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View Full Version : Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy the Anti-Christ?

03-05-2022, 10:01 PM
I don't pay much attention to Revelations-related prophecy since I'm a pre-Tribber, lol. However, I did read the Left Behind books 20 years ago and seem to recall that the author believed the AC would come from Europe, be good looking, Jewish, and the whole world would be enthralled by him.

That is why I have always rejected theories that Obama, Putin, and even Trump were the potential AC, because they are so divisive people.

But, this Zelenskyy fellow seems to fit the bill. When I heard some Fox News commentator say that he was what a real leader looks like and that the world needs a leader like him, it set off alarm bells.

Any Anti-Christ experts here want to weigh in on why or why not he could be the AC?

03-06-2022, 08:20 AM
I don't think there are any Anti-Christ experts, only ones who form opinions from various points of view.

Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy the Anti-Christ? I would say No.

We need to keep our faith focused on our relationship with Jesus Christ and not worry about the anti-Christ, he will be along at the appointed time.

03-06-2022, 08:27 AM
No. The anti-christ was supposed to accomplish a lot more and I don't think Z has much of a future.

03-06-2022, 08:48 AM
The anti-christ will be a Syrian Jew, so that lets this guy and Mr. Trump off the hook. Think of a World without the United State's during the tribulation, it will help you better understand it.

03-06-2022, 10:27 AM
Ioon44 said it as good as it can be said. I believe we all know as much as we’re supposed to know. There’s no changing the end times.

Johnny Diamond
03-06-2022, 12:25 PM
Ioon44 said it as good as it can be said. I believe we all know as much as we’re supposed to know. There’s no changing the end times.Not by us at any rate.


03-06-2022, 01:21 PM
Years ago, I did some studying on this subject and came across this info. Not sure who is accredited to, maybe or Matt Ward. "Dark Charisma"
Anyway, take it for what it's worth and chew on it and see if it lines up with the Bible.

Notes on the AC
• Revelations refer to a head as the head of state or ruler. As would be a King, Prime Minister or President of a nation.
• The Horn represents his power, or authority.
• Rides into power on a wave of global despair, famine, poverty and war.
• I believe he will order a debt forgiveness and the world will love him for it.
1. Half Jewish comes from Europe, ties to Assyria.
2. Possibly from the Tribe of Dan. * Dan led astray the children of Israel into Idolatry.
3. He will rise out of the old Roman Empire. He comes from the city on 7 hills which is Rome.
4. His headquarters will be first in Rome, then move to Jerusalem for the final event. The seat of power of the ten block nation will be Rome. He must be in Israel for the last 3-1/2 years
Known traits:
1. First as a Political Leader, then as Military Leader, then as false god, demanding mark of the beast and worship.
2. To start the first 3-1/2 years: Charismatic, handsome, diplomatic, and politically brilliant.
3. After second half of the 7 years of the Tribulation progresses: Insecure, ruthless, dominant, full of pride.
The revealing of the AC:
Lead up to the Start of the Tribulation -
1. The AC will recover from a seemingly fatal head wound. Literally. Here he will step onto the world stage. The world will wonder at his marvelous recovery. He will perform signs and wonders. The Pope (FP- False Prophet) will slide in alongside him and promote the AC.
2. The AC blasphemes God and the missing elect, explains the rapture as some kind of celestial evolution, and blames the departed for the disaster that has come upon the world. Curses the raptured saints as haters.
3. The AC will promise global peace and prosperity; sets up new currency and ten-nation bloc. The Original EU was called WEU (Western European Union (core group with full voting rights)) (one world government). - Possibly within the collapsing EU (Brexit, Franxit, Germexit). - Declaring the new currency as the only stable fiat system.
These are the original EU members:
4. Belgium
5. France
6. Germany
7. Greece (1995)
8. Italy
9. Luxembourg
10. Netherlands
11. Portugal (27 March 1990)
12. Spain (27 March 1990)
13. United Kingdom

