing in the Community Center in my teen years, when it had all Walt Anderson's murals covering the entire interior of the building. I went there when I was last in Ocean Springs, it's a really upscale museum now. The pottery seems to have this amazing hurricane proof lineage, it has been through a few of the worst hurricanes on record and still exists mostly as it has been. Some things get lost but the real important stuff just seems to have somehow survived the damage storm after storm.

05-01-2022, 01:05 PM
Walt Anderson's wife was my 1st grade teacher, 1957. I remember community dances and bands playing in the Community Center in my teen years, when it had all Walt Anderson's murals covering the entire interior of the building. I went there when I was last in Ocean Springs, it's a really upscale museum now. The pottery seems to have this amazing hurricane proof lineage, it has been through a few of the worst hurricanes on record and still exists mostly as it has been. Some things get lost but the real important stuff just seems to have somehow survived the damage storm after storm.

Pottery can be tough stuff. When my parents built their first new house the lot was the site of the New Ulm Pottery Works back when the town was starting. Natural vein of clay there that was perfect for pottery making. As we dug the basement pieces of pottery started to show up, as we got deeper into the hillside we started finding a few intact pieces. At that point we stopped digging and an archeology team came in and hand dug the last 20 feet finding all kinds of intact pieces. I have a crock from that dig, the museum got a LOT of pieces...

05-01-2022, 01:54 PM
Am i missing something? The rooster wasn't next door waking her up at 0300 every morning. I dont get this.

05-01-2022, 02:52 PM
People willing to do wrong or even evil exist in all groups and all walks of life. Pretty sure even the apostles didn't get there by merit. That said the best way to encourage that evil is to demonize a group as if they are somehow not really human or what is true of one is true of the entire group or any group they can be associated with. Not that it makes that group act more evil, it simply makes it easier for another group to do wrong and evil to them based on their group being worthy of such treatment.

Not willing to condemn cops for the actions of this idiot, do hope the judge takes into account the position of responsibility they held and the corresponding increase in severity of their lapse in behavior when it comes to sentencing.

Not willing to assume this persons actions reflect anything but their own shortcomings unless they belong to some group that is involved in animal sacrifice and that association contributed to their actions. Personal responsibility seems to be lacking in both peoples actions and in the assessment and narrative some people apply judging by responses to these actions.

Harming an animal for pleasure is really wrong in a way that I think most people understand. Harming an animal that has an affectionate or ongoing friendly relationship with humans is a cruel betrayal that one expects no one to condone. They say most psychopaths and sociopaths start out as children by being cruel to insects and animals. Based on who I knew as a kid that would bash frogs or blow them up with firecrackers I would say there is some evidence to support that theory.

Which I think may be in some ways a reason for some people drifting over lines that shouldn't be crossed. We are not as engaged as communities. We don't know our neighbors as well as we might have once. Kids are less likely to attend elementary through high school with same cohort of peers. We move around more for work, or to be closer to grown kids in our later years. Community civic groups are less popular active and tend as do churches to become more homogenous in the social or political views found "acceptable" and welcome by the group. There is less opportunity for the community to see and be aware of early misdeeds or the potential shortcomings that a person brings to their adult lives. Less chance for parents to even know that intervention is needed.

I know if my siblings or myself got into mischief within a 10 block radius of our school there was a good chance any adult would have felt free to tell us to knock it off as well as a good chance of the report making its way back to be faced at home. Not sure there is that much of that sort of engagement these days. There were kids all parents would not allow their kids to associate with, there were kids adults all throughout the area knew to keep an eye on. The local police had much of the same knowledge. The downside is it becomes harder for a person to change their path and see it reflected in their perception by others. The upside is kids don't hang out with the trouble makers sticking frogs in cans with fire crackers for the gore and their enjoyment.

Sort of makes one wonder about what this person has in their past don't it?

05-02-2022, 09:40 AM
Walt Anderson's wife was my 1st grade teacher, 1957. I remember community dances and bands playing in the Community Center in my teen years, when it had all Walt Anderson's murals covering the entire interior of the building. I went there when I was last in Ocean Springs, it's a really upscale museum now. The pottery seems to have this amazing hurricane proof lineage, it has been through a few of the worst hurricanes on record and still exists mostly as it has been. Some things get lost but the real important stuff just seems to have somehow survived the damage storm after storm.

Your First Grade teacher !!! WOW !!!

The Community Center , it's Murals , adjacent Musem , Shearwater Pottery and the Pottery musem/sales building are all still there despite Hurricanes Covid and poor economy ...
... the magic of Walter Anderson's art work and the art pottery just refuse to die .
I was telling the wife we need to make a trip to Shearwater , havent been in two years and I need to see some of Walter Anderson's magical art work and pick up a few of Shearwater's everyday use bowls ... (I broke one and want some more ) They may call them everyday use but they are really affordable art pottery ... so beautiful .

05-02-2022, 09:48 AM
They ought to spend their nights at the Graybar and their days on a chain gang clearing the shoulders of county roads with a YoYo.

I've used a yoyo before. It will work you. Your plan should be implemented.

05-02-2022, 05:34 PM
Used to have a tame feral cat named Goofball who lived where he chose... he stayed with me sometimes(yes in the house, he was well behaved and litter box trained), with my neighbor, with the neighbor across the street... he roamed about a 6 block area and people would let him in to hag out, when he went to the door he went on his merry way to the next house he wanted to visit. He stayed with me about half the time so I considered him my cat, made sure he saw the vet etc. Goof loved to go to the bar in summer and hang out on the patio and get snacks from people and a lot of pets and love.

One night I was out in the garage working on a project when I look out and see Goof heading across the street to come hang out with me. He was good with traffic and looked both ways... except the guy 2 houses west of me screamed around the corner on his motorcycle and deliberately swerved to hit him. I reported it, he got charged and convicted of animal cruelty, I buried Goof under his favorite tree across the street. He is missed by everyone in town!

People like that deserve to rot in a cell for 5 years, instead he got a fine. He still lives in that house but nobody in town talks to him and I have been hearing the house is going up for sale this summer and he is moving to a different state to get away from the cloud of bad following him. He lost his job over it, nobody in a 5 county area will hire him...

At least there is some justice in this world!