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View Full Version : Met a cool old lady in the fishing section

03-23-2022, 07:16 PM
Just a little story from the other night. Was gonna write something but .....I think some things are better said then written


03-23-2022, 08:49 PM
I enjoyed hearing your experience, I too miss what I like to term as old country wisdom. I remember my grandmother talking about her mother-in-law, about how she could cook. I asked what she made that was so great. Well my definition of a good cook and my grandmother are not the same. My grandmother began to tell how her mother-in-law could go into the kitchen and the cabinets would be near empty and she could make a meal for 8 out of next to nothing.

03-23-2022, 11:47 PM
Enjoyed your story. Not many 24 year olds would bother with an older person, much less spend some time listening to them. Sounds like you've picked up a lot of wisdom for a young man. God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth. I guess He designed us to listen twice as much as we talk.

Anyway, I never could catch fish. Guys right along side me would lend me their gear, bait my hook, let me take their favorite spot, NADA! I must have some strange electrical vibrations running down my line that tells fish NOT to bite on my line. Sure would be fun going fishing with you sometime.

Also really enjoyed your story awhile back about your family hog butchering. Keep em coming. It's young guys like you that will keep old traditions and folklore alive.

03-24-2022, 02:21 AM
Enjoyed your story.
Back 30yrs ago there were 2 older Widowed Ladies that Ran the Tackle dept at the Turners in Long Beach, CA.
If You wanted to know anything about salt water fishing on Southern California Coast from The Northern Channel Islands to below Baja and west to Clipperton Island.

They were something. Good Memories.

03-24-2022, 05:41 AM
Patience will often get you more!
You're a good man, Wolfdog91!

03-24-2022, 08:59 AM
Not everything can be found by a Google search. There is no substitute for life experience.

03-24-2022, 09:28 AM
Great story.
I have learned a lot from those older than me.

03-24-2022, 09:35 AM
Dude!!! Us old folks are pretty cool!!!!

Gator 45/70
03-24-2022, 12:09 PM
Good story, If old people like you and think your worthy then their knowledge will be shared.
If they don't like you, Good luck getting the time of day from em'

03-24-2022, 12:44 PM
I still say this board needs a "like" button

03-24-2022, 01:00 PM
With the hook on the bottom your bait is hanging in a way that the fish have to come up at it. Using a hi/low rig your hooks tend to stand out to the side, straight at the fish. A more natural presentation.

Guy at river fishing spot bragging he knows how to catch the big catfish... as he puts stink bait on a hook that is 6 inches down from a lead weight. He proceeds to cast it to the middle of the river where the current is ripping. He catches a few 1-2 pound channel cats and says "see! I get the big ones!"

I rigged up a large 3/0 hook about 24 inches below the sinker, put on a creek chub the size of some of those fish he was keeping then cast it into a back swirl edge. He laughs at me "you aren't going to catch anything on that..." as my rod doubles over and the fight is on. I landed a 32 pound flathead that I released. Rebaited and cast back to that spot... caught 2 nice 5-7 pound keepers that went on the stringer, then on my last cast the rod went down hard, I had to fight to keep my balance. I got that fish close to shore 5 times before it broke off... if I could have landed it I am guessing it would have went 60+ pounds... . I was out of bait so packed up, grabbed my 2 keepers and headed out as this guy just stood there speechless...

03-24-2022, 01:20 PM
When I first moved to S.C. (York) A small town, They had a small wall-mart so I set out to buy a set of binoculars. The older women behind the counter ask me what I wanted I told her and she proceeded to collect up 4 boxes of brand new sets and out the back door we went! I told her I did not like any of them, She said hold on a minute Ill be right back, 20 Minutes latter she brought out a set that was killer and half the price. She must have trusted I wound not run off! with the 4 new sets.The good old days.

Geezer in NH
03-24-2022, 07:19 PM
Again, an excellent video from you. You have much wisdom for your age. Very enjoyable. However, 60 ain't old, to you maybe.:bigsmyl2:

You are welcome to visit anytime to my home in NH if you ever come this way let me know. Wife and I are in our 70's but you will like us.