14. Becomes leader of the ten-nation bloc in 1 day and subdues 3 other nations that rise up against him. Possibly Britain, France and Germany.
15. He is able to broker peace with all nations in the area, including Magog, Northern Confederacy, and Southern Confederacy. Note: he will have to have an army (EU Army) to back him up so it may be the NATO, or Magog, Northern Confederacy, and Southern Confederacy armies that help him control the peace. Maybe all of them.
16. AC will make a covenant with the Israelis. Israel prospers and is at peace with Arabs for the first time in history. God’s Tribulation Clock begins counting down.
First ˝ of the 7-year Tribulation -
1. Temple mount will be returned to the Jews. Temple rebuilt and sacrifices begin again. Strict Jewish laws enacted in Israel. Jews control all of Jerusalem again.
2. Gaza set up and recognized as a separate nation.
3. Israel will give up land for peace. USA will be involved with this portion of the treaty and will reap the fallout after 3-1/2 years. See Meridian Fault Earthquake.
Second ˝ of the Tribulation-
1. The AC will break his (Peace) covenant with the Jews, Magog invades Israel. Magog occupies Middle East from Central Africa to Euphrates River. Jews evacuate to Petra in Jordan.
2. The AC ends the temple sacrifices.
3. The AC declares himself as god. The AC enacts the Caesar worship from old Roman Empire with blessings of the FP. The AC will make desolate the Temple.
Within the last 3 months of the Great Tribulation -
4. Global enforcement of the mark of the beast (through financial extortion), beginning of purge of the unmarked, the Righteous Jews and Christians.
5. He makes war on Magog but is over run, (King of the North,)
6. Magog is destroyed on the mountains of Israel.
7. Kings of the East Cross over the Euphrates and assemble at Megiddo against the AC.
There is a lot more, but this will give you something to think about.

03-06-2022, 01:29 PM
Calling all loonies, kooks and nuts! Come out of the woodwork and join the fun!

03-06-2022, 01:39 PM

03-07-2022, 04:30 AM
Better question is: Is Putin?

03-07-2022, 07:31 AM
Calling all loonies, kooks and nuts! Come out of the woodwork and join the fun!

I see you are here joining in..which are you?:veryconfu

03-07-2022, 10:04 AM
I see you are here joining in..which are you?:veryconfu

At one time or another, on one subject or another, I have been called all three. I don't see myself as such a person, but nuts, kooks and loons never do.

03-07-2022, 10:12 AM
Fun reading, BC info in a AC world!

03-07-2022, 04:42 PM
Try John F. Walvoord.


03-13-2022, 09:50 AM
If we knew who the anti-christ was, it would be too late to stop him. If we thought we knew who he was, then what? Kill him and find out we got the wrong guy? Or stop him and later find out there was a backup anti-christ or that the first one was just a decoy?
If you believe in God's Plan then you have to believe it will play out as it was written; nothing you can do about it.
Concern yourself more with who you are, and less with who he might be.

03-14-2022, 01:10 AM
If we knew who the anti-christ was, it would be too late to stop him. If we thought we knew who he was, then what? Kill him and find out we got the wrong guy? Or stop him and later find out there was a backup anti-christ or that the first one was just a decoy?
If you believe in God's Plan then you have to believe it will play out as it was written; nothing you can do about it.
Concern yourself more with who you are, and less with who he might be.

I think you're taking the thread a little too seriously...

It was just a curious question in regards to Biblical theology. No need to become holier than thou...

03-14-2022, 05:36 PM
Klaus Schwab may not be the anti-Christ, but I bet he works for him......

03-14-2022, 06:17 PM
If we knew who the anti-christ was, it would be too late to stop him. If we thought we knew who he was, then what? Kill him and find out we got the wrong guy? Or stop him and later find out there was a backup anti-christ or that the first one was just a decoy?
If you believe in God's Plan then you have to believe it will play out as it was written; nothing you can do about it.
Concern yourself more with who you are, and less with who he might be.

Stated in a stately fashion. It will happen when it supposed to happen and it will be who it suppose to be. If one is saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ why be worried about it?
The Bible will be fulfilled in spite of the experts here or anywhere else.

Wayne Smith
03-14-2022, 06:48 PM
According the Bible there will be many antichrists - those who claim to be Christ or His equal and think they should run the world.

I learned long ago that, no matter what I believe about the end times it will not change what God will do! In short, my beliefs don't matter to God in this case, as it does not effect my salvation. My salvation is based on His choice, established before the foundation of the earth and only indirectly effected by my choices. I only agreed with what He has established.

03-19-2022, 07:59 AM
I think you're taking the thread a little too seriously...

It was just a curious question in regards to Biblical theology. No need to become holier than thou...

You did ask about the anti-christ, which is a pretty serious topic.
For the record I don't think Putin is the antichrist either.
And I can't remember the last time I saw the inside of a church.

03-20-2022, 05:09 PM
Zelenskyy is a guy rallying his people to defend their home turf and pleading for outside assistance to expel an invading foreign power.

One of George Washington's early engagements as a British Colonial officer is widely considered to have kicked off the French & Indian / Seven Years War - - thought by some to be the REAL first world war. Later on, he, along with Ben Franklin and John Adams sought to engage the assistance of the other world superpower (France) to repel the British from the American continent. That ultimately upset the global applecart greatly.

Intertwining alliances of the inbred monarchs of Europe?
Hitler, Stalin, and Mao?
Biden pulling out of Afghanistan (is it possible for a blithering idiot to be the AC?)

