View Full Version : Thinking of squirrels

Texas by God
04-22-2022, 10:33 PM
Well, we have a bumper crop of fancy rats this spring.
SO.... today I stopped in at the LGS that specializes in blackpowder and CAS guns to see if round balls were available.
Heck yes. I picked up a box each of .310" and .433" Hornady rb- to make squirrel loads for my 30-40 Krag, 30-06, and 44-40.
I skip the 30-30 because mine is a controlled feed Mauser 93 that doesn't eat stubby ammo.
Yes, I could use a .22 rifle or a shotgun- but where's the sport in that, Jethro?[emoji16]

I dont size the brass for these loads. The 30-40 has extra LLA on top to stick the ball in the neck better.
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Winger Ed.
04-22-2022, 10:50 PM
You want sport?

Get one of those fancy, high end blow guns.:bigsmyl2:

04-22-2022, 10:53 PM
You want sport?

Get one of those fancy, high end blow guns.:bigsmyl2:You cast your own darts?

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04-22-2022, 10:58 PM
Looking forward to seeing your results as always!!

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Winger Ed.
04-22-2022, 11:06 PM
You cast your own darts?

Sort of.
As a kid, I'd make them from the free tooth picks at restaurant cash registers, and stripped down cigarette butts.
For big game, I'd probably use a small nail on the end of them.

You do need to be extra careful with blow guns though............
You don't want to be like the glass blower who inhaled.
He ended up with a pane in his side.

04-22-2022, 11:09 PM
Sort of.
As a kid, I'd make them from the free tooth picks at restaurant cash registers, and stripped down cigarette butts.
For big game, I'd probably use a small nail on the end of them.

You do need to be extra careful with blow guns though............
You don't want to be like the glass blower who inhaled.
He ended up with a pane in his side.That's a good one. I used PVC pipe, notebook paper, and metal coat hangars as a kid. I only ever hit one squirrel with it but it just bounced off.

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04-23-2022, 01:05 AM
Too bad about your 30-30's dyspepsia with short ammo, since it loads down so well. They'll taste the same from the others, though.

Small diameter conduit, newspaper, glue, and #10 duplex nails were what I found to be ideal as a kid. Much practice was needed for both accuracy and power, but then sticking the nails in a board where I wanted and deeply enough to hard to pull out was easy.

04-23-2022, 08:07 AM
Squirrels have been and will remain my favorite game. I've thought of downloading a CF rifle with RB's but any time a RB is mentioned, most of the time it goes in a flintlock. A 32 or 36 cal. flintlock makes real sport of squirrel hunting. I've used a 36, Southern Mountain for decades and there's no telling how many squirrels it's killed.

This year I'm trying a Jeffrey, Champion Rook rifle in 25-20 WCF loaded to 255 Jeffrey Ballistics.

Landy, love you old Husky. Here's "my boy"....299405

04-23-2022, 08:14 AM
If you put a feeder out in a squirrel’s territory, that feeder then belongs to them. They will run off everything from “their” feeder. Squirrels are very territorial.

04-23-2022, 08:59 AM
Live trap and diesel exhaust.

04-23-2022, 09:06 AM
The reds have over run us this year. My ideal gun is my Marlin .25-20WCF Model 1894 that was made in 1907 or shortly thereafter. The special-order 26" barrel is 2" longer than the standard 24" for this model. Folding front sight has an ivory bead, it is probably a Lyman #5. The tang sight with locking lever, a Lyman #2A. The rear barrel sight is a Winchester Express sight. It has take more tree rats than I can count, I only have 10 fingers.

04-23-2022, 09:13 AM
Old bicycle spokes work well, cut down in length and forged a bit, hammer the end so it is flatter, then file or grinder into a leaf shape, sharpen the edges.

Most any paper can be used to make cones, although plastic impregnated is light and stiff and holds up for a long time.

1/2" pvc pipe 3-5 feet long makes a pretty good blow gun. Buy a coupling for your mouthpiece. Cut a thin slice of pipe off one end, glue it into the mouth end of your coupling. Makes a very good simple anti-inhale device. And a zip tie on the far end makes a dandy sight. Easily adjustable, available in a variety of colors. Yeah I've played with them a bit. Only killed one sparrow just to prove I could.

Der Gebirgsjager
04-23-2022, 09:57 AM

What's all the fuss about? Anyone got a peanut?

Look out Merle the Squirrel....someone is probably hiding in the shed sighting in on you with a large caliber rifle! At least you're out of blowgun range--unless someone is wearing a ghillie suit and hiding in the grass....


04-23-2022, 10:38 AM
I have definitely killed my share with a blow gun, but my weapon of choice was always a slingshot with round stones. It's crazy how brazen they would get when the acorns were falling. 3 or so would make an easy cheap meal when money was tight.

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04-23-2022, 12:03 PM
My favorite squirrel story is a true one. The old couple who lived next door fed the squirrels. They put out a feeder with peanuts on the railing of their deck. The squirrels loved it until the magpies discovered it. The territorial squirrel would chase a magpie out of the feeder and chase it the length of the railing while another magpie would raid the feeder. The birds could exhaust the squirrel by taking turns being chased and raiding. It could last for hours.



04-23-2022, 01:23 PM
Squirrel's provide a lot of entertainment around my place. I live in a part of town with a lot of old growth hardwoods in it, pecan tree's and oak mostly. So far, none have ever been a problem and I hope it stays that way. I can sit on the back deck and watch them for hours, anywhere between 1-5 at a time may be out playing. They do seem to take pleasure in tormenting our cat "Kid". He's an opportunist and a hunter at heart. I've gotten some good laughs watching them.

As for hunting them, I loved it when I was younger and still do on occasion. Sadly, Oklahoma game laws (to my understanding) allow a .22 rimfire and shotguns The .22 magnum is questionable and people have been charged with hunting deer out of season, and it stuck in court was the sad thing. The other sad thing, is most of them were doing just that. I read about people using this or that gun and dream about it.

