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03-06-2022, 09:08 AM
maybe its been close to a year since they passed the law that pretty much says anyone can open or concealed carry and permit no longer needed.
I went to get some gas couple days ago and there was this guy with what looked like it might have been a 7.5" red hawk in big holster on his belt. or maybe it was a 480 or a 500. It just looked odd, and at this sleepy little gas station I wasn't the only one looking at the guy. The guy wasn't little but real skinny and that gun sure did stick out.
for the past couple days for some reason I can't get this image out of my head.

03-06-2022, 09:17 AM
Believe it or not CT 8avan open carry state. A few years ago a coworker and 8 got into a small argument about it. I didn't believe that CT was open carry. We looked it up and for sure it was true. But at the bottom of the form it said to use caution when open carrying.

My argument was Your in Walmart and reach for something over your head. And mom comes around the corner and sees your firearm. And YELLS GUN!!! What do you think is going to happen?? The store empties, Cops are called. And you are left with explaining the law with cops with their gun drawn.

Not a scenario that I want to be in. I will just conceal carry all the time.

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03-06-2022, 09:24 AM
Seen open carriers in my local walmarts and grocery stores in eastern nc. Still not sold on the idea. Just means that the bad guys will jump you first to get you out of the way. But if you’re carrying concealed its a gamble on their parts and if you are situationally aware they probably won’t even bother you. They want an easy target, some sheeple with their nose stuck in their phone. I’ve never seen any long guns being carried around.

Rick R
03-06-2022, 09:27 AM
Meh! WV has been “Shall Issue”, then “Open Carry” and now is “Constitutional Carry” for years.
You see people with all manner of handguns and knives going anywhere it’s legal and nobody bats an eye. In fact if you called the police about someone carrying they’ll think YOU are the odd one.

03-06-2022, 09:37 AM
I'm ok with it but ask yourself where you'll be carrying and who's around. In XDROBs comment, what if instead of some soccer mom it's a punk who's quick enough to grab it?
Retention, retention, RETENTION. Carry your gun in a holster that won't allow it to be jostled loose or pulled out by someone else. Some of the holsters I've seen in public are a bad joke at best.

03-06-2022, 09:39 AM
Open carry is someone screaming "..hey look at me. I have a gun".
Now, let me make one thing clear here - I support the right to openly carry if your state allows it.
But with rights come responsibilities.
You have a responsibility to your fellow man, and yes even those that are anti-gun liberals, to NOT freak them out and confirm their suspicions about "gun nuts".
If you must carry, carry concealed.
No one knows but you.
Open carry and everyone knows.
Open carry is not smart for anyone.

03-06-2022, 09:42 AM
[QUOTE=JSnover;5368257]I'm ok with it but ask yourself where you'll be carrying and who's around. In XDROBs comment, what if instead of some soccer mom it's a punk who's quick enough to grab it?

Yes I agree. Another bad situation. So even though I can, I won't!!

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ohen cepel
03-06-2022, 09:53 AM
I like open carry if I am in a remote area as I find it more comfortable and out in the woods I am likely carrying something larger.

In/around towns and cities I am not into open carry at all. Fine if others do it but I do not suggest it nor practice it.

03-06-2022, 10:30 AM
Open carry creates a target on that person’s back. Shortly after Texas allowed it, a guy walked into a Dallas Walmart bathroom with a pistol on his belt. Another person noticed, grabbed a tire iron off the shelf and followed him. One crack on the back of the his head at the urinal and the bad guy had a new gun to stick down his pants. The victim didn’t die but suffered a concussion - and he lost his expensive 1911. Best to keep it concealed and make it a nasty surprise if necessary.

03-06-2022, 10:42 AM
I like open carry if I am in a remote area as I find it more comfortable and out in the woods I am likely carrying something larger.

In/around towns and cities I am not into open carry at all. Fine if others do it but I do not suggest it nor practice it.

This is my view as well. I do open carry when in the woods and even at home when working around some brush piles. I do not like snakes and the .38 snubby with shot capsules is handy and gets the job done. Anywhere else I am concealed.

03-06-2022, 11:14 AM
You can open carry here in AZ and it's not unusual to see it once isn a while. I have no issue with it if someone wants to OC - that's their business. We had a neighbor here in AZ (she has moved) who used to get all upset when she saw someone OC in the local grocery store, etc. It wasn't hard to see what side of the political fence she stood on. She would always bring it up and I would just tell her that it is an individual's right to do it in this state - if she didn't like it, don't look. In more rural areas, I don't think that a lot of folks even give it a thought. Here in , I have known a number of individuals, men and women, who live and work on ranches and they open carry all the time as it goes with the territory - they have livestock and have to deal with a number of things - critters like bobcats, snakes, coyotes (2 and 4 legged kind), etc. and a handgun is a tool they utilize in their work when needed - and when they go to town it goes with them. But, they don't do it to draw attention to themselves.

