View Full Version : strangest thing caught on game camera?

04-20-2022, 11:35 AM
here's a doozie


04-20-2022, 11:49 AM
My sister in AZ had a similar image on her doorbell camera. Apparently, it happens alot and it's usually an insect crawling on the lens.

04-20-2022, 12:55 PM
It's aliens!

Der Gebirgsjager
04-20-2022, 12:58 PM
Looks something like moose antlers, but no visible animal!


04-20-2022, 01:03 PM

04-20-2022, 01:21 PM
well me, im a true believer. I'm not sure what it is but it could just be gods angels coming to visit us mere mortals here on our little earth. how will we know it when we see it is something I'm always asking. if god sends you a sign how will you know what it is if you dont have faith.

04-20-2022, 01:38 PM
I have faith that a sign won't be sent to a trail camera.

04-20-2022, 03:17 PM
I have faith that a sign won't be sent to a trail camera.

So I guess you don't buy the mother Mary appearing on toast either :)

04-20-2022, 03:38 PM
Reminds me of Jonathan Winters…..Zip and off you go to the funny farm. geezzz..

04-20-2022, 04:13 PM
One of the images I know is fake. The film of big foot strolling thru the woods. Two men produced the film. They advertised for someone who had certain way of walking. They were told of this guy in northern California who walked with a slight stoop and swung his arms to match his legs. That is, his right arm would swing forward with his right leg and the same with the left arm. The producers of the film paid the guy $500 to put on the suit and walk thru the woods as they filmed him. After the film had been shown all over TV the producers exposed it all as fake complete with pictures of the film of the man walking in normal dress. Of course, there are still believers. Some people believe in UFOS ignoring the fact that they would need to travel hundreds of millions of light years to get here. I will believe it when I see it. I am after all from Missouri.

04-20-2022, 04:22 PM
Not a game cam, but YouTube search: "Doorbell Licker"

Now that IS strange!

04-20-2022, 04:51 PM
It's probably a cobweb, drifting in the breeze. I have had images like that in my ring camera

04-20-2022, 08:48 PM

04-20-2022, 09:39 PM
It's probably a cobweb, drifting in the breeze. I have had images like that in my ring camera

Exactly! looks like an oak leaf swinging from a cobweb.

04-21-2022, 02:47 AM
Having watched thousands of hours of security camera footage over the past 5 years, I can say with great confidence that the video is a bunch of nothing. It is light from a vehicle's headlights from a nearby road being refracted by a piece of debris; insect part, or dust particle, or whatever. That is why it is moving slowly towards one direction and then fades. It's because a vehicle is approaching from an odd angle and then making a turn.

04-21-2022, 02:57 AM
One of the images I know is fake. The film of big foot strolling thru the woods. Two men produced the film. They advertised for someone who had certain way of walking. They were told of this guy in northern California who walked with a slight stoop and swung his arms to match his legs. That is, his right arm would swing forward with his right leg and the same with the left arm. The producers of the film paid the guy $500 to put on the suit and walk thru the woods as they filmed him. After the film had been shown all over TV the producers exposed it all as fake complete with pictures of the film of the man walking in normal dress.

Never hear of that one before. The Bigfoot forum I'm on would certainly be interested in your claim that the Patterson footage was so easily debunked, since in reality it has not, and multiple experts have testified that there is no way a human could walk like that.

Your claim in of itself makes no sense. Why would they advertise for someone that walks a certain way? If there is no such thing as Bigfoot, then how would they know how one walks and then be dumb enough to try and hire someone through public advertising? And then release a video to the public that was taken very shakily (due to the horses freaking out at the sight and smell of a Bigfoot)?

You can choose to believe or not believe, but don't fall for fake stories about how the video was a hoax. All of those theories have been debunked.

04-21-2022, 07:40 AM
Cattle thieves and their vehicle plate numbers is what you want to catch..........cameras got to be well hidden or high up to avoid destruction.

Geezer in NH
04-21-2022, 10:07 AM
Saw one like that on Expedition unknown discovery show. Turned out to be a plastic bag blowin in a cross wind under streetlights.

Gator 45/70
04-21-2022, 12:49 PM
Yep. A lizard looks like T rex when it crawls on my camera lens, Wasp's, Aliens from outer space

04-21-2022, 01:54 PM
Never hear of that one before. The Bigfoot forum I'm on would certainly be interested in your claim that the Patterson footage was so easily debunked, since in reality it has not, and multiple experts have testified that there is no way a human could walk like that.

