View Full Version : I’ll be fine if I die

03-03-2022, 04:30 PM
Been feeling tired for a week...maybe more.

Started feeling really poorly last night. Decided to take my vitals. BP 101/91 heart rate 131. Umm...not good.

Called ER, they cannot advise if I should come in “it is your decision” they said. Fiancé says “You look like crap.” Roads are bad and 25 miles to town but we go in.

Get all wired up and they tell me, “We need to ‘reset’ your heart”.....WHAT?? Poked me 5 times before they could draw blood and start the IV. Injected a drug that stops the heart for a bit.

Laying there waiting to get released I commented...”In a SHTF situation, or 100 years ago, this may not have ended well”. She says, “You’d be fine, you’d wind up in heaven. I’d be stuck here without you “.

03-03-2022, 04:34 PM
I had a similar attitude when I had my triple bypass. If it worked I'd stick around for a bit more. If I died I knew where I was going. Been there once so I figure I'll be welcome a 2nd time.

Winger Ed.
03-03-2022, 04:48 PM
Hope ya get it straightened out.
Tell the Doc, 'This is America. We have a pill for everything,,, you just need to find the right one'.

03-03-2022, 05:03 PM
Good thing you made it in to the E.R. Hope you get things under control soon.


03-03-2022, 05:07 PM
Hope you get better but very glad you were able to make it to the hospital.....now just follow the directions of the physician and your fiance and you will be right!

03-03-2022, 05:51 PM
Don, glad you went to the hospital. I hope there’s a good cardiologist taking care of you. The heart’s a much stronger muscle than most think and now days they’re doing things to keep us going for years where it would have been a much different outcome even twenty years ago. Follow your doctors advice and look forward to many more years of living the good life. Wish you the best.

Johnny Diamond
03-03-2022, 05:55 PM
When it was my wife, she said if God heals me she gets to stay with me , if he doesn't he still will heal me.... she has a new body now and I'm jealous, God bless you both [emoji120]!


03-03-2022, 06:26 PM
Been feeling tired for a week...maybe more.

Started feeling really poorly last night. Decided to take my vitals. BP 101/91 heart rate 131. Umm...not good.

Called ER, they cannot advise if I should come in “it is your decision” they said. Fiancé says “You look like crap.” Roads are bad and 25 miles to town but we go in.

Get all wired up and they tell me, “We need to ‘reset’ your heart”.....WHAT?? Poked me 5 times before they could draw blood and start the IV. Injected a drug that stops the heart for a bit.

Laying there waiting to get released I commented...”In a SHTF situation, or 100 years ago, this may not have ended well”. She says, “You’d be fine, you’d wind up in heaven. I’d be stuck here without you “.

You're in my prayers for best recovery! Never forget that the ONLY way the medical world can get money out of you (what it's all about, imho) is by keeping you (and the rest of us ;)) alive!

03-03-2022, 08:53 PM
Only those who have looked imminent death directly in the eye can truly appreciate every day of life that we can get.

My heart has been ticking like a clock since May 16, 2006 - mostly because that's when my heart quit and my first pacemaker was installed. According to my (committed Christian) cardioogistic and heart sawbones doctors said it was only by the power of Someone way above their heads that I made it to sundown that day!

Now, first thing is, we all know everyone is gonna skip out eventually. But wife and I have become convienced that Ecc 3:1-3 ("a time to live and a time to die" is actually true and it means we're all invincible before our assigned time to cross over. God is never unaware of what's happening to us and no one will have one more or less day than He has ordained.

We have learned to trust His plan; we just take each day as the special gift it is and enjoy the ride! (Worst thing that can happen to us is to die and, for Christians, that's the best thing that can ever happen to us!) So, IF we take care of ourselves and live right, our passage on earth will be healthier and happier but we can't start sooner or last longer than the time to live and die that God has set for each of us.

That last thought has made life's many stresses easier for us than would have otherwise been possible. Resting in total conviction that our lives really are in God's hands has taken away the fears and burdens most people have to deal with and Christians don't - or shouldn't.

I've written all of that to say we believe you and your wife are also safe in God's hand and plan. We believe a trusting attitude is how our heavenly Father wants all of his children to rest!

Rest well. :)

03-03-2022, 09:06 PM
Afib is no fun. Watch for more events. They can fix it with ablation, probably keep you for a day and you go on blood thinners. I didn't have a pulse they could feel, 200. Valves just quiver so keep alert for clots.

03-03-2022, 09:17 PM
Amen to above. Been there too. It was exciting.

03-03-2022, 09:21 PM
We'll be thinking about you, Don.