Personally, I don't like to "advertise". I carry on the belt with a shirt tail or jacket over it but if someone should see it . . . so what? In Michigan, I open carried on the farm all the time as there were plenty of critters to go after but that was different. Any other time, I carry concealed. I don't look for trouble and I hope the I never have to use my firearm, but if I do, I would much prefer the presence of my handgun be a "surprise" to the perp than to have them know about it.

This is strictly my opinion and it doesn't pertain to everyone who open carries . . . but . . . I have now those who seem to somehow get a "rush" by the fact that they can OC and get looks from others. Again, it is their right if the law allows it . . . . but usually they are the ones who think they can handle any situation . . . "well this is what I would do" . . . types . . . .and if anyone has ever taken CPL, CCW training classes, there are always a few bravado ones in every class it seems. The types who think they have to impress everyone for some reason. And sometimes, it seems like some have the concept that a "bigger gun makes me a bigger man". But . . . if the law allows open carry . . . I still go by the measure that it is their right to do so.

03-06-2022, 11:30 AM
As we all see here,, there are differing opinions about open or concealed carry.

I live in NC,, and it's been an open carry state for decades. Long before CCW was allowed.

For about 35-40 years,, I've open carried a lot. Especially when I wasn't allowed concealed carry. And,, so do some of the people I associate with.

Only once,, (before CCW,) did anybody call the cops about us. A buddy had his on,,, and the store owner saw it & asked him if he was a cop. When he replied to the negative,, the store owner calls the cops. (He hadn't seen my gun yet.) We kept shopping calmly & did NOT engage in any type of confrontation.
ONE cop arrived,, and entered,, was pointed to us,, and he casually came over. A short and very polite conversation occurred, and the cop then went to the store owner,,, and proceeded to FIRMLY explain that HE was in the wrong, and that HE was wasting precious LEO resources on this type of call. He told the store owner in no uncertain terms that it was not only legal,, but he PREFERRED to see people carrying a gun.

Now,, since CCW has passed,, and more people can legally carry a firearm concealed,, many choose to do so and that's great. But if a person chooses to carry openly,, try & remember a few points.
(1) That person is also a gun owner,, and a supporter of our rights. Should we as gun owners discourage them or smile knowing there's another person who's honest?
(2) While some may think a open gun makes that person a target for a thug,, that's a possibility. BUT,, it's also known that in general, an open carried gun is often brought into use much quicker than from CCW.
(3) By open carrying,, it can often allow others to engage into polite conversation with other gun owners. I was once in a Lowe's and had my 1911 on me, openly. An elder lady politely asked me; "Is that a 1911?" to which I replied; "Yes!" Then SHE started a conversation on how much SHE enjoyed HER 1911 & wanted to know what mine was.Many people all around us were a little surprised.
(4) By having a gun openly carried,, it can also act as a deterrent to a thug who may be thinking about doing wrong while you are around. Seeing that,, the thug may say to himself; "I try & use my knife to rob this place,, that guy might shoot me."
(5) Back to the thugs who may target a person open carrying. Most thugs are not the deranged types who go into a place with the agenda of shooting up everything. Most are not going to start shooting at an armed person if robbery is their intent.
(6) A person's job may require a lot of interaction with people in public. And if you have to do work, a gun in a CCW holster may be hard to keep on you while you work. (Think of a carpenter here.) As a carpenter,, you may have a method of open carry,, such as just tucking the handgun in your belt as you travel about, but when you get to a customers house,, you need to remove it. And when you leave,, you want to continue to carry. Hard to keep putting on & taking off a holster for CCW & do your job.

And since the wally world comment was made,, I'll relate an experience I had in one.
A few years ago,, shortly after a shooting in a wally world that made national news, I was in one,, and had my 1911 tucked into my belt, just near my right hip pocket. I saw a young gentleman enter with a Glock in a completely open holster etc. I just noticed it, & kept on moving. Shortly after,, an elderly lady stopped me, and said; "I don't know if you'd be a person to talk to,, but that man over there has a gun on." I politely stopped, and started a conversation with this nice lady, about how NC is an open carry state, and the many good reasons a person might carry. And about how,, if you see that,, you know that person is an honest person, and was also willing to be one who might save lives if something bad were to start happening. I was wearing my work shirt,, which has my company logo on it,, where I deal in nuisance wildlife. She commented on that & we were also discussing some of that,,, to which I explained how a game warden had gotten me into the business. Just a few moments after I'd said that,, that very same game warden, (now retired,) walked up. I chuckled & commented on how he was the warden. We spoke for a few moments,, and he then asked; "What are you carrying today?" I replied and the lady suddenly proclaimed; "Oh my gosh,, I didn't even know you had a gun on!" To which,, we also continued our polite conversation about open or concealed carry.
That lady thanked me profusely for the education AND how nice & polite I had been.

