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03-11-2022, 06:43 PM
I got a surprise today from my wife. It was a good one, she was truly in rare form. We were at the doctors office. We had been persuaded by our insurance companies traveling physician to get a doctor since everyone else has one, and since nobody gets younger we might want one some day. So we did. I had my interview first to test the waters and found that I could tolerate one doctor here .. and he seemed to tolerate me. So Wendy made an appointment and today was the day. We walked in and started doing the computer work. ( It is no longer paperwork) . So name, address, phone , DOB next of kin , all the routine questions. And then the question came " RACE ?" and Wendy dead panned the perfect response, " Oh , no thanks, i don't like to run anymore." I laughed and snorted and thought it was a great response........ But the question remains, why is that important?

Silvercreek Farmer
03-11-2022, 06:48 PM
Data for medical research. Certain races are more prone to one disease or another. Funny response, though!

Winger Ed.
03-11-2022, 06:55 PM
It goes against political correctness, however it is true that people of different races
are more prone to get, or resist different 'ailments' for lack of a better word.

For example:
White people really don't need to be overly concerned about getting sickle cell anemia as those of African descent.

With your race being part of your medical record/history,
it can sometimes help a doctor to figure out what is--- or isn't wrong with you.

03-11-2022, 07:29 PM
It goes against political correctness, however it is true that people of different races
are more prone to get, or resist different 'ailments' for lack of a better word.

For example:
White people really don't need to be overly concerned about getting sickle cell anemia as those of African descent.

With your race being part of your medical record/history,
it can sometimes help a doctor to figure out what is--- or isn't wrong with you.

Absolute Falsehood as it breaks down when analyzed. Asian, Caucasian, Black at one time was fairly evident based on historic locations on the Globe. But invasions of the Monguls. Invasion of the Muhamidites. Invasion by the Greeks. Invasion of North/South America by all the others and the "Race" issue begins to break down. Using myself as an example; If I decide to be honest I have to select "Two Or More Races"; not Hispanic. Grandma #1 was Blackfoot, Grandma #2 was Mexican (Not sure what local tribes mixed with what Spanish/French/Irish/other to make up the "Mexican". Other "Races" from other England or Europeans in the background. Placing the issue differently; a person is Black if 1/20th Black as I recall from old Louisiana Law before the War Between the States; later the definition was 1 drop of black and your black, then the "Black Population" sought to claim Blackness for political power wherever possible. My wife worked as an accountant and Logistics manager for an Indian Tribe. The Federal Government stated that only people with 1/8th Native American Tribe could claim Indian status - but if no RECOGNIZED tribe "Claimed them" then they were not Indian even if lineage was 100% from several tribes.

My point is that the "Race" question is driven by the Federal Government, Grants, and Monies set aside for a variety of political purposes. Very little to do with "Race" and health issues such as sickle cell anemia.

Wayne Smith
03-12-2022, 08:41 AM
In a sense you are both right. Yes, there really is a racial difference in various disease profiles. On the other hand, the more we learn about genetics the less important this will be and the more important your specific genetic profile will be. We are already seeing that with some cancers.

elk hunter
03-12-2022, 09:13 AM
I generally put down "AMERICAN".

03-12-2022, 09:24 AM
I remember once filling out one of those forms when I was a young whipper snapper. the question was sex

I just wrote "YES" in the blank next to it.

but later in life after life changing accident and spending so so many hours in doctors offices and hospital visits.
I've taken those forms to a whole other level after dealing with rip off doctors and insurance companies, being passed from one doctor to another so they can each get their own new Cadillacs off my suffering. I would create my own line on these forms, writing in that I will not or cannot be held responsible for any amount of money owed beyond what the insurance will pay to them and include a self drawn line for them to sign on.