Yep, it's about that time of year again. Think I'll start looking for some of my old spots I can still get to this spring for a bit of fun.


04-23-2022, 02:10 PM
i used to hunt squirrels with my 22 when i was in my teens. i always enjoyed it. i'm not a grey or fox squirrel eater, but i give them to older people. i shot the red squirrels, but older people didn't like them.

i always wanted to use 36 cal fl muzzleloader, but it never happened. heck, i can remember the excitement of opening squirrel season. it was right up there with the opening of deer season. i know of nobody that eats squirrels, let alone who hunts them.

04-23-2022, 02:24 PM
I made a blowgun out of a 5ft piece of 5/8" aluminum tubing. It shoots drywall screws with a cone shaped paper skirt. Here's a neat hack: Go to the dollar store and get a cheap laser pointer. Hose clamp the laser to the blowgun tube and you've got a space age sight on a stone age weapon.

04-23-2022, 05:07 PM
I recently sighted in for my summer load in my 357 Rossi. For light loads around 1000-1300 fps I have seen 125 grain bullets shoot better than other bullet weights with multiple 30" twist Rossi rifles .

My summertime groundhog load is the NOE 124 HP PC 9mm bullet with 5 gr Titegroup at around 1300 fps. This shoots 10 shots into 1.5 inches at 50 yards and garden pests hate it. For squirrels I like the 125-RF with the same Titegroup load, loaded long or I like a faster powder loaded around 1050 fps. My rifle likes 38 specials loaded long to feed consistently. One of the best powders I have seen so far for subsonic loads with this increased case volume and low bullet weight is Alliant Extra Lite around 3.5 grains. This is around 1000 fps and super quiet, quieter than any 95-Rf loads I tried.

I need to try a round ball because my main problem with the 95 grainers was not seating them straight and having lots of runout.

04-23-2022, 06:52 PM
My hometown of Blissfield, MI. Is known for its black squirrels. They have several “ black squirrel “ events during the year in town. They are a black phase of the fox squirrel.


04-23-2022, 06:56 PM
I like eating squirrels but my wife doesn't want to eat them. Nor rabbits, quail, or any kind of grouse. No ducks. So my hunting is limited. She has a soft heart. I well remember Ptarmigan hunting in Alaska. She went with me. I found some birds and as I was lining up I heard her say. "Fly, birdy, fly".

I learned my lesson.

When we were young and in love we ate game meat and fish. Now we are old and if it doesn't come from someplace like Safeway it is not eaten.


04-24-2022, 01:17 AM
Landy, love you old Husky. Here's "my boy"....299405

Thank you! I'm pretty damned fond of that old Mal.

You've a handsome dog; and I recognize that command belly rub position, too.

Winger Ed.
04-24-2022, 03:37 AM
Now we are old and if it doesn't come from someplace like Safeway it is not eaten.

I've got one of those:

When we lived in the city, we had a out door cat that the new wife fed on the front porch.
One time her cat food kept vanishing. I set a hav-a-hart trap and one morning as I was going to work, she said,
"Hey, You caught a raccoon in the trap......AND NO,,, WE AIN"T EATING IT"!!!

04-24-2022, 07:34 AM
You cast your own darts?

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Bamboo skewers with cotton ball wrapped on the back end to fit the bore. Cheap reloads.

04-24-2022, 08:10 AM
Ahhh..so he's a Malmute. Wasn't sure. I do love the working breeds and have had Husky's since '95. Steele is so rotten he should have an odor.

Now, skwerls. They were eating us out of house and home on the bird feerders...and where we live in the depths of the Ozarks there was going to be no eliminating them....no matter how many we ate..and we've tried!!! Soooo...someone, somewhere directed me to "The Droll Yankee Bird Feeder." A bit pricey but paid for quickly from saved bird seed. And, for a while a source of amusement as skwerls were flung from the perch. They are persistent but they learned to give up quickly with that feeder.

Typically skwerl season opens here the Saturday before Memorial Day and I am looking forward to it. This one will be my 64th skwerl season.

Shanghai Jack
04-24-2022, 10:03 AM
You want sport?

Get one of those fancy, high end blow guns.:bigsmyl2:
We used to "hunt" them on campus with a tennis ball bazooka fueled by hair spray.

04-24-2022, 10:51 AM
Ah, a spud gun. Aqua Net was the best fuel ever. Good fun with green apples too.

04-24-2022, 02:08 PM
Lighter fluid worked good. Squirt in a bunch then shake the tube good to make it a gas, insert tennis ball & light it up. Ball would go out of sight sometimes shooting straight up. Cannon was made from soda cans. They were much thicker back then, wouldn't even consider it with the ones today.

04-24-2022, 02:10 PM
Man that brings back memories.

Texas by God
04-24-2022, 09:36 PM
Spud guns were fun. We morterd taters into the cattle herd from 100+ yards away to watch them scatter[emoji16].

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04-25-2022, 11:58 AM
For years, I used a .29 caliber flintlock for hunting squirrels, eventually moved to a .25 caliber flintlock. As you would expect, a lot or roundballs can be case from a pound of lead for these two calibers. These old eyes don't see the iron sights as good as they used to.

04-25-2022, 05:53 PM
My squirrel gun this year will be air powered. Can't beat a penny and a half a shot. What is strange is we are not seeing very many at all.

04-25-2022, 06:04 PM
dverna; If you don't mind me asking, What is your air gun & caliber?

04-25-2022, 08:31 PM
dverna; If you don't mind me asking, What is your air gun & caliber?

I have two both in .22. The “good” one is a Daystate Huntsman and will consistently shoot sub .75” groups at 50 yards. The “beater” is a DAR and is a consistent sub 1” performer at 50 yards.

Geezer in NH
04-26-2022, 09:53 AM
126 days till Gray's open in NH

Red's are open year round

04-26-2022, 10:15 AM
we had a fair amount of Squirrelenfeffer growing up

04-26-2022, 02:17 PM
I have friend who loved his 44 mag.
He would shoot squirrels out of the tree by naming in front of them when the slug hit the tree it the bark would nook the squirrel out of the tree he'd grab them as soon as they hit the ground and snap their neck. Didn't believe it until I saw it.

