View Full Version : JPosting pics from your computor.........

02-24-2022, 01:02 AM
I (and several others) have been having problems posting pics from our computers.
Easy fix, I suppose is use a hosting site, but I've had poor results with the ones I've tried and have no reason to trust some third party to take care of my pics when I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself.
Anywhoooo..... after the last server update I have not been able to post pics. I think I've finally been able to correct the problem.

Click on the "insert image" icon, choose "from computer" then "browse".
Find the pic you want to post, make sure it's sized right and is the correct file type. The file name will appear in the box at the bottom of the window.

Now here's the deal........... Click on the down arrow at the right side of the box and a drop down menu will appear. Choose the option that has the full URL of the pic you want then click "open".


02-24-2022, 09:56 AM
I don't know when the last update was, but I have always loaded my pictures into a photo editing software like Photo Shop and save them as a .jpg file. I don't do any resizing and the picture have always loaded fine. The only place I have had a problem is in PM's when trying to load more the one picture.

03-05-2022, 11:12 PM
I don’t have a down arrow, says failed to upload file.