Your claim in of itself makes no sense. Why would they advertise for someone that walks a certain way? If there is no such thing as Bigfoot, then how would they know how one walks and then be dumb enough to try and hire someone through public advertising? And then release a video to the public that was taken very shakily (due to the horses freaking out at the sight and smell of a Bigfoot)?

You can choose to believe or not believe, but don't fall for fake stories about how the video was a hoax. All of those theories have been debunked.

Idaho, nothing has been debunked. The two men who produced the film did it as a joke. The man who put on the suit was interviewed on the show my wife and I watched. This film that you believe in was not the first nor will it be the last attempt to scam the public. One fellow put on some enormous shoes that looked like feet and went walking thru the woods. Of course the news media jumped all over it, as they always do. I am sure there were people who believed it was real even though the man explained it and showed the fake shoes he wore, all the while laughing about it. There will always be believers. In many parts of are country there are stories of swamp creatures or mountain monsters. One of the men on the TV show Swamp People said he had spent his entire life in the swamps of Louisiana and had never seen any monster are any evidence of one.

04-21-2022, 02:30 PM
In the 70's I kinda liked the idea there might be a Bigfoot somewhere out there. Fast forward til today with Millions upon Millions of game camera's set up all over this land of ours. Even Bigfoot couldn't dodge them all.
Now, somewhere Tibet?? a Yeti? I'd like to think there's an Abominable Snowman out there raisin' cain.

04-21-2022, 03:30 PM

"For 50 years, people have been denouncing this film footage as a fake, yet there is virtually no rigorous and logically structured proof for that conclusion. All that can be found are insinuations, suggestions, unsubstantiated claims, and intellectual bullying to try and cajole people into accepting the claim of hoax as a fact.

But in fact, the more rigorous the analysis, the more we see inconclusive determinations. David Daegling, in his text, “Bigfoot Exposed” analyzed the film and concluded, that at his time of writing, 36 years after the event, no proof of a hoax could be found. More recently, Authors Donald Prothero and Daniel Loxton, in “Abominable Science” could do no better, and their analysis of this film resulted in a meager comparison to an anecdotal bigfoot sighting by a man named William Roe. Their conclusion was that if Roe’s anecdotal account could somehow be proven false, then the PGF might reasonably also be deemed a fake. Given that Roe’s encounter cannot be proven false, this was a subtle but tacit admission that the PGF cannot be proven false either."


Using the height of 7’3” as a scale reference, Glickman calculates an arm height of 161 pixels, or 43”. The standard arm length of a 7’3” human is 38.5” [Winters 1990]. The subject’s arm-to-height ratio is thus measured at .49H, when the standard human number is .44H [Winters 1990]. The percentage of the global human population who possesses this arm-to-height ratio is quoted as 1 out of 52.5 million people [Weimer 1993]. Combined with the height of the figure and the comparatively short length of the legs, the percentage of the human population who could have all three of these unusual features — extended arm length, contracted leg length and astonishing height — becomes so astronomical as to be statistically impossible. The only explanation is that the figure is either 1) an uncatalogued animal, or 2) an extremely ingenious, expensive and well-crafted suit.

Glickman notes:

“This suggests that if the subject is a human in a costume then some form of arm prosthesis is in use. Finger and hand flexion is observed in the film [see :27, below] which implies the prosthesis must support flexion. The use of such a sophisticated prosthesis appears to be at odds with the year the film was made, the technology available at that time, and the financial resources of those involved with the filming.”

:21 to :23 are compelling because here we can closely analyze the figure’s back muscles and hip muscles, which not only can be seen sliding over the figure’s underlying skeletal structure, but which expand and contract in a realistic fashion. There is no known mechanism by which a suit manufactured in 1967 — by Hollywood professionals such as John Chambers, let alone by a couple of middle-income amateurs — could effect the illusion of shifting, expanding muscles. It simply could not be and was not done at the time. All Hollywood suits up until the 1970s were shapeless, baggy, and/or loose-hanging suits with no visible musculature. (Even big-budget ape movies of the 1980s, such as Greystoke and Gorillas in the Mist, with expensive and articulated suits developed by industry greats Rick Baker and Stan Winston, respectively, do not depict muscular action seen in the Patterson-Gimlin film.) Also of note is the distinct lack of any material folding, rippling or wrinkling. There is no known material, outside of animal or human skin, which does not create visible folds as it is bent by the limbs which it covers.