04-26-2022, 02:30 PM
I've been highly considering going camping in the Ozarks to hunt with the .32 cap lock. Something I dreamt of 35 years ago. This may be the year for it.

04-26-2022, 07:47 PM
What I've used for blowgun darts was those bamboo skewers about a foot long, and a piece of cloth for the fletching. Using a 5-6 foot long piece of 1/2" copper pipe always worked well for me. I've only managed two squirrels so far, but have taken plenty of rabbits with it.

04-27-2022, 07:45 AM
Go for it Christopher!! We ain't gettin' no younger! I might have to break out my 36 flinter just for grins and giggles.

If the rest of the Ozarks are like I am here, squirrels are abundant. It would be a good year.

04-27-2022, 12:51 PM
Y’all are making me want to cast some RBs for my .32 flintlock.

Texas by God
04-28-2022, 10:38 PM
I dialed in the Krag at 15 yards on a box with an old tee shirt inside. I hooked one to the right but I think they'll work on "old chatterbox" based on the cotton punching ability[emoji16]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220429/851e911e4be5df372ce7459fcca4e181.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220429/2ed31ff65f14f3587853de28c9b595bf.jpg

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04-29-2022, 12:22 AM
I still think that load is a bit light TBG.
Ain't even got a "magnum" behind the name.
Why you'll be lucky to even scare a fly off'n the back of a good Texas tree rat!

(Good shooting btw)

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Texas by God
04-30-2022, 11:48 PM
I tried the 44-40 loads today on mud turtles and two fish moccasins and they worked great. I missed three times out of 12 shots - the Burris FF2 helps!
My wife hit 12 with 15 shots from her Cotter model 50 .22 auto.....but she was sitting in a chair[emoji16]

Thanks, cwtebay! I PM'd you but your box is full.

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05-01-2022, 05:09 PM
Go for it Christopher!! We ain't gettin' no younger! I might have to break out my 36 flinter just for grins and giggles.

If the rest of the Ozarks are like I am here, squirrels are abundant. It would be a good year.

I hope we get a few more around here, they were pretty scarce last season. I have been seeing a few lately but still not abundant, You should live trap a few Vic and haul them over this way.

05-08-2022, 07:24 AM
I expect they'll migrate in and out of both our areas, Bob. With the late freeze last year and lack of an acorn crop locally, I'm surprised we have the numbers we do. Maybe that will show up next year. I'm seeing the results of a few litters around the house. Nothing like we had before buying the "Droll Yankee" bird feeder....lol!!! That thing brought feeding squirrels at the bird feeder to a screeching halt....lol!

05-08-2022, 02:36 PM
That may work for your purpose but think you could tighten it up a bit with a little tweeking. I have been loading RBs for several cartridges mostly for plinking but have taken small game with the 30-40. The way I load them might give you more consistency shot to shot. I initially FL size then bell the mouth to accept approximately half the ball using an M die for the 6mm Rem and a Lee Universal for the others. I drilled a 1/4" hole in the leg of my bench and seat the tumble lubed ball using that. Haven't had one come loose but you can also seal the ball with a dab of lube too. When chambering the bell seems to constrict a bit but ends up the same on each and contributes to more pressure and consistency that way. To reload I use a 45-70 die to deprime and the belled cases can be loaded multiple times until resizing and belling is needed.

You can see the seating depth used on these cartridges.


The 6mm Rem uses a #3 buckshot (.25 cal) sized .243 in a Lee die which forms a short, round ended cylinder that I seat with thumb pressure.


Here are some groups and specs saved over the years for record of the loads. Since these are mostly plinking loads there wasn't a lot of tweeking of charges and such to get these results.




Good luck with the squirrels.

Texas by God
05-11-2022, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the tips, NEKVT. I just threw these together. I have loaded them like you describe, mostly in 30-30.
It's been 95 and humid with skeeters so I haven't been eager to pursue the tree rats.
But I took out 3 dinosaurs at 20yards and hit a small skillet at 40yds with 4 offhand shots in fading light.....https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220512/8d5ea01e9416b32fac1b1ca638c36d20.jpg

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05-14-2022, 09:12 AM
I dialed in the Krag at 15 yards on a box with an old tee shirt inside. I hooked one to the right but I think they'll work on "old chatterbox" based on the cotton punching ability[emoji16]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220429/851e911e4be5df372ce7459fcca4e181.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220429/2ed31ff65f14f3587853de28c9b595bf.jpg

I thought you had your 358 Win pretty much dialed in for squirrel. I though I remembered you posting in my 357 vs. Squirrel post last year.

Texas by God
05-14-2022, 09:42 PM
If possible, I like to have a rb load for the larger caliber cartridges that I use. I just loaded some .380" balls for my 38-55 as well.
I miss that .358 sometimes- but I'm happy that a member here owns it now.

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Digital Dan
05-20-2022, 11:14 AM
Shot some round balls loaded in .30 Sneezer brass a short time ago. They seem to work OK. Groups of 5 ran 1" at 20 yards.

I also reload ammo for the .22 LR, but it uses a CF case.


05-20-2022, 11:26 AM
I have that same rear sight (old lyman) on a krag carbine and Cuz that looks like fun. Thanks for the cool post and pics. Squirrel season is about 2 and a half months so i have time to get ready...................Curdog

Texas by God
05-20-2022, 07:36 PM
Thanks, Cuz.
Digital Dan- that is cool stuff right there.

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05-22-2022, 04:29 PM
Missouri's squirrel season opens May 28th. Hopefully flintlock weather, have to see. Ticks are a real problem.

05-24-2022, 06:58 AM
I had learn on here about cast your own buckshot and size to what you want to load them in . I do it for my 32 cal wheel gun and also my 30 cals. Works good for what will use them for . Also use the buckshot in shotgun reloading. That way have more then one use for them.