03-12-2022, 10:53 AM
Absolute Falsehood as it breaks down when analyzed. Asian, Caucasian, Black at one time was fairly evident based on historic locations on the Globe. But invasions of the Monguls. Invasion of the Muhamidites. Invasion by the Greeks. Invasion of North/South America by all the others and the "Race" issue begins to break down. Using myself as an example; If I decide to be honest I have to select "Two Or More Races"; not Hispanic. Grandma #1 was Blackfoot, Grandma #2 was Mexican (Not sure what local tribes mixed with what Spanish/French/Irish/other to make up the "Mexican". Other "Races" from other England or Europeans in the background. Placing the issue differently; a person is Black if 1/20th Black as I recall from old Louisiana Law before the War Between the States; later the definition was 1 drop of black and your black, then the "Black Population" sought to claim Blackness for political power wherever possible. My wife worked as an accountant and Logistics manager for an Indian Tribe. The Federal Government stated that only people with 1/8th Native American Tribe could claim Indian status - but if no RECOGNIZED tribe "Claimed them" then they were not Indian even if lineage was 100% from several tribes.

My point is that the "Race" question is driven by the Federal Government, Grants, and Monies set aside for a variety of political purposes. Very little to do with "Race" and health issues such as sickle cell anemia.

A good example of that is the Rocky Boy Cree. It took them a long time to get recognition.

03-12-2022, 10:58 AM
I'm with elk hunter . . . I put down AMERICAN.

I'm well aware that some racers are more prone to some diseases than others . . . BUT . . . 1. How many tips fo you have to list it before it becomes a permanent part of your record? Funny how we have a a medical privacy but ALL the doctors I seem to go to . . . specialists, etc. . . . all have access to my records and know my meds, etc,.2. That information seems to be collected and used by the govt. for such things as "entitlement" programs. As far as I'm concerned, it's about time that ALL American Citizens need to be treated equal.

We have a government right now that seems to be so concerned about climate and pollution and conservation -
EXCEPT when it comes to THEIR dictates. Certainly no conversation of trees judging by the numbers of pages of paperwork that need to be filled out every time you go to a doctor - and now it's a push to all go computer and smart phone . . . and a lot of people, especially us older ones, find it a real pain. Defend the reason for the questions if you want to . . . but if it is such a big thing . . . then perhaps the information should be asked of the patient BY THE DOCTOR. I find it a bit odd that all of the information is being collected on the paperwork - yet - the border is wide open thanks to the Left who helped create all of this paperwork and information collecting - yet there is little concern that ANYONE can come into this country, many of whom have/had COVID and then were shipped around the country and dumped off in the middle of the night by Biden and his outlaws (at TAXPAYER expense) . . . they get free medical care, smart phones, cash, etc. . . . and all the while we have American Citizens who can't afford healthcare and prescriptions when they need it. Sadly, we've come to the point in healthcare in this country where doctors can't "doctor", the cost of healthcare is skyrocketing because of government regulations and then in turn, the idiot in D.C. mandates that they be fired if they don't bet the vaccine.

Sorry for the rant . . . but I am one who will continue to put down AMERICAN. OP . . . .I think your wife did a great job on her answer!

03-12-2022, 11:02 AM
I just put down "Human".


03-12-2022, 11:22 AM
Absolute Falsehood as it breaks down when analyzed===

Actually, there is a huge amount of truth in his comments. The others stuff tags along-but the racial -read genetic- material is the foremost reason. There are dozens of examples that are common daily activities. Like drinking milk. I'm about as white as it gets and I can drink a gallon a day. I have lots of friend and co-workers from Africa, Southeast Asia, who get very ill over an 8 oz glass of milk. Doctors need to know this stuff. BTW VIAGARA WAS DISCOVERD BY ACCIDENT. iT WAS A HEART/BLOOD PRESSURE DRUG IN FINAL TESTING. opps A couple of Black guys had continuous erections during test. A re=examination resulted in ******. Genetic background or race is critical for proper medical treatment.

Thin Man
03-13-2022, 08:13 AM
If asked about "Race" I would answer: "You betcha! Small block Chevy engines and straight quarter-mile drag strips!!"