:27 to :30 are compelling because, as noted above in the section on arm length, we can clearly see the thumb flexing. There is no known prosthetic device, available in 1967, which could have effected such flexion inside of a costume or suit. Such technology simply did not exist. The only conclusion based on the evidence is that this is a real arm and hand, and not a costume or suit. Since the proportions of that arm are non-human (again, see above), the only conclusion can be the film depicts a non-human figure.

04-21-2022, 04:05 PM
Idaho, you can believe anything you want, be it the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, sasquatch or yeti. I choose not to. Nothing I or anyone else can say will change your mind.

04-21-2022, 06:54 PM
There is no BIGFOOT.

Morris Costumes built the suit in the Patterson hoax film.


If he existed, Elmer Keith or somebody would have tagged him by now

04-21-2022, 07:19 PM
Let's assume all the videos, and pictures of strange creatures and UFOs are all fake.
Where did these legends come from in the first place?
It is a known fact that there are cave pictures of UFOs and aliens.
I imagine these were all faked by some time traveler going into the far distant past and doing a little graphitti.
Yeh, that's got to be it!

04-22-2022, 03:23 AM
There is no BIGFOOT.

Morris Costumes built the suit in the Patterson hoax film.


If he existed, Elmer Keith or somebody would have tagged him by now

Read this and if you can honestly say that you think a costume designer in the 60's created a suit so realistic that today's special effects people can't duplicate it, and that a man who claimed to be the one in the suit does not have the same anatomical proportions, are not lying, then I have an original Colt Peacemaker in mint condition that was carried at little Bighorn that I'll sell you for only $3000.

hree Contradictory Versions of the Hieronimous Confession

Version #1, Costume Description

Hieronimus said Roger Patterson killed a red horse and made a costume from its heavy, stinking hide. Here are quotes from Bob Hieronimus, in 2001: “Roger skinned out a dead red horse … [The costume] stunk … It weighed maybe twenty, twenty five pounds. It was a little bit heavy … Horsehide would be heavy.” Hieronimus adds, “It was made of three parts. It had legs. It had a corset or middle piece between the neck and waist. And it had a head.”

Version #2, Costume Description

Hieronimus subsequently agrees that the costume was a simple, gorilla costume, manufactured by Morris Costumes in North Carolina in the 1960’s. In this second version of his confession, the fur of the creature was dynel nylon threads stitched to a woven cloth backing — nothing like the hide of a “dead red horse” that he previously described. This dramatic modification of his original “confession” was prompted by a publicity-hungry costume maker in North Carolina named Phillip Morris. Morris also wanted to take some credit for the Patterson footage, somehow, and possibly market a new costume. Although Morris has no records showing the sale of a costume to Roger Patterson, he is nevertheless certain that he provided the costume used in the famous footage.

Morris claims that a man named Roger Patterson bought a discount gorilla costume. Somehow he remembers that sale, though there is no record of it. He also claims he “recognized” the gorilla costume when he saw the Patterson footage on TV one day. How coincidental!

Here is the gorilla costume he spoke of.


Version #3, Costume Description

Sometime after Costume Description #2, Hieronimus and Morris came up with a new costume replica of the Patterson creature, which Morris said he could make more duplicates of for 7-8 thousand dollars. The latest costume is a custom-made, latex-enhanced non-stretching quirky creation. It’s a very far cry from what Hollywood special effects folks say would have been required, and nothing like the simple gorilla costume that Morris originally claimed was sold to Patterson in the 1960s, which Morris claimed he “recognized” on TV when he saw the Patterson footage.

Here is that suit; this image is from the last television story done about Bob Hieronimus, on the local news channel in Yakima. The Version #3 Costume is held up by Hieronimus (left) and Morris (right).


Debunking P/G Film Hoaxer Bob Heironimus


The evidence is overwhelming that the Patterson/Gimlin Film was not a hoax. No makeup effects artists who create suits and props for the movie industry have ever come forward claiming they could create such a suit, and those that have looked at the P/G Film see insurmountable problems creating such a suit themselves. The only one who has ever made such a claim is the thoroughly debunked costume designer Phillip Morris who claimed to make the P/G Film suit subsequently worn by Bob Hieronimus. But as this article has proven its nothing but lies, and reflects the sad state of humanity that some will stoop so low to turn a buck.