03-25-2022, 08:48 PM
First off, that is a great video.
In February I just moved into my 8th decade on this planet.
I remember, as a young man, I enjoyed hanging out with the old guys.
I had WAY more old guy friends than young ones.
Thier wisdom taught me so much well ahead of when I may or may not have learned it on my own.
I can only hope I have wisdom enough to pass down before they cover me with dirt.
Old guys don`t feel like they have to be macho, and they just told it like it was.
Other than my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren, I had the opportunity to mentor, if you will, one young man.
His father was raised strictly a city boy and had no outdoor skills or knowledge.
I met him just out of high school.
I taught him the basics of deer hunting and salmon and steelhead fishing.
Btw, he became a much better salmon fisherman than me. He just had the fine touch.

03-26-2022, 06:05 PM

I'm an old school cat with 50 years experience at being 18. If there is one thing life has taught me, never let age get in the way when it comes to being friends or learning from one another. The day the young and old stop talking, we in trouble.

The world is upside down for a lot of us old schools. Hopefully, some will see this video and realize, as long as young men like you are still around, we still got hope. Thanks for the blessing my friend.


03-26-2022, 06:22 PM
Enjoyed your story. Not many 24 year olds would bother with an older person, much less spend some time listening to them. Sounds like you've picked up a lot of wisdom for a young man. God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth. I guess He designed us to listen twice as much as we talk.

Anyway, I never could catch fish. Guys right along side me would lend me their gear, bait my hook, let me take their favorite spot, NADA! I must have some strange electrical vibrations running down my line that tells fish NOT to bite on my line. Sure would be fun going fishing with you sometime.

Also really enjoyed your story awhile back about your family hog butchering. Keep em coming. It's young guys like you that will keep old traditions and folklore alive.

If we had a "like" button, this would have many hits...

03-26-2022, 08:00 PM
:drinks: Great post wolfdog91.I was fortunate to have grown up around some great people.WW1, WW2,Korean war and Viet Nam vets.Greatest bunch of Ladies and Gentlemen you have ever seen and had the privelege to listen to and converse with.
Great stories and wisdom was dispersed at will.They will NEVER be forgotten.
God bless them all.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

03-26-2022, 08:35 PM
I was blessed to have been raised by parents who lived through the great depression, and learned much about living with what I have. My dad, as well as my grandma and My aunts and uncles on his side, were story tellers..... They would relate the events of the lives they lived, and I loved listening to the stories. Sadly, they're all gone, as well as the stories. I can remember a lot of them, but, having not lived them, I can't tell them like the "old folks" would. Now I'm part of the old generation (my wife, a hospice nurse, informed me that at sixty, I am, medically speaking, considered "young old" ugh! ) and I find the lack of interest from the young folks to be disheartening, and, frankly, frightening. Wolfdog, you keep those stories coming..... You might just resurrect an honorable and enjoyable form of history keeping!!!

03-27-2022, 12:42 PM
Enjoyed your story. Not many 24 year olds would bother with an older person, much less spend some time listening to them. Sounds like you've picked up a lot of wisdom for a young man. God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth. I guess He designed us to listen twice as much as we talk.

Anyway, I never could catch fish. Guys right along side me would lend me their gear, bait my hook, let me take their favorite spot, NADA! I must have some strange electrical vibrations running down my line that tells fish NOT to bite on my line. Sure would be fun going fishing with you sometime.

Also really enjoyed your story awhile back about your family hog butchering. Keep em coming. It's young guys like you that will keep old traditions and folklore alive.

Whenever I ran into that it was something the person had on their hands... they either smoked, used a lot of hand lotion, had pumped gas and had it on their hands, or used a soap that left a lot of residue behind. Fish have a sensitive sense of smell... clean hands makes a difference!

03-27-2022, 01:21 PM
Anyway, I never could catch fish. Guys right along side me would lend me their gear, bait my hook, let me take their favorite spot, NADA! I must have some strange electrical vibrations running down my line that tells fish NOT to bite on my line. Sure would be fun going fishing with you sometime.

I resemble that remark. Many times fishing with my dad and brother, and they'd be reeling them in, and I'd be standing there with nothing happening. Switch place, still nada!

Only time I caught much of anything, brother and I were freeloading on a day fisher out of San Pedro Harbor, just off of Santa Catalina Island. You could throw an unbaited hook in and catch rock cod. We had two big burlap bags full of rock cod when we got off the boat. Dog food for weeks! That was fun! Did that a couple weekends in a row, as our uncle was running the galley on the boat. We washed the decks and such to pay for the ride on the way back while everyone else was napping and drinking beer.