Often,, by open carrying,, you can do more good than you know.

Do I always open carry?
Do I always CCW?

But do I respect the fact that others have their opinions & choices?
And lastly,, I'm extremely GLAD we do have more rights & choices than we used to have! I'll not discourage anybody from exercising their FREEDOM!
We gun owners need to stick together,, & NOT divide ourselves. Or,, we'll all lose.

03-06-2022, 11:34 AM
You can open carry here in AZ and it's not unusual to see it once isn a while. I have no issue with it if someone wants to OC - that's their business. We had a neighbor here in AZ (she has moved) who used to get all upset when she saw someone OC in the local grocery store, etc. It wasn't hard to see what side of the political fence she stood on. She would always bring it up and I would just tell her that it is an individual's right to do it in this state - if she didn't like it, don't look. In more rural areas, I don't think that a lot of folks even give it a thought. Here in , I have known a number of individuals, men and women, who live and work on ranches and they open carry all the time as it goes with the territory - they have livestock and have to deal with a number of things - critters like bobcats, snakes, coyotes (2 and 4 legged kind), etc. and a handgun is a tool they utilize in their work when needed - and when they go to town it goes with them. But, they don't do it to draw attention to themselves.

Personally, I don't like to "advertise". I carry on the belt with a shirt tail or jacket over it but if someone should see it . . . so what? In Michigan, I open carried on the farm all the time as there were plenty of critters to go after but that was different. Any other time, I carry concealed. I don't look for trouble and I hope the I never have to use my firearm, but if I do, I would much prefer the presence of my handgun be a "surprise" to the perp than to have them know about it.

This is strictly my opinion and it doesn't pertain to everyone who open carries . . . but . . . I have now those who seem to somehow get a "rush" by the fact that they can OC and get looks from others. Again, it is their right if the law allows it . . . . but usually they are the ones who think they can handle any situation . . . "well this is what I would do" . . . types . . . .and if anyone has ever taken CPL, CCW training classes, there are always a few bravado ones in every class it seems. The types who think they have to impress everyone for some reason. And sometimes, it seems like some have the concept that a "bigger gun makes me a bigger man". But . . . if the law allows open carry . . . I still go by the measure that it is their right to do so.

Worth repeating Wise Words. Above. Only caveat is you need open carry allowance to protect us from crazy laws that forbid your even exposing a legal sidearm while concealed carry.

03-06-2022, 11:40 AM
Open carry creates a target on that person’s back. Shortly after Texas allowed it, a guy walked into a Dallas Walmart bathroom with a pistol on his belt. Another person noticed, grabbed a tire iron off the shelf and followed him. One crack on the back of the his head at the urinal and the bad guy had a new gun to stick down his pants. The victim didn’t die but suffered a concussion - and he lost his expensive 1911. Best to keep it concealed and make it a nasty surprise if necessary.

I think this is the best reply to the issue, in MO we can open carry but I only carry concealed.

03-06-2022, 11:41 AM
I did not see any suggestions that OC should be forbidden, just guys stating their preferences and why.

Half Dog
03-06-2022, 11:49 AM
Open carry or concealed carry should be users choice. What troubles me is ignorance. I think there should be a minimum level of proficiency and education similar to a driver’s license.

03-06-2022, 12:03 PM
In this area, seeing a man or woman wearing a handgun barely gets a second glance, aside from wondering what kind they are packing.
On the other hand, I heard recently that 80% of the citizens in this county have concealed permits.

03-06-2022, 12:19 PM
The only way to desensitize people about guns and to learn to accept that is a Constitutional right is let them be seen. As far as the argument about the bad guy going after the open carry guy, predators don't go after the biggest and strongest, they always go after the most vulnerable. If you don't want "Karen" calling the cops, just carry concealed. Some of us call this freedom to make a choice, instead of letting some one else decide for you.

03-06-2022, 12:34 PM
Worth repeating Wise Words. Above. Only caveat is you need open carry allowance to protect us from crazy laws that forbid your even exposing a legal sidearm while concealed carry.

^^^ This ^^^

03-06-2022, 01:50 PM
In my little town,it's not unusual at all to see someone carrying open. I would not want to be the one that grabbed an open carry gun from someone as he would probably get greeted by a bunch of ccw weapons pointed his way.
I'm a county north of Waksupi and I don't know the number of folks in my county that have CC permits but they don't need them. I think it would surprise many of the people in the blue states how many of the people in the red states are carrying concealed. I rarely carry open unless hunting/hiking/fishing.

