View Full Version : Dash cam anyone?

04-03-2022, 09:49 AM
happened to see this video on YouTube called idiots in cars. got me thinking that one of those dash cams might not be such a bad idea. there are so many of them available for under $100 its mind boggling. but I'm thinking $100 into a dash cam might be a good investment with so many idiots on the roads these days.

04-03-2022, 10:08 AM
I'm sure, in the right circumstance, they would prove invaluable.

04-03-2022, 10:20 AM
A friend's dashcam video was accepted by the cops after an accident. My friend was found to not be at fault, due to the video.

04-03-2022, 10:31 AM
Certainly not a bad idea. You just don't know what sort you are going to come across nowadays.
Mom has one now because of a crazy neighbor who keeps acting the fool.

04-03-2022, 10:52 AM
I bought one long ago, and use it.
My reasons for initially getting it were due to a township breaking federal highway laws.

BUT,, having used it for a long time now,, it has proven it's value.

Once, a girl backed into me while we were at a red light. Then drove off. As I called 911 & politely & calmly explained the situation, I also followed her to where she was going. I never confronted her. BUT, she confronted me,, to which I said she'd backed into me. She denied it. I backed away & politely said, We'll wait for the cops.
Upon seeing the video, the cops were willing to press charges on her. ESPECIALLY when she'd gotten loud, verbally abusive, (screaming at them to arrest me for following her,) and ultimately denying she did anything.
One look at the video,, and she was "caught." She paid for the minor repairs.

And just last week, I had another thing happen. I can't go into it yet, but the video has been sent to the LEO's involved.

Otherwise,,, I've caught some seriously BAD driving & even an accident on my dash camera.

To me,, well worth it.

04-03-2022, 11:43 AM
A dash cam would come in handy on the roads near the beach during spring break around here……Geez. Had a girl in the back seat of a car that passed me on Hwy 98 and right next to me, going in the same direction, bounce a can full of beer off my windshield, no damage, but, come on guys….. good time to have a dash cam.

04-03-2022, 12:27 PM
I also have been thinking a dash cam would be good insurance in case of an accident or incident.

04-03-2022, 12:59 PM
I bought one and installed it but am having trouble with it. The instructions are translated from the Chinese. I found it interesting that it uses both a mini SIM card and a USB dongle. I need to play with it some more. Maybe the USB thingy is what it needs to know what to do and the SIM card is the storage media. I plugged a different USB dongle into it and it doesn't work. Anyone know more than I do?


04-03-2022, 01:11 PM
I bought one and installed it but am having trouble with it. The instructions are translated from the Chinese. I found it interesting that it uses both a mini SIM card and a USB dongle. I need to play with it some more. Maybe the USB thingy is what it needs to know what to do and the SIM card is the storage media. I plugged a different USB dongle into it and it doesn't work. Anyone know more than I do?


Hard to say without seeing it, but the USB is probably for the power and the "SIM" is most likely for a Micro SD card to store the video.

04-03-2022, 01:30 PM
I have them in both vehicles. I only paid around $40 for each, and they take good quality video. I've caught two collisions on them, and the Highway Patrol officers appreciated them, as one of the driver's stories aren't going to match up to facts.

04-03-2022, 04:27 PM
I have been thinking about getting one myself .

04-03-2022, 05:01 PM
I would like one. Can anyone recommend a brand and model? Has anyone every seen or heard of an arrest based on the video? I have a few guys who pass me routinely at about 80mph on bridges,single lanes, corners etc. I would like Barney to see the video and at least issue a warning. My favorite is someone passing, coming toward me in a situation that requires me to slow way down or even get on the shoulder. I really do not like people taking risks with my fife.

04-03-2022, 05:39 PM
"Can anyone recommend a brand and model?" I have the same request since I know very little about them.

Gator 45/70
04-03-2022, 09:33 PM
Been running one for about 8 years now. Pretty nifty tool if you have a wreck, Not sure of the name I think its called The Black Box.
There are rating websites out there that gives you the skinny on each one.

Edit, You do want one with a highly rated picture quality both day and night.

04-03-2022, 09:53 PM
From everything I’ve heard they are invaluable when someone else causes an accident.
There are models that display and record your speed too. On the flip side it can also be used as evidence against the camera owner.
Two people get into an accident, one has a dash cam. Both claim the other was at fault. Responding LEO notices the camera and says: that’s evidence, let’s see who is to blame.

04-03-2022, 10:00 PM
There are models that display and record your speed too.

Nope, nope, and nope. I don't want that.

04-03-2022, 11:55 PM
Nope, nope, and nope. I don't want that.

Saw where one guy used it to beat a speeding ticket.

04-04-2022, 12:03 AM
Nope, nope, and nope. I don't want that.

