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View Full Version : Almost Purple Martin Time

01-11-2006, 12:40 AM
Depending on which area you live in,purple martins will be arriving in month or even less. Now is time to clean out and paint and get ready for them-----maybe a little sevin dust for mite control. Thinking about putting up a purple martin house,now's the time to get tracking.

01-23-2006, 01:27 AM
I havent been shooting sparrows,starlings and grackels in awhile. This morning saw some going into a martin house and got two starlings and a grackel. This was with my peep sighted Sheridan.

01-23-2006, 06:36 AM

You must have thinned out the cat herd by now......with depredation in check, eviction proceedings have commenced!

02-05-2006, 11:35 AM
Saw the first purple martin of the year today. Anybody else spotting their first would appreciate hearing about it.

02-06-2006, 06:59 AM
.....................No Purple Martins here, but the Hummingbirds are back.


02-18-2006, 11:16 PM
This has already been a crazy year for the martins. Normally when I first see them they will be here everyday. This year I saw one and not again for a week or so then another week and then 3 of them. Their arrival is not a sign of spring as every year we have some cold weather---possibly worst of winter after they arrive. Has been below freezing here all day. I really cant tell what kind of numbers I might get on the martins. Looks like it might be sparse.

02-18-2006, 11:17 PM
Got our martin house up.

02-18-2006, 11:53 PM

The weather is crazy. Just a few days ago it was in the high 60's and up to 70. This weekend snow and ice. The birds are probably spinning their heads off wondering what's going on. I want to get some bluebird houses up and the outdoor section in our newspaper said the time is now.


02-19-2006, 09:17 AM
I'm not sure we have Purple Martins up here in the St Lawrence valley. I'll have to check. But, we do have Bluebirds and I've been wanting to build a bunch of nest boxes for them. I know they have to be just right or other birds use them and snakes can get to them. We have another 6 weeks to 2 months before the Robins even show up, so maybe I can get some done.

Ed Barrett
02-19-2006, 09:39 AM
Saw my first robin today, poor little bugger was a bit early it was only 20 degrees .
We were in the 40's and 50's but hit a little cold snap.

02-28-2006, 12:09 PM
Today we are supposed to reach 80F. The martins have finally trickled in in better numbers. Counted 16. I can pretty well be assured there will be a lot more to come. The first batch are most likely martins that nested here last year and they will attract some first year nesting birds. I put up a house at my neighbors and so far have not seen any there,which is what I expected. If they get any at all,it will be a month or two after I get them at my established houses. Have been doing some sparrow control. I sure like peep sighted Sheridans.

02-28-2006, 12:25 PM

Couple Sundays ago in the Outdoor section of our Sunday paper they said it was time to put your Bluebird houses out. Well I built two new ones and put them on poles to my fence gates. One pole is six foot high, the other in another spot about 5. So far I haven't seen any renters. Any clues or tips to attrack them?


02-28-2006, 12:52 PM
The blue birds will find them if they are around but so will sparrows and other undesirables. When that happens open the box and clean out the nest. It usually takes 2 or 3 times for them to get the hint.

We've had robins around most of the month but last Saturday I saw the first true sign of Spring. A Turkey Vulture! Won't be long now.

02-28-2006, 12:53 PM

Couple Sundays ago in the Outdoor section of our Sunday paper they said it was time to put your Bluebird houses out. Well I built two new ones and put them on poles to my fence gates. One pole is six foot high, the other in another spot about 5. So far I haven't seen any renters. Any clues or tips to attrack them?


Yeah, don't use the houses as target holders.

02-28-2006, 02:34 PM
Shepherd2---Purple martin houses have the same problem that if neglected,the sparrows take over. Even tearing their nests out a couple of times doesnt discourage them. I trap them in the nests and kill them. I also shoot them as I get the chance when they present themselves. A purple martin house needs to be made so you can raise and lower it straight up and down to remove the sparrow nests. Either a pulley arrangement or telescoping pole---I prefer the pulley. A tilt pole doesnt work as it dumps the martin eggs. If it requires a ladder----it doesn't get done and the sparrows take over. Never had blue bird houses so don't know what requirements they have. I don't have blue birds---if I did I'd send them to Dr Phil and get em cheered up.

02-28-2006, 02:49 PM
Boy...Tyrannosaurus Carpetman....this species is a vicious cat and sparrow killing machine. Very cunning, very intelligent (sic) very patient. This pure killing machine was found roaming what is Texas today. It is believed that an envolved species of this killing machine exists today. Should you cross paths with one do not attempt to catch or kill it, but rather get in touch with Steve from the Discovery Channel , the Aussie, that does all those snake and alligator shows. He's a good reptile expert.


02-28-2006, 02:53 PM

Couple Sundays ago in the Outdoor section of our Sunday paper they said it was time to put your Bluebird houses out. Well I built two new ones and put them on poles to my fence gates. One pole is six foot high, the other in another spot about 5. So far I haven't seen any renters. Any clues or tips to attrack them?



I have about a dozen bluebird houses scattered around the place. Make the hole about 1 1/4" in diameter about 5" or 6" up from the bottom. I don't bother to paint mine anymore..doesn't really seem to promote durability. Face them away from the prevailing wind and put them 6' off the ground if you can..tops of fenceposts work well too. No perch on the house! Also, the little ******** are very territorial and they will fight constantly.......so, space the houses out at least 50 yards apart. I get my house material from around house construction sites...1" pine lumber is the very best......easy to work with, easy to get and lasts as well as anything. When the carpenters are doing the subflooring is the time to bum the scraps. Do a search on bluebirds..there are sites with house plans. The bluebirds have been here for 2-3 weeks, robins seem to have stayed most of the winter..here by the zillions now and of course, those damnable starlings and grackels..I've been Mag 10'ing them.

02-28-2006, 03:02 PM

Thanks for the advice. I already had house plans and you described them to a T, also the material I used...one inch pine, ponderosa I believe, spare repair boards for my barn. Has sort a rough finish and I left them unfinished and unpainted also. I've been watching them closely daily and no other birds have taken them over ...yet. We don't have a whole hell of alot of birds in the mtns, but there are some. We have a lot of owls, hawks, and woodpeckers. Also blue herrings that are eating the trout out of the trout stream that runs through my property. I'd have T-Rex Carpetman up to exterminate them, but we don't have many sheep around here to keep T-Rex Carpetman fed should he not kill enough blue herrings...so bad idea.


02-28-2006, 03:49 PM
Joe, if you happen to take a walk in Texas, be sure you don't use Lanolin on your hands or Tyranosaurus Ray will find you, and you'll feel like the Ned Beatty character in 'Deliverance'. :groner:

03-06-2006, 09:42 PM
Still a few martins trickling in--counted 24 today. I still expect more. So far the house I put up at my neighbors has no martin activity,but I think it will. Shot a couple of starlings.

03-06-2006, 10:08 PM
Got some here too.

03-07-2006, 02:17 PM
Well I got a Bluebird family in one of the houses I build...great. Makes me feel good.


03-08-2006, 12:59 AM
wills---how many martins you up to? I counted atleast 30 today and suspect more to come--it's still early in the season.

03-15-2006, 08:38 PM
Bluebird don't like painted houses. I get my building material by watching for someone tearing down an old wood fence. The partially rotten boards make houses that bluebirds seem to love. Never had any shortage of tenents. Be careful to mount the houses on smooth post. Some snake can climb limbless trees if there is rough bark like pine. In north Alabama houses should be in place by mid February. You will find it interesting that while you are watching the bluebirds they will be watching you.

Regards WK