03-06-2022, 02:28 PM
When I'm out I'm carrying concealed. All the time. If you do it right no one knows and that's a good thing. Even here in Maine there are lots of people who are city born and bred and haven't a clue about firearms. I don't need the aggravation of having to discuss things if someone drops a dime on me. Fools aren't limited to NJ and such. Where do I carry? Everywhere, including federal property as long as I don't need to go through a metal detector. If there's a sign, like at the hospital or associated med' facilities, I just ignore them. Those signs have no weight of law behind them and the worst that can happen is they ask you to leave. It's never happened to me. As I wrote, do it right and no one knows.

I mostly carry off body in a Maxpedition Fatboy. Why? Because Maine weather can start out cool and be far too warm for what I'm wearing for concealment in a few hours. Then I swelter since I can't remove the layer and stay concealed. Off body means I can adjust layers and stay concealed. I was "made" twice. Well, sorta. Back at the time I carried a 1911 and had 2 magazines in a side pouch that was open for wandering eyes to see. A friend told me at the supermarket, "I know what they are.". Another time soon after that a gent saw my Fatboy and said, "That can carry a gun.". To which I replied, "How about that.". He looked at me strangely. Since then I moved to a M&P 9c and the spare mag can still be seen in the side pouch. But it's extended and just looks like a box the same color as the Fatboy itself. We have Constitutional Carry but both the wife and I have carry permits for the added benefits one gives. When shopping the pack in the child seat is handled like the nuclear football. One of us is always with it.

03-06-2022, 02:47 PM
Open carry or concealed carry should be users choice. What troubles me is ignorance. I think there should be a minimum level of proficiency and education similar to a driver’s license.

I disagree. If that were true, then I would apply the same stipulation to being able to vote or express your opinion in an article or the internet. Owning and carrying a firearm is a God given right, driving is a privilege

03-06-2022, 02:58 PM
I carry open most of the time as that is the way I started as it was the only way allowed in the state of OHIO. I was at a restaurant and had a man ask me what I would do if he grabed my gun. I told him I would break his elbow and probably dislocate his shoulder, he was a cop but I didn't know at the time. He said show me. We went to the gym where I unloaded my 1911, he grabbed the gun, it didn't come out like he thought it would, I gripped his arm turned hit the elbow and twisted the arm backward and up with light pressure. It hurt but I did not break anything. He was very surprised at my grip, 2 days later I seen him again and where I gripped his arm was very black and blue. Hand milking cows everyday builds very strong hands.

03-06-2022, 03:04 PM
I am pro open carry. I normally conceal unless I’m with others that want to open carry however.

I was at a friends house and some other folks were living there. They were neglecting their horse. Animal control showed up, I wasn’t involved, but I was open carrying and I was immediately instructed I had no choice but to lock my gun in the car. From that point on, it’s cc as standard procedure all the time due to the possibility of a chance encounter with law enforcement. Here, there is no duty to inform law enforcement upon contact, so unless I see a need, I keep it to myself.

I have been asked if I was a cop when open carrying. I replied no, and was asked to leave, at goodwill.

Here, a no firearms sign on private property doesn’t carry any weight, so it can be disregarded at the hospital, stores, the mall, and colleges.

I’ve never had the cops called on me open carrying, but it wouldn’t be an issue. Cops know it’s legal and will only tell the caller it’s legal.

It’s quite common to see in stores. It’s started many a conversation between me and others when I OCed, and still does when I see others OC.

03-06-2022, 03:37 PM
No body but the "out of staters" think anything about it around here.

03-06-2022, 04:10 PM
I'm all for the right to carry, be it open or concealed. But I have no desire to open carry and for the attention that one can attract. But, to each their own.

03-06-2022, 04:43 PM
I don't even have any stickers on my vehicles that might indicate gun ownership or guns available in the vehicle. Same attitude with handgun carry; I don't care if you open carry if it's legal but I'm not going to advertise to some miscreant where a handgun may be obtained.

03-06-2022, 04:45 PM
I don't even have any stickers on my vehicles that might indicate gun ownership or guns available in the vehicle. Same attitude with handgun carry.

Same here. I open carry when handgun hunting. For SD it's 100% concealed. I don't need nor want a "shoot me first" target on my back. I carry for a specific reason and it's not to make a political statement.

03-06-2022, 04:56 PM
I have had a concealed carry permit for decades and my state also has open carry.
I only open carry when hiking or hunting, I usually carry a 1911 .45ACP but when hiking or hunting I usually carry an N frame S&W revolver or a SA revolver, generally but not always a Ruger BlackHawk in any caliber from .357Magnum to .44Magnum with a decided preference for .41Magnum.

03-06-2022, 05:36 PM
Concealed vs Open carry. To each their own, it's their right. I've been licensed for over 20 years now. I can't recall when Oklahoma went open carry, but we are an open carry state. That being said, I pay more attention as to how a person is carrying. And that's all I have to say about that.