Major issues include the severe sloping of the cranium above the brow ridge that no one in the movie industry heretofore has figured out how to make a head piece like that fit onto a Homo sapiens’ head due to how our heads rise more upward. If they can’t do it now they certainly couldn’t do it in 67. Other problems involve limb and body ratios that, as Munns explains, elbows and knees can only bend where the person inside the suit bends them. The joint locations and length of limbs are completely different than that found on Homo sapiens, so much so, that it might be impossible to find that rare person, especially of that extreme height, who would possess a body that deviates so drastically from the norm. This alone is a major piece of evidence authenticating the P/G Film.

Today people scream CGI and photoshop, etc., at sasquatch video or photos they believe to be fake, often from nothing more than their personal bias. But 1967 was before CGI, or even computers capable of manipulating footage for that matter. There was no technology in that day to manipulate film to produce this. And that’s the theme of this authentication, a hoax of this sophistication could not have been perpetrated in 1967, and even today there are insurmountable problems with creating a person in a suit matching Patty, or for that matter, according to Dr. Jurgen Konczak, a professor at the University of Minnesota who studies motor control, getting a human to walk like Patty. According to him the way the knee joint, etc., moves a person cannot imitate it.

04-22-2022, 11:20 AM
When you can provide actual evidence, then I will believe in bigfoot.

04-22-2022, 12:32 PM
As I said, there will always be believers in the bigfoot hoax, no matter what proof you show to the contrary.

04-22-2022, 03:16 PM
If Bigfoot does exist, and he/she might or might not, I wish him luck. I hope we can just leave him alone and let him live.
Aliens are another issue - I swear the little buggers keep interrupting my wifi.

04-22-2022, 03:38 PM
As I said, there will always be believers in the bigfoot hoax, no matter what proof you show to the contrary.

The "proof" you provided was the testimony of a man who changed his story quite dramatically, was scientifically proven to have not been capable of replicating the size and movements shown by the creature in the video, and partnered with a shady businessman who sought to profit off the situation and whose "evidence" was laughable. He, and every other costume maker of the era were absolutely incapable of creating a suit that replicated the muscle movement seen in the video.

One of us is relying on science and facts and the other is relying on the word of con artists and ignoring overwhelming factual evidence such as DNA, hair analysis, video and photo evidence. Not to mention the thousands of credible eyewitness accounts.

You don't believe because you are choosing to not believe. I believe because the overwhelming evidence, sightings by friends, encounter I had, and the testimony of experts all point to it's existence.

04-22-2022, 04:19 PM
I didn't provide, the proof derke45 did.

04-22-2022, 04:48 PM
its a proven fact that people will believe lies to be truth if the lies are just repeated a few times.
as to what's out there in this world of ours. that's the question each of us can ask.

04-22-2022, 10:42 PM
I didn't provide, the proof derke45 did.

Oh, sorry. I often lose track of who said what and focus instead on the points made. Helps to realize that none of the disagreements are personal and I don't hold a grudge against anyone for having a different viewpoint.

I do get annoyed when folks hold a view based on incorrect data or lies, and refuse to consider the facts, then mock others who have done the research and educated themselves.

04-22-2022, 11:13 PM
... overwhelming factual evidence such as DNA, hair analysis, video and photo evidence. Not to mention the thousands of credible eyewitness accounts.

.... I believe because the overwhelming evidence, sightings by friends, encounter I had, and the testimony of experts all point to it's existence.

there is NO evidence, no DNA evidence nor any other evidence.

I will admit the costume guy might also be a hoax, but please provide EVIDENCE

I say you cannot, because bigfoot does not exist.

04-23-2022, 02:25 AM
there is NO evidence, no DNA evidence nor any other evidence.

Plenty of evidence out there. You just need to approach it with an open mind. Tons of hoaxers and people trying to cash in on the subject, so plenty of ridiculous claims to sift through. I'd say 90% of supposed "Bigfoot encounters" are somebody seeing the flash of a bear or a moose in the woods, or hearing a fox or cougar making the creepy noises they do, and thinking it was a Bigfoot. I'm very skeptical of most supposed encounters.

My own encounter could not be rationally explained, even though I never saw the creature. Most can be explained away.

But beyond the eye-witness accounts, which are very, very hard to place much stock in, there have been some very smart people collecting DNA samples and footprint casts that are very compelling.


During filming deep in the wilderness of Kentucky’s Appalachian highlands, eDNA collected from soil under a massive tree structure found by Dr. Mayor and LeBlanc produced surprising and exciting results. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is the genetic material naturally left behind by animals in the environment. Scientific analysis of these samples helps generate a snapshot of any living creatures. This revolutionary new tool is increasingly used to confirm the presence of elusive animals.