05-24-2022, 07:45 AM
Missouri's squirrel season opens May 28th. Hopefully flintlock weather, have to see. Ticks are a real problem.

The ticks are thicker than the squirrels here....and there's plenty of squirrels.

05-24-2022, 11:12 AM
If I could only hunt squirrels at the house. But NO season where I can hunt.

05-24-2022, 11:43 AM
Live trap and diesel exhaust.

Try wood smoke the meat will taste better.


05-24-2022, 12:12 PM
This thread has me looking forward to getting my #2 rolling block back in .32 S&W Long from John Taylor. He's busy and good for him. Been working up some loads with 100 grain flat point .313 boolits and Accurate #5 and #7. I will walk the woods but don't know how many squirrels I'll bring home. As I said above the missus don't want them. Still...


Texas by God
05-29-2022, 10:34 PM
I had fun trying to hit thumb size turtle heads in the high wind. It was too windy for squirrels......https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220530/b92023374861fc2a471bac9d42c0e3b7.jpg

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05-30-2022, 06:48 AM
Squirrel hunting isn`t big here in SW Oregon.
More, by far, get killed on the road than by hunters.
BTW, I love hunting and eating squirrels.

05-30-2022, 07:08 AM
Season opened here Saturday but I haven't been, yet. Yesterday was as Texas described, toooooo windy and today promises the same. Maybe a few will show up at the bird feeder........:mrgreen:

05-30-2022, 04:24 PM
Season opened here Saturday but I haven't been, yet. Yesterday was as Texas described, toooooo windy and today promises the same. Maybe a few will show up at the bird feeder........:mrgreen:

Your season starts in summer? That's odd, it starts in September here. Seems like there would be a lot of orphans created by hunting them now.

05-31-2022, 01:23 PM
We have a spring hunt here in Va. also. I think if I'm correct that skwirls have their young very early in the season & rearing is complete before season opens.

05-31-2022, 01:29 PM
As few that get hunted and shot anymore I doubt what we would do will make a dent on the population. From what I've seen squirrels can have their young early or even late in the season. I dressed one with a full womb in later September.

05-31-2022, 01:58 PM
If it's odd, it's been odd for 75 or more years, except for a couple years they tried an August opening...which didn't work. It's opened the weekend of Memorial Day since before I was born in 1953. Several years ago it was extended to Februar 15th. As a friend of mine observed, "I don't think you can hurt them." Spring litters are already weaned and have been fending for themselves for a few weeks already. I seek those out and leave the oldsters if at all possible.

05-31-2022, 02:25 PM
Yeah, Missouri is great for squirrel hunters. Very long season.
I read an article a while ago that stated hunters don’t even come close to putting a dent in the population. Their numbers are controlled naturally by predators.
Squirrel hunting is for pure sport… and I LOVE it!!!

Texas by God
05-31-2022, 02:52 PM
My county has "No closed season, no bag limit" like many others in the Cross Timbers region of N. Texas. My ancestors hunted with .22 rifles during the winter and switched to shotguns when the pecan trees had leaves.
Except Grandad- 12 gauge hammer double all year long.

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05-31-2022, 07:42 PM
[QUOTE=sharps4590;5393598]Squirrels have been and will remain my favorite game.

I'm with you sharps4590. I hunt deer and feral hogs for meat. I hunt squirrels for sport and meat.

Over my lifetime, I've gone through several different types of air rifles and guns. Right now, I'm on a 6 1/2" Ruger BH using NOE 150 gr. full wadcutters in .38 cases, kick. It's very satisfying to roll a fox squirrel out of an oak tree with that old 3 screw Ruger. Treetop

06-02-2022, 07:17 AM
[QUOTE=sharps4590;5393598]Squirrels have been and will remain my favorite game.

I'm with you sharps4590. I hunt deer and feral hogs for meat. I hunt squirrels for sport and meat.

Over my lifetime, I've gone through several different types of air rifles and guns. Right now, I'm on a 6 1/2" Ruger BH using NOE 150 gr. full wadcutters in .38 cases, kick. It's very satisfying to roll a fox squirrel out of an oak tree with that old 3 screw Ruger. Treetop

I've hunted big game from Maine to Arizona and Virginia to Wyoming.....and a lot of states in between. Took a lot of it too! Even during those halcyon years I never missed Missouri's squirrel season opener, even taking leave from the Air Force to come home and hunt it. I don't hit it nearly so hard these days but still take a few every year, like right now. Those young of the year are SO tender!!!

As with yourself, I've gone through a lot of "squirrel rifles." Only handgun was a Ruger Single Six with I believe a 10 inch barrel. Over most of the last 20 years it's been a 36 cal., Southern Mountain flinter. The last two years it's been a Jeffrey Rook and Rabbit rifle that was originally in 255 Jeffrey. It had been re-chambered to 25-20 WCF when I got it. The bore was a sewer pipe so I had it re-lined and chambered it back to 25-20 WCF. 3 grs. of Trail Boss under a Lyman 75 gr. cast bullet equals the old Jeffrey round and stays well within the strength limits of the old Daw action. Like the 36, better stick to head shots, it's pretty destructive of meat.

thad, I can count on one hand the number of folks I know who hunt squirrels these days, and have fingers left. Sure wasn't that way 50 years ago but, a lot of things weren't.

06-13-2022, 12:37 PM
My son and I took an anticipated excursion to southern Kentucky the last portion of last week to camp and hunt their early small game season. It has been decades since I've hunted bushy tails. The time just seemed right. I took along my T/C Cherokee shooting .32 patched round balls, a 17 HMR for my son, and he also packed a 12 gauge. My memories are from September and October Fox Squirrels in SW Ohio that are making a ruckus burying nuts and eating them up on a limb, which allows for some fine morning still hunting. These little grays down south are much more stealthy in the early part of the year when the only nuts are on the ground and not in the trees. I expected to see the majority of the game on the ground digging up the day's dietary allotment. I was mistaken.