03-06-2022, 06:33 PM
I don't worry about people open carrying.
If I were to worry about it, I would be more concerned about concealed carriers.
That said, I prefer concealed carry, and that's what I do.
You never heard of a bad ass criminal open carrying except in the old west and most of that was Hollywood fiction.

03-06-2022, 06:44 PM
Constitution of the United States

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That's all I have to say on the subject (OK - so someone else said it first 235 years ago).

03-06-2022, 06:49 PM
I OC occasionally, mostly just to exercise the right. If I think I am going to be in a situation that might be dangerous, then I will CC not OC.
No matter if you OC or CC you must take the responsibility. It is not a pretend game. Best to avoid situations that would necessitate pulling a weapon.

03-06-2022, 07:01 PM
constitution of the united states

second amendment

a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

that's all i have to say on the subject (ok - so someone else said it first 235 years ago).


03-06-2022, 07:09 PM
I have had a question re non-concealed carry for a while. Note, I did not write "open". OK, I have a concealed carry pistol permit; in my state "open carry" is ver boten. But, I could write that I have overtly broken the law (of course I've never done it ;)) both while fishing (both shore- and boat-) and more often while in the woods -- mostly my private property. When -- in either situation (fishing or woods) when it is, say, 80*F+ out, am I supposed to wear a Columbo-style coat to hide my firearm?
On the other hand, I wouldn't think -- even if it were legal -- to open carry in Wal*Mart, a supermarket, bank, et cetera.
I can readily see OP's concern seeing fellow at petrol station...

03-06-2022, 07:56 PM
maybe its been close to a year since they passed the law that pretty much says anyone can open or concealed carry and permit no longer needed.
I went to get some gas couple days ago and there was this guy with what looked like it might have been a 7.5" red hawk in big holster on his belt. or maybe it was a 480 or a 500. It just looked odd, and at this sleepy little gas station I wasn't the only one looking at the guy. The guy wasn't little but real skinny and that gun sure did stick out.
for the past couple days for some reason I can't get this image out of my head.

If everyone was open-carrying, I would open-carry. Since very few do, I won't. I don't need to pin a target to my back.


03-06-2022, 08:03 PM
I disagree. If that were true, then I would apply the same stipulation to being able to vote or express your opinion in an article or the internet. Owning and carrying a firearm is a God given right, driving is a privilege

Nailed it in one!

03-06-2022, 08:06 PM
I don't even have any stickers on my vehicles that might indicate gun ownership or guns available in the vehicle. Same attitude with handgun carry; I don't care if you open carry if it's legal but I'm not going to advertise to some miscreant where a handgun may be obtained.

Likewise. AFAIAC, no one needs to know but me.

03-06-2022, 08:09 PM
I OC occasionally, mostly just to exercise the right. If I think I am going to be in a situation that might be dangerous, then I will CC not OC.
No matter if you OC or CC you must take the responsibility. It is not a pretend game. Best to avoid situations that would necessitate pulling a weapon.

Strongly agree.

03-06-2022, 08:14 PM
I have had a question re non-concealed carry for a while. Note, I did not write "open". OK, I have a concealed carry pistol permit; in my state "open carry" is ver boten. But, I could write that I have overtly broken the law (of course I've never done it ;)) both while fishing (both shore- and boat-) and more often while in the woods -- mostly my private property. When -- in either situation (fishing or woods) when it is, say, 80*F+ out, am I supposed to wear a Columbo-style coat to hide my firearm?
On the other hand, I wouldn't think -- even if it were legal -- to open carry in Wal*Mart, a supermarket, bank, et cetera.
I can readily see OP's concern seeing fellow at petrol station...

Open carry on your own property has been legal here in Oklahoma as long as I've been here. Off your own property was another thing until 1 November 2019, IIRC. I won't open carry until everyone is open-carrying because I don't want to stand out. I believe that everyone who can carry should carry, and that we should all be armed. I hope, before I die, that I live to see Americans as a free and armed and responsible people. I am not going to hold my breath waiting, though.


03-06-2022, 08:26 PM
I open carry often enough. I don't do it for any kind of appearance. I do it because I was carrying a gun that would be pointless to try and conceal. Pretty much any time I'm hunting for example. Does it really do any good to put a shirt over a Ruger Redhawk? I'm sure not going to leave it in the truck if I have the choice. No, I wouldn't walk into downtown like that, because I'm usually quite dirty, if not bloody too. I've never once had anyone care, I've never once seen anyone care about another person open carrying. Not even a little side glance. I'm sure some do a double take, but that's it. Open carry is common here. If you look, you can see someone every day in Aberdeen. It was quite common in rural MN. I'm sure Wyoming and North Dakota are plenty common too. It's no big deal. The only people who seem to care that much are the ones who conceal carry, but aren't quite sure of themselves open carrying. Even anti-gunner's really seem more concerned about the openly carried rifle or shotgun, which I will admit is a little odd. I have never witnessed anyone open carrying a rifle or shotgun in a public setting.

