View Full Version : A Marlin m60 by any other name

Texas by God
03-03-2022, 05:25 PM
For grins I dug out the old Wespoint that my wife inherited. It ain't pretty as someone long ago was "sandhappy" and probably used varnish on the stock. She likes it as it is so I just let her make excellent shots with it.
It's windy today so the shots veered a little but the gun shoots as well as I do.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220303/a51f4cb84241ff5107d1847f914bfcd4.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220303/68ee5a868139763e63990d5f81e82938.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220303/b0487da2f5101d7a95f87af0df0c649f.jpg

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03-03-2022, 06:36 PM
'Tis quite a nice rifle. Yours is much prettier ;) than mine... Fyi -- should you need -- bion Marlin has the instruction manual for this rifle as a PDF download on their site. The URL is" https://www.marlinfirearms.com/s/rimfire/
Looks like a great scope you have complementing it as well.

03-03-2022, 06:42 PM
I fixed one for a friend of mine and gave him a scope for it. It is remarkably accurate for a cheap rifle

03-03-2022, 06:49 PM
Accurate too. Little wind drift @ 50 yds. Guess it still doesn't need cleaning.

03-03-2022, 06:49 PM
I have a 10/22 that I bought years ago, never fired a single shot from it. I always grab my Model 60.
That one looks just fine to me TBG

03-03-2022, 06:52 PM
Accurate too. Little wind drift @ 50 yds. Guess it still doesn't need cleaning.

My nephew asked why I mess with the Marlin when there are so many aftermarket upgrades for the 10/22.
I told him the Marlin didn't need any

03-03-2022, 08:54 PM
Love my 18 round (gasp… high capacity) 1983 Mdl 60. Been honest and reliable so long as I feed her right. Though the 1950’s JC Higgins model 31 is a tad bit more accurate. The 10/22 though nice is a bit of a hassle, the 10rd rotary mag is a pain and the 25 rounder promotes burning through brick in no tome

03-03-2022, 09:34 PM
I remember in my youth, lusting after them in the rack at K-Mart for $49.95. Way out of my price range at the time.

Der Gebirgsjager
03-03-2022, 09:44 PM
I have one, branded "Glenfield". It has a squirrel and acorns impressed into the pistol grip. Very accurate and reliable. Back when I was in the gunsmithing business I got a couple in for repair from different customers at different times with the complaint that they would not fire. I disassembled them, and in both cases they had the grime and grit of untold thousands of rounds of ammo gumming up their works from many years of neglect. A thorough cleaning solved the problem. Off the shelf, I also prefer the Mod. 60 to the 10/22.


03-03-2022, 10:10 PM
Try the floppy disk spring mod. Remember those.... Exactly the same spring for the trigger return except its much lighter. Does not effect sear engagement. This and federal bulk auto match really made it a shooter.

I did mine about 4 years ago and I really had to ask around to find someone that still had a disk...

Texas by God
03-03-2022, 11:13 PM
My oldest brothers first gun circa 1967 was the Montgomery Wards Westernfield version. I remember two things about that rifle.
1. Even my 9 year old self could hit ground squirrels with it; by the canyon on the Buffalo, Oklahoma homestead.
2. What rat shot feels like when accidentally shot with it! Jim was "cleaning" it and didn't realize that it was pointed at my leg across the room. Dad came running in, surveyed the situation, took the rifle up and whooped Bro while Mom the nurse pronounced me " will be allright".
It gave me Farm Cred by golly.
Looking back I'm glad that he didn't have Long Rifle ammo in there.

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03-03-2022, 11:26 PM
When I want to rebarrel some old single shot "boys' rifle" I first look for a Model 60 barrel from a gun some dealer has broken up for parts. Always pleasingly accurate.

Budzilla 19
03-03-2022, 11:48 PM
Back in my earlier years, of no money, all we shot was model 60’s, because Dad wouldn’t let us touch his Marlin model 39 a! Oh lord, the amount of Federal Lightning rounds I put through those great little rifles! Many a cotton tail ,squirrels, and even some pond turtles were put to rest with that little gun.

03-04-2022, 08:34 AM
Those pics bring back memories. Mine was a Western Auto Revelation by Marlin. Most accurate rifle I ever had.

03-04-2022, 08:57 AM
Try the floppy disk spring mod. Remember those.... Exactly the same spring for the trigger return except its much lighter. Does not effect sear engagement. This and federal bulk auto match really made it a shooter.

