View Full Version : Recent Lee 4-20 pots

03-14-2022, 09:54 AM
I know Lee pots have the reputation as being "drip-o- matics". But I thought about 4 or 5 years ago Lee made changes to the spout to eliminate the problem.
I helped a fellow caster get started about that timeframe. We set up his new Lee pot and cast several hundred boolits. I was impressed with the Lee, as being quite good for the money.
So my question is , are the new Lee pots improved or is their reputation as being drippers still valid?

03-14-2022, 09:56 PM
mine is a couple years old. Brand new, nary a drip and I wondered what the big deal was. Today it drips a bit but not enough to be an issue. If the reports here are to be believed, all bottom pour pots will all dribble at times. IMO, for the price the Lee pots are an incredible buy.

03-15-2022, 12:38 AM
Mine is fairly new about 3-4 months old and I've used it about 5 casting sessions and I just finished casting about 700 .45acp and not a single drop.

03-15-2022, 09:29 AM
Lapping a valve/spout (so they mate) on a new Lee 4-20 pot or when cleaning up an old Lee pot, will usually cure any dripping problem it may have...Of course, to maintain the non-drip status, you need to use clean alloy and the proper dross removal maintenance. Adding a weight to the handle is another mod that helps stop the drips.