03-06-2022, 09:15 PM
Our open carry protects us if we inadvertently expose a CCW. Open carry is in our state constitution. You don't see many open carry in Denver metro and with our democrat government doing away with our preemption law on the 2nd amendment we have to worry about it in where the rogue entities try to restrict our rights.

03-06-2022, 10:24 PM
I went to a new church today and sat in the back. I was carrying a P365 concealed. I immediately noticed a man standing in the pews about 20' away while we were singing and he had a Beretta 92 in an OWB leather holster.

My first reaction was, "cool! Another RKBA supporter!". Then I realized that if I was a crazy person and came in off the street to do harm to the congregation, the first thing I would do would be to shoot the open carry guy in the back before I started shooting the rest of the congregation.

It reinforced my decision to not open carry when possible.

03-07-2022, 09:32 AM
Idaho45guy how long were you there before you seen the gun? Most times the shooter comes in shooting and doesn't take out the armed guy unless they know each other. The draw time from open and cc came save a life. I have opened carried more than CC in my 68 years of carrying. Growing up in Ohio open carry was the only way, a clear rain coat over the gun was CC and a ticket to Jell. I have had very few places object and no one has targeted me but a few Cuban's in the late 60's early 70's, Fidel didn't like you giving guns to his people. The idea of OC is target and CC isn't, is a thing started by gun writers to sale magazines. It is just like what is the best gun or caliber to carry. I can't shoot a Glock will but a Sig or 1911 works for me. Recoil from a 9mm hurts my hands more than the .45 ACP due to Arthritis in my hands so I carry a 1903 Colt .32 ACP now. I know the gun writers say the .32 isn't a good caliber, they sold a lot of magazines doing that. It's recoil allows me to still shot and it isn't a 22.

03-07-2022, 04:24 PM
Only time I open carry is hunting A couple times I have gone into a store that way not had any issues . My son always open carries I honestly think he is just making himself a target .
Last summer here in town I saw a guy come out of a save a Lot food store he had three small revolvers they were .22 rimfire and one may have been a .32 caliber . He was pretty over weight 60 years old wearing shorts and a t-shirt one was in a should holster ,second on his hip and third in a ankle holster . I thought it just looked tacky as heck and wondered if he would need so many if he had a .45!

03-07-2022, 04:33 PM
I find open carry to be pretty cringe.

If you're hiking or hunting, then yeah, whatever. But these doofs that toss their Judge into their $10 Walmart special floppy nylon holster and walk around town like they're trying to impress someone 'cause they're a big man with a gun just give the rest of us a bad name.

And don't even get me started on those idiots that OC SKSs and **** around town. No Cletus, you're not going to get ambushed by ISIS at the coffee shop. Even if you did, you can't hit **** anyway and would probably just kill some poor lady's kid. All you're doing is making everyone in there nervous and more likely to support an AW ban.

03-07-2022, 04:46 PM
I find open carry to be pretty cringe.

If you're hiking or hunting, then yeah, whatever. But these doofs that toss their Judge into their $10 Walmart special floppy nylon holster and walk around town like they're trying to impress someone 'cause they're a big man with a gun just give the rest of us a bad name.

And don't even get me started on those idiots that OC SKSs and **** around town. No Cletus, you're not going to get ambushed by ISIS at the coffee shop. Even if you did, you can't hit **** anyway and would probably just kill some poor lady's kid. All you're doing is making everyone in there nervous and more likely to support an AW ban.

Ironic, this is one of the most cringe posts I've seen.

03-07-2022, 04:55 PM
Ironic, this is one of the most cringe posts I've seen.

Touch a nerve, did I?

03-07-2022, 05:16 PM
I always see folks open carrying in cheap holsters and I wonder if their dog ate their Galco and they just ain’t received the replacement yet.

03-07-2022, 05:59 PM
As we all see here,, there are differing opinions about open or concealed carry.

I live in NC,, and it's been an open carry state for decades. Long before CCW was allowed.

For about 35-40 years,, I've open carried a lot. Especially when I wasn't allowed concealed carry. And,, so do some of the people I associate with.

Only once,, (before CCW,) did anybody call the cops about us. A buddy had his on,,, and the store owner saw it & asked him if he was a cop. When he replied to the negative,, the store owner calls the cops. (He hadn't seen my gun yet.) We kept shopping calmly & did NOT engage in any type of confrontation.
ONE cop arrived,, and entered,, was pointed to us,, and he casually came over. A short and very polite conversation occurred, and the cop then went to the store owner,,, and proceeded to FIRMLY explain that HE was in the wrong, and that HE was wasting precious LEO resources on this type of call. He told the store owner in no uncertain terms that it was not only legal,, but he PREFERRED to see people carrying a gun.

