View Full Version : Planned lead mining

04-10-2022, 11:08 AM
I have a plan to mine some lead.

Ok, first off, I own a private gun range. We do shoot USPSA competition there,, but otherwise,, it's not open to the public.

Well, a few years back, I lost a lifelong friend. He was into guns, handloading, & casting. His children,, were not. Not even a little. They even didn't know how much he was involved with it all. And they did not care.
As he aged, and knew his time was getting shorter,, he got me to help him liquidate much of his "stuff." But he also left instructions in his will that his kids were to contact me to do the final disposal of any gun stuff. Mostly, ammo.

Well, there was a call, and I got asked to help go through the misc. stuff left over. But the (3) daughters were scared to death of the ammo. They planned to try & take it to the local County Sheriff's Dept & give it to them for disposal. Most of it was his reloads, and most of it was cast bullets. I was able to call our Sheriff, and explain to him the situation, and he instructed them to allow me to get the ammo. He wasn't in a position to take well over 10,000 rounds of ammo like that. So, I got all of my old friends ammo.
Now, as many of us preach; "I don't shoot another person's reloads." But, I've shot with this gentleman for several decades,, and knew his loading practices. And pulling apart such a large quantity of ammo would be very laborious.

So, I decided to pick a single spot on my range, use it as THE spot to shoot this ammo. I plan on using this ONE spot as my "lead depository." I'll use his ammo, practicing my skills, my accuracy, my trigger control, and enjoy memories of past times. Once it's all "deposited" then I plan on a small mining operation.

I already have a way of mass sorting the dirt & debris from the lead easily. But I figure I'll score several hundred pounds of lead for remelting once I mine it all out.

Yesterday,, I started my lead depositing. About 400-500 38 spls. It wasn't too long before I was aiming at the berm through the hole in my target.

I have a long way to go.

04-10-2022, 11:52 AM
Sorry for the loss of your friend. I expect he would be happy if He knew you were shooting his ammo and not tearing it down. I have a few friends whose ammo I will shoot so I understand.

04-10-2022, 01:21 PM
Every member of our NCOWS posse reloads their own ammo, or has it reloaded by another member. I would have NO problems with shooting any of it.

04-10-2022, 02:43 PM
Congratulations on starting your plan. I am sure your friend would approve.

04-10-2022, 11:56 PM
I burned about another 300 or so today. Ahh the fun I'm having.

04-11-2022, 02:18 AM
Nice report and way to honor your friend.

If it were mine, I would try to make a steel trap, save the berm for strays. Much easier recovery.

Thanks for sharing.


04-11-2022, 07:49 AM
I have shot my father in law's reloads in .357 mag.

I asked him when he handed them to me. Roger are these hot? Do I have to worry about them?

No, he said, in fact you have shot 6 of them already. Ok, nice mid level loads I won't worry and thank you very much.

But I knew him and trusted him. Not many that I would.

04-11-2022, 08:14 PM
But I knew him and trusted him. Not many that I would.

Trusting someone enough to shoot their reloads is on par with trusting someone to date your daughter.
Oh, and yeah, I load for my SIL.

04-11-2022, 08:45 PM
Trusting someone enough to shoot their reloads is on par with trusting someone to date your daughter.
Oh, and yeah, I load for my SIL.

That would be one way to get rid of your SIL


El Bibliotecario
04-14-2022, 06:21 PM
Coincidentally I have been using a select 'spot' in the desert. My shooting is nothing on the scale of the original poster, but if I were to 'industrialize' my recovery activity, I would build a wooden frame covered with wire mesh to allow sifting dirt, and use the initial sifting to remove rocks.

As for reloads, I am dumbfounded that in this age of litigation they are readily sold by auction houses.

04-22-2022, 06:44 AM
I would not use the exact same spot on your berm- well not if you are a really accurate shooter anyhow. It can create a “hot spot” where you have high velocity lead hitting solid lead, when you want it hitting dirt or sand ideally. So spread it out a little bit, or just pay really good attention and mine it when you start seeing that happen.

04-22-2022, 09:33 AM
Good thought mha,, but I doubt I'll have many issues. None of it is high velocity. All handgun & soft loads. Plus,, the berm is a sandstone & kinda fills in as it gets shot a bit. I've shot over 1000 rounds so far,, & checked the berm, and only found (1) bullet easily. And this in in about an 8" circle area. But I'll keep checking things. Thanks.