View Full Version : Hooray!

02-28-2022, 09:29 PM
Georgia is on the way to passing constitutional carry, bill only needs to be passed in the house and the governor said he’d sign it. The way things oughtta be.

Texas by God
02-28-2022, 10:04 PM
Great news! If it was nationwide, things might be a little different in a good way. Ours went into effect last September and free freedom is nice.

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03-02-2022, 01:34 PM
That's Great !

We almost had it but the Dem. Gov. John Bell Edwards vetoed it ...
Despite campaigning as pro-2A , pro Law and Order ... Nope ...he vetoed it just as a good Leftist is told to do ... I will never believe another Dem. campaign promise ... they do as the party lines are drawn .
But elections are coming up ...and the times ... they are a changing !

03-05-2022, 04:01 AM
Gary, I was a Louisiana resident for almost a decade. Pulling for you to get an honest gubbmint.

Outer Rondacker
03-05-2022, 09:09 AM
I hope it passes. Sending support from a lost cause state of NY.