Now,, since CCW has passed,, and more people can legally carry a firearm concealed,, many choose to do so and that's great. But if a person chooses to carry openly,, try & remember a few points.
(1) That person is also a gun owner,, and a supporter of our rights. Should we as gun owners discourage them or smile knowing there's another person who's honest?
(2) While some may think a open gun makes that person a target for a thug,, that's a possibility. BUT,, it's also known that in general, an open carried gun is often brought into use much quicker than from CCW.
(3) By open carrying,, it can often allow others to engage into polite conversation with other gun owners. I was once in a Lowe's and had my 1911 on me, openly. An elder lady politely asked me; "Is that a 1911?" to which I replied; "Yes!" Then SHE started a conversation on how much SHE enjoyed HER 1911 & wanted to know what mine was.Many people all around us were a little surprised.
(4) By having a gun openly carried,, it can also act as a deterrent to a thug who may be thinking about doing wrong while you are around. Seeing that,, the thug may say to himself; "I try & use my knife to rob this place,, that guy might shoot me."
(5) Back to the thugs who may target a person open carrying. Most thugs are not the deranged types who go into a place with the agenda of shooting up everything. Most are not going to start shooting at an armed person if robbery is their intent.
(6) A person's job may require a lot of interaction with people in public. And if you have to do work, a gun in a CCW holster may be hard to keep on you while you work. (Think of a carpenter here.) As a carpenter,, you may have a method of open carry,, such as just tucking the handgun in your belt as you travel about, but when you get to a customers house,, you need to remove it. And when you leave,, you want to continue to carry. Hard to keep putting on & taking off a holster for CCW & do your job.

And since the wally world comment was made,, I'll relate an experience I had in one.
A few years ago,, shortly after a shooting in a wally world that made national news, I was in one,, and had my 1911 tucked into my belt, just near my right hip pocket. I saw a young gentleman enter with a Glock in a completely open holster etc. I just noticed it, & kept on moving. Shortly after,, an elderly lady stopped me, and said; "I don't know if you'd be a person to talk to,, but that man over there has a gun on." I politely stopped, and started a conversation with this nice lady, about how NC is an open carry state, and the many good reasons a person might carry. And about how,, if you see that,, you know that person is an honest person, and was also willing to be one who might save lives if something bad were to start happening. I was wearing my work shirt,, which has my company logo on it,, where I deal in nuisance wildlife. She commented on that & we were also discussing some of that,,, to which I explained how a game warden had gotten me into the business. Just a few moments after I'd said that,, that very same game warden, (now retired,) walked up. I chuckled & commented on how he was the warden. We spoke for a few moments,, and he then asked; "What are you carrying today?" I replied and the lady suddenly proclaimed; "Oh my gosh,, I didn't even know you had a gun on!" To which,, we also continued our polite conversation about open or concealed carry.
That lady thanked me profusely for the education AND how nice & polite I had been.

Often,, by open carrying,, you can do more good than you know.

Do I always open carry?
Do I always CCW?

But do I respect the fact that others have their opinions & choices?
And lastly,, I'm extremely GLAD we do have more rights & choices than we used to have! I'll not discourage anybody from exercising their FREEDOM!
We gun owners need to stick together,, & NOT divide ourselves. Or,, we'll all lose.

Great post.

03-07-2022, 06:44 PM
I don't carry open unless at home. I can carry open in the state I live in plus at least two neighboring states.
To each his own. Carry concealed carry open.

03-09-2022, 01:33 PM
I find open carry to be pretty cringe.

If you're hiking or hunting, then yeah, whatever. But these doofs that toss their Judge into their $10 Walmart special floppy nylon holster and walk around town like they're trying to impress someone 'cause they're a big man with a gun just give the rest of us a bad name.

And don't even get me started on those idiots that OC SKSs and **** around town. No Cletus, you're not going to get ambushed by ISIS at the coffee shop. Even if you did, you can't hit **** anyway and would probably just kill some poor lady's kid. All you're doing is making everyone in there nervous and more likely to support an AW ban.

One time I had just come back out of the mountains, and had my Sharps carbine strapped to the outside of my bedroll. Went into a local eatery, and sat down. No complaints, just a few who wanted to know about what caliber the rifle was.