Your car is likely equipped with an EDR (event data recorder). In the event of impact or deployment of airbag, 8 seconds of data preceeding the event are recorded and recoverable by law enforcement. These include speed, rpm, whether seatbelts were being use and whether or not brakes were deployed. Maybe all US made cars 2007 and newer. Correct me if I am wrong.

04-04-2022, 12:04 AM
Your car is likely equipped with an EDR (event data recorder). In the event of impact or deployment of airbag, 8 seconds of data preceeding the event are recorded and recoverable by law enforcement. These include speed, rpm, whether seatbelts were being use and whether or not brakes were deployed. Maybe all US made cars 2007 and newer. Correct me if I am wrong.

2002 Chev K1500

04-04-2022, 08:19 AM
From everything I’ve heard they are invaluable when someone else causes an accident.
There are models that display and record your speed too. On the flip side it can also be used as evidence against the camera owner.
Two people get into an accident, one has a dash cam. Both claim the other was at fault. Responding LEO notices the camera and says: that’s evidence, let’s see who is to blame.

Nope, nope, and nope. I don't want that.

Speed limit? Only a suggestion?
you can turn speed (GPS generated ) off
Best do so if the cam is ever used as evidence
Also many record sound in the interior - also best turne off.

04-04-2022, 08:25 AM
Saw where one guy used it to beat a speeding ticket.

Got a photo raday ticket. Was doing the speed limit when I saw the photo raday unit and slowed down to 5 under.
My dash cam was on. Recording my speed.
I was on the way to the airport to go to Costa Rica and took the dash cam with me. Formatted the SD card and recorded many hours of windshield time in Costa Rica.
GOt home three weeks ater, photo raday ticket - from the Photo radar unit where I was doing the speed limit. The reading on the photo was 117 KMH in a 90 kmh zone.
I was doing 90, the dash cam video was long deleted and overwritten and I paid the $125.
Photo radar does make mistakes.
I recall folks passing me at that point who were speeding and the photo radar photo showed portions of other vehicles.

04-04-2022, 09:11 AM
Were just south of DC, but it probably applies to most major cities, i have it for my own protection for daily driving. The gps/speed recording is just a added feature but not a deal breaker. Im on my second one. I found out too late that the first had died unoticed when i went to look for the video of a truck crossing into my lane and locking mirrors on the backroads. The mirror flipped in pretty hard and shattered my small fisheye portion.

My recomendation is to get one, $75-100 should get something decent from the usual places.

white eagle
04-04-2022, 10:32 AM
I should have had one yesterday had two women just about get t-boned by me their fault to boot
I was driving down a 2 lane hwy and at a cross street a women decides to cross the hwy without looking first
next I had a women at a 4 way stop decide she didn't have to wait her turn and follow the car that just pulled through untill I stopped her travel by crossing at my turn
then I wish I had one
I say it every time I drive somewhere some people should not be allowed to drive

04-04-2022, 10:35 AM
Years ago, I would have asked "why?" . . . but with all the stuff that goes on now and especially with the way some fo the drivers drive now . . . I think it would be a beneficial thing to have.

My problem is that if we got one for there car . . . my wife would want to get two of then . . . one for the car and one to mount on the refrigerator!

04-04-2022, 10:58 AM
I have one and consider it very cheap insurance. I have the M1 model by Escort. It works in conjunction with my radar detector. I got it on sale for around 100$ to my door. I know there are plenty of cheaper models available but, I like that it works with my radar detector and there is just one cord I need to use. Record quality is very good and it uses an SD card for storage of video. Audio recording can be turned on or off. That will save you the embarrassment if you sing in the car and have an awful voice like mine. It will automatically save events if it detects an impact and will continue to record for a short time if power is lost. I keep it on the suction cup mount so I can easily take it down and put it out of sight while I'm parked (less to temp a thief). I only have a single cam that faces forward, which obviously doesn't record anything that happens behind me.

04-04-2022, 11:36 AM
These are what I'm using. I see the price has gone up a bit since I bought mine. Comes with front and rear view, I just use the front one.


04-04-2022, 11:46 AM
These are what I'm using. I see the price has gone up a bit since I bought mine. Comes with front and rear view, I just use the front one.


How is the video quality with this unit?

04-04-2022, 01:40 PM
Always wanted to get one, but with so many out there, it's hard to decide what is good and what is junk.
Want to stay away from anything "made in china" rubbish, but I'm guessing all of them are.

04-04-2022, 03:03 PM
happened to see this video on YouTube called idiots in cars. got me thinking that one of those dash cams might not be such a bad idea. there are so many of them available for under $100 its mind boggling. but I'm thinking $100 into a dash cam might be a good investment with so many idiots on the roads these days.