We've had plenty of harbingers that have told the current generation that The End Is Nigh. Millions dead in the process, to be sure, but the planet's still turnin'.

03-20-2022, 08:40 PM
Joe Biden is not the Antichrist and I can prove it; along with a lot of other stuff, the AC will be smart.

03-20-2022, 09:22 PM
Joe Biden is not the Antichrist and I can prove it; along with a lot of other stuff, the AC will be smart.

Perhaps Biden is smarter than you think he is, perhaps smarter than any of us think he is.
Scary thought, isn't it.

I do hope he is the blathering idiot he appears to be.

03-21-2022, 09:28 AM
ESV Ephesians Ch 6: v 12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

It is not about Biden but the spirts that control DC.

03-21-2022, 09:41 AM
I don't pay much attention to Revelations-related prophecy since I'm a pre-Tribber, lol. However, I did read the Left Behind books 20 years ago and seem to recall that the author believed the AC would come from Europe, be good looking, Jewish, and the whole world would be enthralled by him.

That is why I have always rejected theories that Obama, Putin, and even Trump were the potential AC, because they are so divisive people.

But, this Zelenskyy fellow seems to fit the bill. When I heard some Fox News commentator say that he was what a real leader looks like and that the world needs a leader like him, it set off alarm bells.

Any Anti-Christ experts here want to weigh in on why or why not he could be the AC?

Go back and review the bible passages...

"Anti" back in that day meant "Substitute for".... Not "Opposed to." The goal of the Anti-christ is for everybody to worship him...

Let's check the boxes...

Ukraine is no massive military empire - sort of the opposite. So there's a "no."
Ukraine doesn't seem to possess the infrastructure to successfully wage a massive, world wide disinformation campaign... So there's a "no."
Zelensky isn't asking anyone to worship him or his nation. So there's a "no."

Nope, seems like he's just a typical leader who just found out the value or allying with the United States.

03-21-2022, 04:47 PM
Every so often I need a good chuckle. Then I remember to come over here and catch up on this thread![smilie=l:

03-22-2022, 12:40 PM
Perhaps Biden is smarter than you think he is, perhaps smarter than any of us think he is.

Perhaps, but that doesn't set a very high bar. Seems to me that Joey is about as smart but useless as a broken C-clamp but maybe he's really as wise as a nearly unused pipe wrench. ???

Come on man, it's hard to visualize a valid reason any reasonably smart political guy would brilliantly play a public fool for so long and so well in order to hide a high IQ while damaging the world like a frantic blind bull feeling his way through a world wide china shop.

Bless his heart, I think Joe tries really hard to do good but .... :)?

"Let's go Branden!"

Good Cheer
03-22-2022, 05:53 PM
ESV Ephesians Ch 6: v 12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

It is not about Biden but the spirts that control DC.

Spot on.

Good Cheer
03-22-2022, 06:11 PM
The fitting together of info in this presentation is going to be old hat to some if a good refresher, but new to others. Posting it here 'cause the presenter does actually get into where the "anti-Christ" hails from. For me the question isn't resolved because I have a hard time seeing the devil letting anyone else take the role.
Hope someone enjoys video.

03-23-2022, 08:49 AM
Ken Johnson is always interesting to listen to.

03-23-2022, 09:00 AM
This is not the time yet for the anti-christ. We need a world war before he makes his appearance.

03-23-2022, 09:50 AM
This is not the time yet for the anti-christ. We need a world war before he makes his appearance.

Very true, I guess the question is, "Has the world war already started"?

Good Cheer
03-24-2022, 08:52 AM
Babylon gets whacked before His return and that may just be in the offing now so yeah, maybe we're sticking our foot it.
They certainly are busy trotting out the mark tech and it sure would fit into my guestimations on the window in time we're soon to enter into. So yeah, I'm not coming up with any reasons why not.

03-28-2022, 02:22 PM
Those left behind will know when he desecrates the temple....

03-28-2022, 03:30 PM
george soros is the anti-christ.

04-02-2022, 07:15 AM
george soros is the anti-christ.

Nah, he's just a highly advanced parasite; able to bleed nations dry without repercussion.

04-02-2022, 08:04 AM
Well, Zielenski is no hero. He is a puppet stood up by the west. Ukraine has been looted since he began running the show. They used to be an industrial power house but now they are impoverished. Very similar to what Biden is doing here. For Ukranians living in the East he probably does seem like the AC.

04-02-2022, 08:49 AM
Well, Zielenski is no hero. He is a puppet stood up by the west. Ukraine has been looted since he began running the show. They used to be an industrial power house but now they are impoverished. Very similar to what Biden is doing here. For Ukranians living in the East he probably does seem like the AC.

Oh yes he is a hero!!! A true hero for "progressives" everywhere.