03-10-2022, 09:04 PM
I've open carried for years. Texas recently went Constitutional Carry, but have no rules concerning black powder revolvers. I carry a Pietta 1858 color case hardened 5 1/2 inch with 2 spare cylinders. I always get a load of c**** from the Glock crowd, but it's been my experience that it's reliable and goes BANG when you pull the trigger. Accompanied by a huge muzzle flash and lots of other unpleasant going on's. I've never shot it at anybody, though I imagine it would be quite the disheartening experience to be on the receiving end of it.

03-10-2022, 09:20 PM
You've got a brain, surely. USE IT for cryin' out loud!!!! It always depends on where you are or are going. I lived in Arizona and Wyoming and they've had open carry forever. When Missouri passed open carry it was so what, more or less. I see one once and a while but it hasn't turned into the old west that all the cowards predicted.

I carry both ways, depending on where I am and what I'm doing, always have and I see no reason to change.

03-11-2022, 09:07 AM
Meh! WV has been “Shall Issue”, then “Open Carry” and now is “Constitutional Carry” for years.
You see people with all manner of handguns and knives going anywhere it’s legal and nobody bats an eye. In fact if you called the police about someone carrying they’ll think YOU are the odd one.

Yup. I have mostly seen open carry by store employees/owners and an occasional customer. Plenty of times I have OC when going to my mailbox (3/4 mile down to main road) and realized I should pick up something in town. No problems. I personally prefer concealed as if I am out it is real easy to cross into Virginia. I have my concealed here so no problem but open might get me into trouble there with the question of resident vs non-resident.

03-11-2022, 11:06 AM
Seen open carriers in my local walmarts and grocery stores in eastern nc. Still not sold on the idea. Just means that the bad guys will jump you first to get you out of the way. But if you’re carrying concealed its a gamble on their parts and if you are situationally aware they probably won’t even bother you. They want an easy target, some sheeple with their nose stuck in their phone. I’ve never seen any long guns being carried around.
I have yet to see any actual data demonstrating that this is anything more than conjecture. One could just as easily assert that open-carry deters criminals. Either could be true, it is really situationally dependent. I openly carry because I have found it largely impractical to comfortably conceal my favorite pistol, and I view it as a form of passive Second Amendment activism. It's started many positive conversations. I also concealed carry, when I am of a mind to do so.
Edited to add: I am not a fan of people who intentionally try to push the boundaries by suiting up with in full battle-rattle, with a rifle, and strolling about as conspicuously as possible. I've never seen it in person, just a few videos over the years. I do not see that as effective activism. For general day-today life, unless you are in a truly rural area, I don't blame anybody for being suspicious of a man carrying a long-gun in public.

Frosty Boolit
03-11-2022, 07:22 PM
I'd rather carry concealed and I don't really see the usefulness of open carry in crowded urban areas but the right to do so shall not be infringed. Simply because if it does become useful to carry openly in the above mentioned environments, we must be able to do so without violating any laws.

03-11-2022, 08:12 PM
Open carry has been legal here in Colorado for years, except for Denver, Boulder, and I "think" I've heard of another town, can't think of the name. I've seen a few guys oc'ing, but very rarely - less than half a dozen times. But I don't get out and about much.

I have a carry permit, and definitely prefer concealed. But I rarely bother to carry a pistol, I'm a fat old man with lower back problems, and usually wear sweatpants or track pants, something comfy. If I wear jeans, then I can strap on a holster and a 1911, but the weight of the gun pulls on my lower back and hurts like hell. Dang herniated discs and four spine surgeries.....

03-11-2022, 09:13 PM
Once you are within 5 yards, you can be disabled before you draw, and that's while you're paying attention.

Most people that carry are not paying attention.

In a high risk public space, stay aware of who is coming up towards you, especially from behind, at all times.

03-14-2022, 01:29 AM
Once you are within 5 yards, you can be disabled before you draw, and that's while you're paying attention.

Most people that carry are not paying attention.

In a high risk public space, stay aware of who is coming up towards you, especially from behind, at all times.

This is reality.

And speculation.

Yes. You can be readily disarmed within seconds by a stronger and quicker adversary. 5 yards is 15 feet. I can draw my carry pistol and fire in .5 seconds. Paying attention and ready to rock. I would take that bet that I could draw and shoot you before you could reach me 15 feet away.

But reality is a fickle beast.

Only a fool bets on absolutes and percentages. Each situation and scenario has a thousand different potential outcomes.

For me; I concealed carry in a Denny's in the one of the worst neighborhoods in Seattle this morning and felt completely safe and well-armed.

Later that day I open-carried in an agricultural area in central Washington and also felt completely safe and well-armed.

Be smart. Use common sense. Stop arguing.

03-15-2022, 10:07 AM
Either concealed or open carry, but please carry. I keep going back to a guy I went to high school with. Ended up moving to one of the Carolinas and just drove to the local Food Lion to pick his wife up from work. Saw a crime being committed so they killed him in his car. Be smart, situational awareness, and all but be armed.