The trees along south fork of the Cumberland River are tall, much taller than those I'm accustom to, and dense, making the woods dark even in the sunny part of the day. Unlike Fox squirrels, that are inquisitive and quick to scold an intruder of their forest, the greys were found mostly along the river quietly making their way through the tree tops away from our presence. Needless to say the first few forays into the Nat'l Forest were more scouting and learning their ways than actually shooting. These were not as target rich environments as initially suspected, but the quarry was there if we were quiet, slow and patient. The hills are far more steep than we Buckeyes have in this part of the state, as well. At one point we both decided that we only had so much energy between the us that the extremely steep valleys could keep their squirrels. There was enough huffing and puffing to do on the less intense paths. Eventually we dropped a few with the rimfire and scatter gun. I just couldn't connect at the ranges given with the open sighted muzzleloader and the dim light. I'm sure I came close, but the only squirrel that fell was one that wasn't aimed at but at the Boom it was so shocked that it lost it grip and fell to the right of the one I was actually trying to kill.

We left camp in the dark on the last morning of our hunt, down the path about a mile where we bedded at least one squirrel the evening before. Sure enough, it awoke from the night's slumber and exited the nest tree and perched on a thin limb without noticing my son sitting on a log about 30 yard uphill. I motioned to Saxon that he had the first of the morning coming out to play. It dropped with the satisfying sodden thud that squirrel hunters receive when successful to connect. Before the morning was out we still hunted and still sat along the river quite a way south. My son limited out with 6 and I succumbed to the lure of the rimfire and dropped 2 late in the morning in a fun encounter with multiple animals running nearly non-stop hither and yon, up down and back/forth. That was a fun hunt. Nothing easy about it, but well worth the primitive camp, humidity of the first day, cleaning all the game we did bag and lack of sleep.




06-13-2022, 06:29 PM
Excellent report Chris!!!! Glad ya'll had a good trip. Camping is about losing sleep, isn't it?.....lol!

Your comment about the "extremely steep valleys" reminds me what a late friend of mine from NW Arkansas always said, "some mountains are taller than others but, all holler's are deep!"

06-16-2022, 08:59 AM
Awesome write up ChristopherO!!! Congrats on the success and making memories with your son.
My boys and I were trying to make plans to start hunting out west, but the recent legislation has put a hamper on our plans. You’ve given me a great idea for travel hunting. Go somewhere new to hunt those bushy tails!!!
Thanks so much for the great writing.

06-16-2022, 02:02 PM
I think this evenin, when it cools off, I'm gonna "hunt" some off the front porch, at the bird feeder......:-D

Winger Ed.
06-16-2022, 02:16 PM
I think this evenin, when it cools off, I'm gonna "hunt" some off the front porch, at the bird feeder......:-D

That's a prime spot for me too.
It's amazing, the little rascals come right up, and I don't have to get out in the woods with all the ticks and poison ivy.

06-17-2022, 05:26 PM
You guys are giving me bad ideas. I may have to install some bird feeders here, "for the birds".

Winger Ed.
06-17-2022, 05:51 PM
Ever dig a hole in a sand pile where the sides keep sliding down and filling the hole back in?
That's how the squirrels are here.

Last week there was three robbing the bird feeder.
My 1967 issue Benjamin pump 'em up .22 single shot took care of them.

THE NEXT DAY, there was three more new ones.
By afternoon, there was one.
Today, there are now two more new ones and we're back to three.
I guess it's a good thing pellets come in cans of a few hundred.

06-17-2022, 07:25 PM
That would really supplement my food budget. My pellet rifle is kind of puny for them but the 32 cal flint longrifle would do the trick.

06-20-2022, 11:19 AM
Been my experience that the more you hunt them the thicker they get. Hunted them with 22lr through 45/70 loaded with round balls. Right now my favorite now is an Interarms mini mk x in223. With a 60 grain cast loaded 1600 to 1700 fps 75 yard head shots are doable. One year on opening day I drove my truck into a timber got out pulled out my shotgun loaded it then heard a squirrel looked up and stared shooting. Shot my limit standing by my truck. Been hunting that spot for years. Squirrels seemed to be thicker every year.

06-20-2022, 12:23 PM
I am not much of a game eater, but I did like pheasant cooked with a duck with sweet dressing.
Hunted a lot of rabbits as a kid and sold them to an old guy that bought homemade butter from my mom.
He used to give .50 cent apiece per cleaned rabbit, he like them better than raised rabbits and was thrilled none of the meat was spoiled with shot as I only took head shots with a rifle.
It made him happy and kept me in ammo, back then you buy a box of 50 .22 LR for about 50 cents.
Enough about the past.
We have a lot of squirrels in our yard, never much bothered about them, their kind of cute.
Well, they are not so cute now as they ate holes in the bottom of my Coleman canoe, not to mention the holes they made in the garbage and recycle carts.
They also chewed on the siding of the house, chewed up the PVC base for the air conditioner condenser and even chewed on the aluminum caps on out chain link fence.
My dog used to catch about one a week, but she has slowed down a bit as she gets older.
Now it's up to me with a pellet rifle, of course Fofana, my dog assists me.

06-20-2022, 03:44 PM
I have not hunted bushy tails in a while, we have ton of them on the place this year. The fox squirrels are hunted hard by the red hawks and great horned owls. We have one very large owl that comes at about 5 PM every afternoon and lands out front in the grass at the edge of the trees and just stands there, watching for squirrels. It is near 3’ tall, a big owl, and will fly just above the ground through the trees, very slick hunter.
My favorite squirrel hunting outfit is a US Special Forces Leopard suit. They needed one for the West Point Museum, so I gave mine to the curator. Apparently they are pretty rare. Just like the tiger stripe, they are hand dyed, except they are a kaki with several shades of brown spots about 1 inch with some red spots. The green grey and black tiger would work well for summer.
I use a 22 LR 512 with a scope to head shoot squirrels. General gun starts 0ct 8

06-20-2022, 07:23 PM
I loved to hunt fox squirrels on the Cumberland Plateau when I lived in Knoxville, TN. I once took my oldest daughter to hunt the state forest that is alongside the state line with Kentucky. We saw some interesting things that day, but no squirrels. On the way home, I took a wrong turn and ended up in Monticello, KY. Apparently they use the Appalachian method of signage; "If you don't already know how to get there, there is grave doubt that you should be there at all." Forever after, whenever I seemed to be turned around my daughter would ask, "Are we going to Kentucky, Dad?"