“This scientific expedition may have finally taken one of the world’s greatest mysteries out of the pages of legend and lore and into reality,” said Dr. Mayor.

Miroslava Munguia Ramos, project manager at the UCLA California Environmental DNA program, has analyzed the eDNA sample from the tree structure. Following are her observations.

“We received soil samples from your team and took a few months to get them processed. What we’re looking at are the unique organisms that we were able to identify. Our software does what’s known as metabar coding. So, it’ll match up all the DNA sequences that we were able to detect and try to cross reference them with the thousands of genomes that have been published and it’s pretty common that when we’re looking at environmental DNA samples, we detect humans, because there’s going be human traces almost everywhere.”

“But what I found very interesting was that, yes, we have detected human DNA in these areas, but we’re still seeing different primate DNA. There wasn’t just one human primate, there are several different primates, some sort of primate relative that exists in the data.”

Interesting Houston Chronicle article on a fingerprint expert that inspected a large number of supposed Bigfoot footprint casts.



Casts of three large human-like footprints were made by U.S. Forest Service personnel in June, 1982, in southeastern Washington State. The fine-grained soil preserved many impressions of dermal ridges and sweat pores. Careful study by dermatoglyphics experts shows these impressions are perfectly consistent with the friction skin found only in higher primates. The foot size of 37.5 x 17 cm rules out any known primate; the nonopposed first digit indicates a hominid. Physical circumstances suggest a body weight of 300 to 400 kg. It is believed that all possible methods of faking this evidence have been considered, and ruled out.

04-23-2022, 02:40 AM
Oh, and why no Bigfoot on game cameras? Because game cameras and other modern night vision devices use beams of infrared light for the motion sensors. Humans can't pick up IR, but some animals can, and it has been theorized that Bigfoot can detect IR and avoids it.

If course, in the vast wilderness of the West, there are no game cameras in 95% of the land, so not really a thing.

Gator 45/70
04-23-2022, 06:08 AM
Caught this handsome lad on camera last season, Gray fox as well. Hopefully this season both will be back?
I don't have anything sexy on my place like Bigfoot and everything.
Do get an occasional meth-head parked up in my driveway, Now that's scary stuff right there!

04-23-2022, 06:13 AM
Im pretty sure I remember seeing something several years back about some professor and others that analyzed some tufts of hair and the DNA couldn't be matched up to anything known and they did analyze a bunch of bear hair that had been found too.
its kind of like the wild Indian boy that was found, locked up and then escaped, and confounded many years ago. somewhere out in the wilds must have been his ma and pa.
I as a European here in North America know that I have fellow europeans that we know so much. were exerts and know everything. and the desperate quest for the almighty dollar has created a cesspool of false information. but I know my knowledge is limited compared to aboriginals that have ancestors that lived here and elsewhere off the land for ever.

04-23-2022, 10:40 AM
eDNA promoting a cable TV show, is not the same as DNA evidence

04-23-2022, 01:26 PM
As a kid in junior high school, I and a friend went to one of those midnight shows put on by MR Morris. I remember the guys walking up and down the aisles waving long sticks with rags on them that were treated with some glow in the dark substance. By the way, Argosy Magazine paid a lot of money for the right to print the staged picture of Big Foot. MR Patterson made a big profit off of his investment.

04-24-2022, 06:35 PM
I will let everyone argue over bigfoot it is an interesting subject In 65 years I have yet to see anything personally but I am open to it . Personal observations do lead me to think 90% or more of reports are actually black bears ...
As far as the video it is something close to the camera with the I.R. light showing well on it . I see all kinds of weird things in my cameras deer that look like wraiths because of their fast speed and slow shutter speed in night mode . I leave most of my cameras in a series of three still shots one I bought only does video it would spook coyotes away like crazy .
After someone tried to kick in my garage door I put in security cameras they see some odd things as well in the dark including the bear that tore though my bedroom window screen .

04-24-2022, 08:44 PM
I'm from Kentucky. I can verify that there are some primates of questionable DNA there.

04-27-2022, 08:56 PM
I'm from Kentucky. I can verify that there are some primates of questionable DNA there.


. . . . I guess I could say that about every state I've been in


05-15-2022, 06:39 PM
Yeah I have seen plenty of that questionable primate DNA here in Michigan ,meth seems to make it show even more....

05-16-2022, 02:03 PM
A guy having sex with a sheep... yeah... and I knew the dude... GROSS!