View Full Version : Yote hunting at home

03-28-2022, 08:02 PM
I am going to start yote hunting again as they are getting to be a problem. Had 5 in my pasture today. When my son was a teen we killed over 300 in a five year time frame. 94 in one year. Would you skin them, are the hides worth anything? What to do with the bodies? I now have wearhouses in the fields we would drop the dead yotes off.

03-28-2022, 08:08 PM
Last year the price was very good for skinned pelts. I've heard prices are down this year but I didn't yote hunt this year so I haven't followed the prices.

Red River Rick
03-28-2022, 10:25 PM
Prices are way down this year for most pelts due to the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Lots of coyotes around, but really not worth the effort unless just for predator control.

03-28-2022, 10:38 PM
298321Chickens would love to eat some of those carcasses (if you get any). They pick em pretty clean, leaving you with a cool fully intact skeleton to nail up on the corral rail. Then you can tell folks what a tough winter you had!
I strung some up one time to resemble a dog team, boy that picture got some looks!

03-28-2022, 11:07 PM
I am going to start yote hunting again as they are getting to be a problem. Had 5 in my pasture today. When my son was a teen we killed over 300 in a five year time frame. 94 in one year. Would you skin them, are the hides worth anything? What to do with the bodies? I now have wearhouses in the fields we would drop the dead yotes off.

If you are inclined to you could start saving hides web they come back into prime. Preserve them until the market rebounds.


03-29-2022, 02:35 AM
298321Chickens would love to eat some of those carcasses (if you get any). They pick em pretty clean, leaving you with a cool fully intact skeleton to nail up on the corral rail. Then you can tell folks what a tough winter you had!
I strung some up one time to resemble a dog team, boy that picture got some looks!

People tend to forget that avians, even as lowly as chickens, are opportunistic predators. Give the chickens a chance for revenge!

03-29-2022, 05:11 PM
How do I convince the wife I need 100 chickens to eat yotes? She wouldn't eat the eggs, she is a city gal. I could place the Skeltons on interstate 70 with little signs i.e. "don't mess with chicken little"

03-29-2022, 08:42 PM
If you ever saw ALL THE THINGS chickens will eat, you’d probably not eat eggs either. This photo was from when we lived in the Dakotas and our winters were bruuuuuutal; so no bugs; or other affordable protein. Id just toss one on the floor (dirt) and let em have at it. Once you can see into the stomach cavity flip it over and they’ll do the other side as well. One carcasses would last them a couple weeks. The skeletal structure is held perfectly together by the tendons etc. and the nice furry feet give you something to nail thru!

03-29-2022, 10:05 PM
I grew up on a farm were we raised all our meat: beef, pork, lamb, and chickens. Late fall when it was cold we would butcher. I have seen what chickens do to each other and what they would eat.

Gator 45/70
03-30-2022, 09:09 PM
If you want spicy eggs feed the chickens the leftover crawfish heads.