PS: A friend who was from Conyers GA introduced me to .22 shorts in a rifle, and that was mostly what I used with my Rem Scoremaster.


06-20-2022, 11:16 PM
I use a 22 LR 512 with a scope to head shoot squirrels.

Does anyone remember which one of that series of Remington bolt action .22s had the detachable box magazine? IIRC there was a single shot, a detachable mag, and a tubular mag version in that series. Anyhow, I killed my first squirrel with the detachable magazine version one cold Saturday afternoon in December of 1957, I had just turned 10 years old. Thanks for the memories, Rapier! Treetop

06-21-2022, 06:53 AM
Does anyone remember which one of that series of Remington bolt action .22s had the detachable box magazine? IIRC there was a single shot, a detachable mag, and a tubular mag version in that series. Anyhow, I killed my first squirrel with the detachable magazine version one cold Saturday afternoon in December of 1957, I had just turned 10 years old. Thanks for the memories, Rapier! Treetop

There were several, my favorite was the 580/581/582 that looked like little 788s.

06-21-2022, 08:19 AM
If it can be torn up or chewed up, the darn squirrels will tear it up or chew it up. Last year I started shooting them just for property preservation. This yer I'll take a few just to eat.

We bought one of those "Droll Yankee" bird feeders late last year. The darn things are expensive...BUT....if you hang it as per their directions and keep the battery charged, they work and they cannot chew them up. The show the squirrels put on when thrown off them is just about worth the purchase price. That and what we save in bird seed probably paid for it the first year. Now they sit around on the ground and pick through what the birds drop.

Texas by God
07-06-2022, 05:59 PM
From the Krag a little while ago.....

From the bench at 40yds with 104° "Summer Breeze."
The targ-dot is 4"- so I'll call it a 2" group.
Too far away for me and iron sights on a squirrels noggin, though.
Eyesight, not accuracy is the reason.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220706/3926ac0c86e4aaf0ace8471279e9d88e.jpg

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Digital Dan
07-07-2022, 09:24 PM
Gotta wonder is my .22 is good enough...

Best I've done with it at 50 yards is 5 in .091"

07-08-2022, 08:17 AM
Nope Dan, that'll never do.......:smile:

07-08-2022, 06:13 PM
I'm lazy.

110 conibear has 13 notches on it in the last month ;)

07-08-2022, 08:10 PM
I have not hunted bushy tails in a while, we have ton of them on the place this year. The fox squirrels are hunted hard by the red hawks and great horned owls. We have one very large owl that comes at about 5 PM every afternoon and lands out front in the grass at the edge of the trees and just stands there, watching for squirrels. It is near 3’ tall, a big owl, and will fly just above the ground through the trees, very slick hunter.
My favorite squirrel hunting outfit is a US Special Forces Leopard suit. They needed one for the West Point Museum, so I gave mine to the curator. Apparently they are pretty rare. Just like the tiger stripe, they are hand dyed, except they are a kaki with several shades of brown spots about 1 inch with some red spots. The green grey and black tiger would work well for summer.
I use a 22 LR 512 with a scope to head shoot squirrels. General gun starts 0ct 8
I hate squirrels, they eat fruit and nuts off my orchard trees and will chew domestic things causing damage.
I see you are in Northwest Florida and so am I, please send that owl over my way:
We have one very large owl that comes at about 5 PM every afternoon and lands out front in the grass at the edge of the trees and just stands there, watching for squirrels.

I use a cz452 with timney trigger and CCI segmented quiet loads out the kitchen window toward an ear of corn stuck onto a live oak. What happens on my acreage stays on it.
CB caps are a little too short, not reaching the lands and are not accurate enough for me. I prefer head shots, but with the 40 grain segmented projectiles at 710 fps, any solid torso hit is lethal. I do not want the squirrels wandering off to die and having the dogs fight over who gets to keep it.
And do I have repeat that I hate squirrels.

07-09-2022, 09:40 AM
Get in line brother; they're worse than Coon's when the Corn starts to fill. I've lost about 75% of my crop to those Tree Rats already and I'm getting ready to wander down to the Garden now.

Geezer in NH
07-13-2022, 12:35 AM
49 days till they open in NH [for grays]

As for crop damage NOW by licensed WCO's or if you can prove it to the CO of the state.

07-15-2022, 12:11 AM
As a kid, my father would hand me the 410 single shot with five shells…I had to get five squirrels with those five shells. Really helped to learn the fundamentals of hunting, getting close enough (stalking skills) to your prey and getting it with one shot (marksmanship)…extra around the house work was required if I used five shells but returned with less than five critters!

07-16-2022, 08:42 AM
Have a blueberry bush in the edge of my orchard about 75 ft from my computer room window. Saw the limbs of the blueberry bush shaking, thought must be a bird. Looked a little closer and the squirrels have discovered my ripe blueberries. Have run as many as four out of it at one time. Blue berry bush has been here for several years , this is the first year the squirrels have started eating them. They have eaten all my peaches and now have gone after my blueberries. Let my granddaughters dog out to chase them away [keeping her dog while she is deployed overseas]. They just keep coming back so will probably have blueberry fed squirrel when hunting season opens this year.

07-16-2022, 02:56 PM
My dad & grandfather both would count my .22 rounds & my cousins before we left hunting skwirls & rabbits. Came back one time & didn't fire a shot, they met us on the front porch & my dad asked why they never heard a shot? My Gr-father followed up with, They were afraid they might miss, one shot one kill, Then they both just chuckled.

