View Full Version : What does "TC" and "LAN" mean in the CB world

04-13-2022, 08:50 PM

I have some ingots that I got at the scrap yard.

Some are stamped TC. These are dark grey ingots. About 4B pencil
Some have LAN written in Sharpie. These are very shiny ingots. About 3H or 4H pencil.

Do you have a clue what the letters might mean.

04-13-2022, 11:33 PM
Long shot the TC could be short hand for Tin/copper or it might be it's use ....... Soft pewter or ML lead as in TC Hawkins .

LAN I've seen used but it's not sticking , maybe Lead - ANtimony for alloying .

04-14-2022, 10:43 PM
I going to guess TC is for telephone cable.

LAN kind of looks like the A may be an I, messed up when written? No good idea on that one.

Computer geek in me says Local Area Network. Which I sometimes would like to shoot. Scratch that, all the time I'd like to shoot.

04-23-2022, 12:19 PM
If the "A" is an "I", I would surmise that is supposed to be linotype.