I did mine about 4 years ago and I really had to ask around to find someone that still had a disk...

Now you mention the tip after I had thrown out/destroyed several dozen of them. Thanks for the tip. Will keep an eye out as there have to be more around here somewhere.

03-04-2022, 09:12 AM
I have a 39a and a M60, the Model 60 outshoots the 39a so the 39a sits in the safe.

03-04-2022, 10:15 AM
I picked up a 60w about a 1/2 dozen years ago as part of a package deal with some other marlins that all needed new parts and pieces, got a new walnut stock from numrich for $50 to replace the shattered stock it came with and never realized how good they are till I started shooting it. was thinking the other day maybe it deserves a new rimfire scope to help my old tired eyes see targets better.

Der Gebirgsjager
03-04-2022, 08:29 PM
Click to enlarge.

This newspaper ad is from March, 1990, and was published every week for years by Big 5 Sporting Goods. Only the prices changed, but the art work remained the same. Notice anything unusual about the rifle? How would you like to buy .22 LR ammo for it at those prices?! I have to confess that a couple of times I asked the sales clerks to show me one of the magazine-tube fed rifles, and when they returned from the back room shaking their heads I chuckled a bit.

Thinking about the Mod. 60 and it's close relatives, I recall working on several of the trigger groups. The mechanism, consisting of several small parts, was sandwiched between two metal plates. On the very early ones the plates were held together by several long, thin screws inserted from one side (right side if I remember correctly) and screwing into tiny holes on the left side. Then, they began using "e" clips which snapped/pushed onto grooved pins. Finally, the last version I can recall working on were long, skinny rivets. I remember phoning Marlin and asking if they could sell me some rivets, and the lady said, "They're not meant to be taken apart." I haven't examined a new one for years, so can't say what the final evolution was.


03-04-2022, 11:12 PM
Mine was a glenfield model 60 , kmart about mid 70's for 39.99 and tax , skinned a lot of cascara bark to get it and the first half case of shells for it , was accurate , cut stock and gave it to a stepson .

As to the ad they are showing the tube of the 600 and the magazine of the 700 on same picture .

Wayne Smith
03-05-2022, 08:27 PM
Yes, but the add does say '600 or 700'. I guess mine is the 700 'cause mine is clip fed.

03-06-2022, 06:09 PM
Ive had 4 in the last few years, down to 2 and they will stay with me. One is JM stamped, the other is a Remlin that somehow made it out of the factory perfect. Sights, bluing, everything is right. The other one looked as it never had been shot. Looking for a scope for that one. My CZ455 is the best shooter, but the Remlin is very very close when both are using CCI SV. The Remlin 60 and Savage B22 FVSR get shot the most.

Texas by God
03-06-2022, 06:17 PM
I guess Ruger can kill THE rifle that outsold their 10-22 for years now that they own Marlin......

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03-06-2022, 09:52 PM
So buy 'em while you can, 'cause the prices will be going up.

Texas by God
03-08-2022, 11:03 PM
I got the little Papoose out today( cousin of the m60) and shot two magazines of old mixed " jar ammo". It reminded me of how crappy some old rimfire scopes were! My wife claims this one, too.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220309/58a3471341fb64a99690a7ea43d821bd.jpg

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03-10-2022, 10:35 AM
I guess Ruger can kill THE rifle that outsold their 10-22 for years now that they own Marlin......

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I'm not sure that any of the lower priced Marlins are coming back. The $300.00 bolt actions now command the market once dominated by cheaper versions of the 336 and 94. Low cost .22 rifles abound, and Ruger may not want to spend $$ and manpower getting a sub-$200.00 rifle back into production.

Der Gebirgsjager
03-10-2022, 11:41 AM
Nice little rifle, TbG. Very handy.


03-10-2022, 06:28 PM
One of my childhood friends had a Marlin 60. He was the grim reaper as far as squirrels and cotton tail rabbits were concerned. There is no way to count the number of Remington 22 LR's we put through that rifle and it never had a single hiccup. Lots of memories in those pics TBG

03-11-2022, 10:43 AM
I've always thought that the main thing the 60 had going for it is that most of them were really accurate for what little they cost. My best friend's first gun was a 60 and refused to eat anything other than Mini Mags. However, it was very accurate with everything we put through it. The accuracy is why he kept it for a long time in spite of the jams, and bought a stainless 882 to replace it.