08-01-2022, 11:32 AM
Squirrel season opened this morning here in Illinois and i cant go.. I have dodged the virus for 2 and a half years and it has finally got me. Sucks. I am sick as a poisoned dog. On a better note I plan on shooting my no.3 ruger in .223 with those 44 grain lyman and greendot that my Buddy Woody sold me.............................Curdog

Iowa Fox
08-06-2022, 01:26 PM
I'm lazy.

110 conibear has 13 notches on it in the last month ;)

Can you describe the set you use for us. Thanks

Texas by God
08-07-2022, 12:16 PM
This morning I ended this one's corn addiction. Fat little sucker, Wife and I have supper lined up!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220807/a378237adf409faaa6d0c0e7594daee8.jpg

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08-09-2022, 08:54 AM
[QUOTE=Texas by God;5440064]This morning I ended this one's corn addiction. Fat little sucker, Wife and I have supper lined up!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220807/a378237adf409faaa6d0c0e7594daee8.jpg

Good to see the Krag do what you desired it to accomplish when starting this thread. Keep us updated with your ongoing forays with this rifle/cartridge combination and the squirrels it brings out of the trees.

Texas by God
08-09-2022, 01:28 PM
Thanks Christopher0,
And thanks for the story and pics- so pretty there.

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Texas by God
08-28-2022, 12:05 PM
And the little round ball will take corn fed "Tree Pigs" as well.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220828/7c9eb7fff429765304ffd07cf844e840.jpg

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08-28-2022, 04:28 PM
Just finished reading "Cogan's Woods", perfectly delightful nostalgic book on squirrel hunting. Just sayin'.

08-29-2022, 06:39 AM
Va opens for squirrels this coming weekend, Grey's and Fox's here in the Shenandoah Valley. I'm thinking on taking my Mark4 Ruger , I need to shoot my Cherokee to make sure either it or myself is dialed in

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Texas by God
08-31-2022, 10:22 PM
I carried the 44-40 Topper down to the feeder tonight with a flashlight. Three shots, three fat raccoons with the .433" round ball squirrel loads. The Burris FF3 sight is wonderful.

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09-01-2022, 01:47 PM
Va opens for squirrels this coming weekend, Grey's and Fox's here in the Shenandoah Valley. I'm thinking on taking my Mark4 Ruger , I need to shoot my Cherokee to make sure either it or myself is dialed in

Squirrels open this weekend in Maryland too. I like to still hunt them: 22 Hornet, head shots only with a 4x Weaver scope, usually at 20-40 yds. Last season I wandered all over a 1000-acre hunting area until I learned where they like to be. This season I'm looking forward to tracking them down again, this time with an MP 227-640, plain base, 39 grain bullet. Should be a great squirrel round in the Hornet.

Geezer in NH
09-01-2022, 03:57 PM
Squirrel opened today 9/1 in NH along with bear, racoon, red and grey fox, skunk and opossum.

09-01-2022, 10:31 PM
Squirrels open this weekend in Maryland too. I like to still hunt them: 22 Hornet, head shots only with a 4x Weaver scope, usually at 20-40 yds. Last season I wandered all over a 1000-acre hunting area until I learned where they like to be. This season I'm looking forward to tracking them down again, this time with an MP 227-640, plain base, 39 grain bullet. Should be a great squirrel round in the Hornet.

I picked up an 1885 Low Wall in 22 K Hornet. I haven’t experimented a whole lot with it yet, and the few experiments I have tried have been disappointing with this bullet. (In my defense, I became distracted by 000 in 357, which has done great for me).

I don’t want to hijack this thread. Could I convince you to start a thread and post your load data & technique for this combo?

Charlie Horse
09-02-2022, 09:25 AM
My Rossi 357 likes long-seated wadcutters over 3.8 grains of Unique. I hate that big front bead, however. Makes it hard to get a really fine sight picture.

09-02-2022, 10:20 PM
I picked up an 1885 Low Wall in 22 K Hornet. I haven’t experimented a whole lot with it yet, and the few experiments I have tried have been disappointing with this bullet. (In my defense, I became distracted by 000 in 357, which has done great for me).

I don’t want to hijack this thread. Could I convince you to start a thread and post your load data & technique for this combo?

I'm actually still a pretty new caster and I couldn't claim to have a "best" load for any combo, just what has worked for me. As regards the PB 227-640 boolit, I have that mold in the mail and am eager to work up a load for it with Red Dot or Unique. I may even try IMR-4227 with some heat-treated WWs to see if I can go up above 2200... but I'll let us get back to squirrels. Hope you can find some good data from a more experienced source ChuckJax!

09-02-2022, 10:36 PM
You want a chalenge try an .177 air rifle?? My buddys dad was an electric engerneer, something in airo space, he would put out a strip of tin on the railing and a metal tray with penuts and a phone generator> squirrels would almost go into orbit?? He had one male dog that would pee on his prize azelias, he wrapped the azelias in fine cpooer wire and wet the ground bt the flowers> the dog came to pee, he hit the switch, last seen, dog was going over the hill, spread eagle on the pavement.. Never herd if the dog came back?? Squirrels did>>

Texas by God
09-03-2022, 03:06 AM
As long as you throw the word Squirrel in- it's not thread drift![emoji16]
Soon I'll be working on 30-06 round ball loads to complete the trifecta.

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09-03-2022, 10:57 AM
As long as you throw the word Squirrel in- it's not thread drift![emoji16]
Soon I'll be working on 30-06 round ball loads to complete the trifecta.

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The .30-06 makes a great squirrel and varmint gun.

09-08-2022, 10:18 AM
There were several, my favorite was the 580/581/582 that looked like little 788s.

Yes, those were excellent rifles, I've owned a couple of each over the years. My favorite is the 580 single shot version. I've got a thing for single shot .22 bolt guns!