YES! YES! YES! I had a big-box-bargain one -- I think I gave less than $40 USD for it on clearance at a Field & Stream store. Pictures were sort of OK -- not great -- 'specially something not mentioned yet -- when driving into the sun. Also -- in "snow country" it was a challenge to mount it on windshield and have lens behind the windshield wiper blade as it cleaned the windshield! Well -- stupid George here -- I traded trucks in 2016; bought a new Rovo dash cam to replace that el cheapo which I let el cheapo go with the truck -- and guess what? The new one is still in its box!
Your thread here was a wake-up/oops/remembrance for me -- THANKS!!! First chance I get, I'll install it :) (If I remember..........)

04-04-2022, 03:20 PM
I have a dash cam in each of our vehicles, after trying several cheaper ones, I settled on an AW5 by Insiq. Clarity of the video is excellent, and they can be programmed to do way more than I want. They were less than $100 each, and I've had no problems other than the fact that the suction cups that secure them to the windshield let go when they heat up in the sunlight. In my truck, which lives outside, I had to glue the suction cup to the windshield with "form-a-gasket" cement.

04-04-2022, 09:27 PM
There are several smart phone apps . You just need a mount.

04-04-2022, 09:35 PM
if I'm going to get one of these things I think one with a camera for front and rear window that are permanently or semi permanent mounted would be real good. my nephew got me into this GoPro thing and a case full of mounting accessories and those suction cups are not very good at all.

04-04-2022, 10:42 PM
I have a windshield mount for unused smartphones that works with the camera or video but it refuses to stay on camera while waiting to take a pic. It is much better than the cheap WM dashcam I bought.

04-05-2022, 12:25 AM
I have had them save my bacon more then once.

They should come pre installed in all cars

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-05-2022, 09:53 AM
My SIL put one in his vehicle. Not 2 days later a "lady" intentionally drove him into hitting her. They pulled over an she imediatelly accused him of causing the accident. And started talking law suit. He simply asked if she wanted to watch the video. She calmed down very fast.

04-05-2022, 10:08 AM
I have 3 installed in my truck with rear cameras. That means "6" eyes watching in all directions :p

04-05-2022, 12:16 PM
How is the video quality with this unit?

Very good in my experience. The clarity of night time driving is astounding.

Do yourself a favor, and also get one of these mounting kits. That is the weak point with most of the cameras, and you can get a good solid mount with these.


04-05-2022, 05:59 PM
Only real caveat you have to deal with is the sd-cards. If you live down South, try to get a brand that offers resilient cards that withstand higher than normal temperatures.

04-08-2022, 07:26 AM
Nope, nope, and nope. I don't want that.

Yes, you do. If someone hits you and says that you were speeding or a cop gives you a ticket you can introduce that in court. Cop or others can say anything they want, you have proof. There is a reason most trucking companies have cameras now. The days of diving in front of a truck, slamming on the brakes and sueing for whiplash are over

My Garmin GPS has a built in camera. It also has one touch recording that backsup the recording a few minutes and saves from that point forward if something happens to get the lead up to the event. "You were speeding and ran a red light"! Nope, here is the proof. Also shows GPS co ordinates, exact place on the map, elevation, temp and a constant speed readout the whole time. Has a removable chip, too. Ive witnessed an accident, recorded it and handed the chip to a cop. Trumps eyewitness recall everytime.

I use a previous model of this https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/589530.
I can also download the video and email or save on my computer. More than you need most likely but easy to use and top notch

04-09-2022, 05:45 PM
If I got one it would a regular camcorder to entertain myself after driving I635 at rush hour. Watch the stupid drivers. Maybe make some $ on AFV?

04-09-2022, 08:22 PM
I bought a cheap one over a year ago. Well last month I’m on a narrow country road and a guy in a 3/4 ton pickup with his mirrors extended hit my pickup mirror and broke his glass and my chrome mirror cover. Well he comes up and said “You hit me, I said nope you hit me”, when He looked and saw that I had a dash cam he knew he was guilty. It showed that he had about 18” between his tire and the edge of the asphalt. I bought a much better cam the next day.

04-09-2022, 08:39 PM
Only real caveat you have to deal with is the sd-cards. If you live down South, try to get a brand that offers resilient cards that withstand higher than normal temperatures.

I remembered :) to install my new Rove camera, and MOST interesting to me, they have a card in box severely warning against purchase of SD cards off eBay and similar Internet sites, as (they write) the packaging and cards look identical to the real McKoy, but the guts inside are totally different! Here's a scan of this card -- it may be the integrity of the card, rather than environmental parameters?298827

04-09-2022, 09:41 PM
if I'm going to get one of these things I think one with a camera for front and rear window that are permanently or semi permanent mounted would be real good. my nephew got me into this GoPro thing and a case full of mounting accessories and those suction cups are not very good at all.

What about attaching Velcro on the windshield and the other half on the suction cup? That way it could be unplugged and hidden when not in use. YMMV
