View Full Version : butt plate spacer material options

03-02-2022, 04:49 PM
looking for suggestions for what kind of material I can get in bulk to make white or off white accent for butt plate spacers. not trying to adjust LOP just add color accent like marlins and some other guns use. what I'm after is a material that won't be effected by cleaners and such. something that durable, won't shrink or decay and can be cut and shaped with razor knife, sanders or grinder
I'm thinking if I can get something by the sq foot or square yard and cut it myself would be much cheaper than getting precut and shaped stuff from brown ells or midway

03-02-2022, 04:52 PM
I did that to a shotgun and used old plastic 3 ring binders that were being thrown away at work. The plastic was maybe 40 thousands thick.

03-02-2022, 05:21 PM
that's a good idea

03-02-2022, 05:46 PM
I've used plastic Clorox/bleach bottle material. White, tough, and easy to cut. Best to leave it sit for a bit to get rid of the odor. But works a treat.


03-02-2022, 06:22 PM
I have used 5 gal. plastic paint bucket material in different colors.
White was my first choice.
You can flatten it out with a heat gun or hair dryer.
The material is thicker than the bleach bottles.

03-02-2022, 07:49 PM
Great ideas guys, thanks!

03-02-2022, 11:39 PM
You can also use bedding compound,,you can make it any color you want by just adding a drop of oil based paint to it and you can have any thickness you want,,,and it is impervious to oil or cleaning fluids,,Just be sure to sandwich it between wax paper until it dries or you will never get the butt plate off the gun again

03-03-2022, 12:24 AM
G10 - Knife Handle Spacer Material all colors. Haven't used it on butt stocks but works well for knives. Flat and easy to work with, can be found on Amazon.

03-03-2022, 12:47 AM
I have also used colored spacers when I install Nose Caps , either wood or plastic on the ends of the stock.
You can either do them square , or as I prefer , on a slant.
Also ,
Don't forget spacers on the Grip Caps if you want to add a little decoration.
Brass , Silver , Aluminium or Copper spacers look really good too , depending on the type of rifle or the type of wood

03-03-2022, 01:06 AM
I fixed up a Marlin model 56 for my younger brother a couple of years ago. I found out that the best material for making a "white line" spacer is to cut it out from the lid from a 5 gallon white plastic bucket. The material is already flat, is the right color, and cuts & sands to shape easily, but is durable. It's just the right thickness, and in the end looks just like a factory white line spacer. It could also be used as a spacer on a grip cap.

Patrick L
03-03-2022, 03:31 PM
I used a scrap piece of white vinyl siding. Nice and flat, works easily.

03-03-2022, 03:32 PM
My Dad liked plastic bleach bottles.

03-03-2022, 05:17 PM
Like said above, depending on thickness needed white bleach bottle or 5 gallon buckets. White vinyl siding is another great idea.

Geezer in NH
03-03-2022, 06:17 PM
Empty bleach bottles

03-03-2022, 06:29 PM

The round side of an empty white plastic bleach bottle can be used, cutting out an oversize section, then holding it flat while tracing the BP outline & screw hole locations onto the plastic.

Sandwich the plastic between BP & stock, and drive home the BP screws - the plastic will readily flatten.

Carefully trim off the excess plastic with a pocket knife slid around the edges, being careful not to scrape the stock finish.

03-05-2022, 11:24 AM
Go to the Dollar Store, buy some trash cans. Probably a lot of plastic stuff there you could use. I've been paid to REMOVE white line spacers on a lot of rifles.

03-05-2022, 12:09 PM

FWIW, The "dollar" stores around here are now the $1.29 Stores...…… :mrgreen:

03-05-2022, 12:48 PM
And , " A penny for your thoughts "
Now costs a quarter.

03-05-2022, 03:49 PM
Anyone wanting to add a white line spacer should consider the kind of stock finish that will be applied. No stock finish will stick to a slick, soft plastic (meaning the various flexible bottles, jugs or buckets).

03-06-2022, 12:55 AM
Kydex, the same stuff they make holsters from. Should be able to get it in different thickness's. Don't know if they make any color besides black though. Frank

03-06-2022, 12:12 PM
Anyone wanting to add a white line spacer should consider the kind of stock finish that will be applied. No stock finish will stick to a slick, soft plastic (meaning the various flexible bottles, jugs or buckets).

Finish should be cleaned from spacers and recoil pads when you are done doing the finish. Mask the wood, use shop rag and mineral spirits.