If you're suffering from atherosclerotic buildup, I can't recommend the ketogenic diet highly enough. Gets your triglycerides to rock-bottom and brings your cholesterol to where it's supposed to be, not to mention preventing further buildup once you're fat-adapted. First few weeks are a bit rough, though.

03-03-2022, 10:19 PM
After bypass surgery I felt the same way if I die I die. In fact my insurance company called today to ask about if I was depressed an if I needed any help. I almost did not make it, spent quite a bit of time in ICU collapsed lung then pneumonia . Made me rethink things . I pray for everyone on this forum a lot of us are getting old you never know when your time is up.deverna you take care of yourself good luck with your recovery.

03-03-2022, 10:33 PM
Thanks guys. Feeling much better today. Vitals are back to normal.

First day without either coffee or alcohol in decades. Need to get some decaffeinated coffee. Enjoy whiskey but I do not need it.

Waiting to get in to see cardiologist.

03-03-2022, 10:49 PM
My wife spent a couple of days in the hospital with it. Thyroid medication a little too high, then a round of prednisone blew everything up! She's back to normal now!

03-03-2022, 10:51 PM
oh...no caffeine, that'd be tough for me.

03-03-2022, 10:56 PM
Glad to hear that you are better. I hope you continue to improve.

03-03-2022, 11:05 PM
I wonder if a semi-selective Beta-1 blocker would prevent/reduce your tachycardia. <scratching forehead>

03-03-2022, 11:19 PM

Good to hear you're doing well today. A good cardiologist sounds like the correct path. Prepare for some tests, you can count on that. I've been seeing one for close to 8 years now, and he's excellent. Keep us informed.


03-03-2022, 11:57 PM
Gee, it sounds like everyone here has a diagnostic bit of advice for you, but if stick with Jesus one way or the other you will be great! Though I enjoy your posts. God's blessing on you and your lady.
Ole Jack

John McCorkle
03-04-2022, 12:05 AM
Speedy recovery

Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Tapatalk

03-04-2022, 12:08 AM
Glad you're still here. Keep up with the Doc's and things should work out as they should. Sounds like you have a good fiancé there. Good luck & prayers.

03-04-2022, 03:15 AM
I’ll be fine if I die

After reviewing how long I could live after retirement, I concluded this same thing.

Wayne Smith
03-04-2022, 08:38 AM
Thanks for this Don. You remind me that I have been in God's hands since age 9 in my awareness and a lifetime of trusting Him won't end at death. I literally can't imagine life without God. That makes me a terrible evangelist but an excellent counselor.

03-04-2022, 08:54 AM
Hopefully everything will work out. Best of luck and listen to what they say - for the most part. I only allow myself two cans of Pepsi a day. Don't drink tea or coffee. No caffeine would kill me.

03-04-2022, 09:12 PM
For them to have such trouble finding a vein to get an IV started sounds like you were dehydrated. That constricts the vessels and forces blood pressure up. I have Atrial fibrillation, heart sometimes races to 140ish. It used to do that in the presence of a beautiful woman or a huge buck! I’m sure the cardiologist mentioned the risk of blood clots in the lower chamber of the heart if indeed it was afib, so you get to start taking high priced Eloquis. There is much that can go wrong with old hearts like ours, but treatment has come a long way the last 20 years. I will surely remember you in prayer. How is Shari since chemo?

03-05-2022, 03:47 AM
I’m with your fiancé. Kinda like having you around. Prayers and my best for your future.

03-05-2022, 09:28 AM
Sounds like SVT and not AFIB. Wife has had a few issues with the SVT over the past few years. There are a bunch of different causes. Dehydration can cause electrolyte issues and result in it. Good Luck.

03-05-2022, 10:16 AM
Don, God's best for you!

03-05-2022, 11:19 AM
Yetavon, yes it was SVT.

Hogtamer, thank you for asking about Shari. She came through the cancer very well and is doing fine. The Lord has sent some challenges our way lately. It started with the death of our 4 YO granddaughter just over 2 years ago. And last night we learned a close friend we first met at church needs a liver transplant.

Like they say, "The hits just keep on coming."

But faith is a wonderful strength to fall back on.

03-05-2022, 03:01 PM
Don’s experience brings to mind that we all need a contact to let this community know if something serious happens to us. Continued prayers your way, Don.

03-05-2022, 04:34 PM
Hang in there Don. I had my heart reset awhile back and it was unpleasant. I would Appreciate some notice before I expire. Need to sell off a lot of crap so my wife can have the money and not have to deal with it.

03-06-2022, 10:26 PM
oh...no caffeine, that'd be tough for me.

No caffeine, I'd rather die