Texas by God
09-15-2022, 11:29 PM
5grs of Red Dot with a .310" rb and a Remington large pistol primer make up the 30-06 load. To be tried soon. Surplus brass with a TW 54 headstamp have Very Tight primer pockets even after chamfer- weird. I had to break out a Lee Ram Prime to seat the primers.

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09-16-2022, 08:28 AM
Years ago I had a #4 Lee Enfield and one cartridge case. It was a Berdan primed one so I drilled it out for shotgun primers. A BB cap case on a wire was the powder measure, I used Bullseye powder and a .315" ball to kill an enormous number of rabbits. Usually one or two a day for more than a year. That sure helped out my food budget.

And to stay on topic, I got a squirrel yesterday with my Stevens 94 loaded with black powder and #4 shot. Cooked him in the instant pot and am going to make squirrel hash for dinner tonight. There are still a lot of leaves on the trees so I'm looking forward to those clearing out so I can see the squirrels better.

09-26-2022, 04:57 AM
304984 grandson got 3 Saturday, 410 double barrel.

09-26-2022, 10:45 PM
Very cool, Badwolf! Congratulations to you and your grandson! Those are good times!


09-26-2022, 10:54 PM
you want a challenge use an air rifle? .177 out at 25 yds?? no one will came you are shooting deer with that.

09-29-2022, 01:19 AM
grandson got 3 Saturday, 410 double barrel.


09-29-2022, 12:44 PM
I know for sure a Sheridan Blue Streak (.177) pumped with 7 strokes will zip-zap any tree rat at 25 yards. Ours has the receiver sight and is deadly accurate at 25 yards.

09-30-2022, 07:48 AM
I enjoy hunting and eating squirrels. In Pa. no centerfires for squirrels. Would love to use my 25-20, 32-20 or Bee with cast. I have 3 .22's that I use each season, a Kimber, Win 69A and a Remington 12.

09-30-2022, 12:59 PM
I enjoy hunting and eating squirrels. In Pa. no centerfires for squirrels. Would love to use my 25-20, 32-20 or Bee with cast. I have 3 .22's that I use each season, a Kimber, Win 69A and a Remington 12.

Bummer about the regs, but, at least you can use a CF rifle for autumn turkey season! Wish I could......:)

09-30-2022, 02:13 PM
I cast .30 caliber plinkers that would also be good for squirrels with a Lee 311-93-1R mold intended for the .32 revolver. A long while back Dinny powder coated some for me and shot them over his crony and got the following results with Red Dot powder from .300 blackout Handirifle.
3.0gr 1050fps,
2.5gr 900fps
2.0gr 760fps

I've haven't seen a squirrel since I moved out to a small town. Someone transplanted fox squirrels in the Portland area and they're all over the place there and considered and invasive species. We have silver-gray squirrels with a regulated season but I've only ever seen one.

Now if I were to hunt in town where I live, we have Asian doves all over the place and they are also an invasive species and one can take all they can with no season or bag limit...


10-01-2022, 08:05 AM
Centershot- shotgun only, spring and fall. Regs changed last year. The 25-20 and 32-20 with cast made great turkey guns.

10-01-2022, 08:27 AM
Centershot- shotgun only, spring and fall. Regs changed last year. The 25-20 and 32-20 with cast made great turkey guns.

I'm sorry to hear that! I've spent some enjoyable times in Penn's Woods pursuing turkeys with my '06 loaded with cast 160 gr. RN. Bummer!

10-02-2022, 09:57 PM
Centershot- shotgun only, spring and fall. Regs changed last year. The 25-20 and 32-20 with cast made great turkey guns.

I'm sorry to hear that! I've spent some enjoyable times in Penn's Woods pursuing turkeys with my '06 loaded with cast 160 gr. RN. Bummer!

Not sure where you guys are located, but I know Maryland's Allegany, Garrett and Washington Counties allow CF for the fall turkey season October 29th to November 6th. All are south of Pittsburgh, roughly. It's a shame folks don't seem to understand that CF rifles can do a lot of things besides go 3000 fps with FMJs. Seems like that's why they like to outlaw them for game they're well-suited for. I've heard it said the 22 Hornet is a wonderful turkey rifle, but haven't gotten to try! Fortunately it keeps me practicing with my bow.

10-04-2022, 01:06 PM
Well, this is big news to me! Did you know Mepps fishing lures will pay a bit and or trade lures for squirrel tails?

10-06-2022, 10:15 PM
Nope! Cool program.

Texas by God
12-10-2022, 09:51 AM
I found out yesterday that a 46 gr jfn Speer from the .218 Bee will take a squirrel head "clean off"at 80 yards. A fat one, she's what's for lunch tomorrow!

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Texas by God
12-20-2022, 07:59 PM
We’re predicted to have cold for us weather by the weekend so luckily I gathered some stew meat. Two males in rut and two females. It took two minutes to kill all four, Easy pickings for the 44-40 and I can now state for a fact that the round ball is less destructive than a 205 gr flat nose……

Charlie Horse
03-03-2023, 03:58 PM
I hate squirrels, they eat fruit and nuts off my orchard trees and will chew domestic things causing damage.
I see you are in Northwest Florida and so am I, please send that owl over my way:

I've never had problems with squirrels. Other than they'll help themselves to a tomato or two. If they ever did cause trouble it would be Game On. :2gunsfiring_v1:

03-03-2023, 07:00 PM
All I know there seem to be a lot of squirrels in government.

03-04-2023, 12:19 AM
Red squirrels have been destructive pests at two cabins I have owned surrounded by mature white spruce forest here in Alaska. They are almost inedible and new recruits migrate in to take over from their deceased predecessors very quickly. I won’t shoot a firearm inside the rural subdivisions here and anyway don’t have time to lie in wait for the little beasts. Conibear 110s do a neat job, but checking and setting enough of them becomes a chore and there is always risk of marten by-catch out of season. At my old place we got a cat that became a skilled huntress, but at the new place I don’t have time for a cat. So I am turning all my spruce into firewood.