03-11-2022, 04:16 PM
It would be blasphemy, me being a dedicated single-shot man, but you guys are tempting me to add one to the collection while I still can.

03-11-2022, 04:41 PM
The clip fed version 995 was my first gun and I still have it.

03-11-2022, 05:22 PM
Those model 700 are no slouch either. I mounted a scope on one and sighted it in for a friend of mine and it shot dime sized groups at 100 yds, no less. The trigger was a bit heavy but that rifle was a shooter. I offered him too much money for it but he just grinned and said no thanks. I've got a M25 in wmr that is pretty good as well. Marlin made darned good guns, period.297436

03-11-2022, 08:16 PM
I've still got my gill gun. Springfield model 87A made in Chicopee Falls Massachusetts. Had it since 1963 when my uncle gave it to me on my birthday. When everything started to go sideways in 2009 and Obozo I grabbed a couple of Marlin model 60's wearing black synthetic outerwear. All are scoped and dialed in for 50 yards.

03-11-2022, 09:05 PM
I regrettably do not own a model 60 any more. My father in law gave me a Savage Arms Springfield Model 187TS that was his brother's. Rifle was rusted up and had never been fired. Price tag still on the trigger guard $54.99. Got most of the rust off and finally got the action cleaned. Will be interesting to see how it shoots.

03-11-2022, 10:00 PM
Now that's a good story DRriller. Keep us posted on how it shoots after all that. We love pics, you know.

03-14-2022, 10:22 AM
Father in law has one of those. The odd thing about it, is the bolt does not go fully back into battery after firing until you release the trigger. I read somewhere that ATF told Savage to change the design because it could be turned into an open bolt full auto.

03-21-2022, 05:11 PM
I've got 2 Model 60s. The first one was a Christmas present in I think 1978 as it is a "special edition" Model 6079 with a kind of cheap brass medallion in the butt stock. I shot a heck of a lot of ammo through that gun over the years and it still wears the original Tasco scope. Some 20 years or so ago it got unreliable to the point of not worth the effort and it got stashed away in the safe. A few years ago I was browsing youtube videos and came across a video about fixing the model 60s reliability issues. After watching that I dug mine out of the safe and stripped it down and gave it a good cleaning and lubrication. Holy crap it was dirty. After that cleaning it has been as reliable as sunrise. The 2nd one I bought used almost 20 years ago when the 1st one was "retired". It is currently loaned my daughter and son in law for varmint control at their place. I'm a little afraid to see what condition it is in.

Der Gebirgsjager
03-22-2022, 04:49 PM
Just received an e-mail ad from J&G Sales advertising a semi-auto rifle made by Rossi for $149. The action looks just like the Marlin Mod. 60.


03-22-2022, 09:42 PM
I just cleaned one up for a guy. It was a beater but I didn't know you could fit that much fouling inside that gun. The goop just poured out of it when I hit it with carb cleaner. Shot great once I cleaned it up.

03-22-2022, 10:11 PM
I also have a pair, one special addition long barrel (that I installed some nice peep sights on) and another shorter carbine length. Completely went through them a year ago and surprised that it was easy to obtain all the parts that I needed for them.

I had one other as I kid. It would jam all the time. Eventually the extractor broke and some years later I made one (looking back, I can’t believe I did it with the tools I had lol

Perp sights are the best darn thing ever for my old eyes, can’t shot post anymore but the peeps I can still shoot!

03-23-2022, 07:16 PM
I got one for Christmas in 1991, I was very excited about it! Shot it a lot and I still have it! It has the slightly short magazine tube (15 rounds?) instead of the full length 18 round.

03-23-2022, 07:45 PM
Just received an e-mail ad from J&G Sales advertising a semi-auto rifle made by Rossi for $149. The action looks just like the Marlin Mod. 60.


I have one with a green stock, $129.95 every day at Rural King. Same gun as the Mossberg Pinkster, action is a more simplified version of the mag fed Marlin 795 and 995. I put Tech Sights on mine and it's great.

Texas by God
03-28-2022, 10:19 PM
A good friend of ours asked us to feed her animals while she's on vacation. And, if possible- could we thin out the turtles in the tank? Of course we can.
My wife used the mentioned rifle and I used my peep sighted Nylon 66 and we had a delightful time. One big head sticking out of the water turned out to be a 3'x 2" fish moccasin when the bullet hit it! Together we fired 58 rounds, probably got around thirty turtles or so- and there's still some there-so tomorrow she wants to use handguns.....
Yes, Dear.

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