View Full Version : a nod to the shake n bake powder coating pioneers....

02-14-2022, 11:35 PM
I don't know who they are or if they are with us on this forum, but my hat is off to those fine folks who pioneered the whole shake n bake powder coating methods. I don't have the words to express my appreciation to those who stepped way outside the box to bring PCing to the masses. A no BS thanks to any of those trail blazers out there.

Hopefully this is an opportunity to recognize the original few pioneers of powder coating who have revolutionized our boolit casting community.

02-15-2022, 07:15 AM
Ditto... if it wasn't for them I would still be cleaning lead from the bores. I doubt if I will ever go back to conventional lube..

02-15-2022, 10:07 AM
I want to add my "THANKS" also.

02-17-2022, 04:19 PM
I started in 2012 just after Sandy Hook. I learned the very basic Cool Whip Formula from an old gun club member and went from there.

I have no idea who was the first to conceive the idea, but it certainly wasn't anyone in the professional PC circle I talked with back then. Even the techs at Prismatic and other commercial suppliers didn't have a clue when I told them I wanted to coat bullets.

So to whomever had the original idea, thank You! PC changed my life for the better. I will pass on the credit for cooking bullets on silicon baking sheets to my wife, Candace, who first made the suggestion, which I posted online and it caught on like wildfire.

02-17-2022, 04:26 PM
Here is my process. Hope it helps.



02-17-2022, 10:35 PM
Wait for it......

02-18-2022, 07:55 AM
I found a 375, 250g flat point plain base mold for the new 375 rifle. It shipped to me yesterday. That should make some pretty fair black bullets. I use automotive chrome blackout powder in my shake and bake.

iron brigade
02-18-2022, 08:19 PM
PC is a game changer for sure. I am liking it!

02-18-2022, 10:11 PM
Like my byline says, None of us are as smart as all of us. There are some pretty sharp people on this site and the best part is, they are more than willing to help and share.

P Flados
02-19-2022, 02:32 AM
Powder Coating has been a huge improvement to my cast boolit experience. I was not a pioneer, but I was loosely following the developments as they happened.

I went back and tried to find the threads and folks that got me started.

Back in 2010, a thread (https://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?87768-lead-bullets-coated-with-polymer-paint) was started discussing coated bullets. On 1-19-2012 there was a post describing how a liquid applied bake on coating was being applied by commercial casters in Australia.

Between early 2012 and 2014, many different approaches to applying powder coat to bullets were tried and discussed. Some were having success with wet applications. Those that were willing to use an electrostatic gun were getting great looking bullets, but with much effort. Dry tumble was being discussed in early 2014, but was not being promoted as simple easy and effective.

One item identified along the way was that it helped to use a #5 plastic tub (I believe it started with a cool whip tub) for dry tumble. BangerJim, Beagle333 and Popper were prominent posters on the subject.

On 05-02-2014, at 04:42 PM The following thread was started:


Since started powder coating by tumbling I always seemed to have a problem with boolits hitting each other and leaving marks on each other or the powder would over coat on some and not enough on others, I would have to try and knock it off when putting them on a tray for baking, this afternoon I was thinking about this and I don't know if this has already been done but I have never seen it yet, first I took some of my boys air-soft bbs that are plastic and poured enough to cover the 50 boolits I had in the plastic tub than put 2 table spoons of powder on every thing and started tumbling for 3 min. after 3 min. I checked the boolits and found them perfectly covered no marks from banging into each other and no over covering with powder, The plastic bbs were totally covered themselves and provided a medium for the boolits to tumble in, it worked so good I tumbled 500 this afternoon with no problems I usually have with lack of coverage or over coverage. try it you might like it, one thing the amount of air-soft bbs you use depends on the amount of boolits you use, if you don't use enough bbs your boolits will mark each other up when they hit each other and if you use to much you will have to dig through everything trying to find the boolits. I am not saying this is cure all, but it works for me and thought I would share it.

Very quickly, BangerJim responded with:

OK.......this changes everything......AGAIN!

Tried this and it does work very well.......but found some fine-tuning things that worked best for me:

1. only the black airsoft work the best. The colors are different hardnesses/plastics/weights. I have all colors/weights and tried them all.

2. You HAVE to use the lid or the little buggers fly all over the place.

3. You no longer lightly swirl.......you swirl like crazy for ~30 seconds. And then you SHAKE up and down REAL hard, like shaking a salad dressing bottle, for another ~30 seconds. Hold onto the lid or it will pop off and you will have a real mess!

After trying several styles of bb's, I ended up with 255gn 45 slugs coated with HF red that looked like I had sprayed them with my ESPC gun!!!!!!! Almost a 99% coverage.....nice even coat.

The black plastic bb's change/lessen the impacts and improve the static charge somehow and allow a perfect coating. I put about 30 or so slugs in at a time as they were a rather large cal!

Give it a try and report back!

hanleyfan..........thanks for posting this!!!!!!


Soon, Beagle333 jumped in with:

Black works. 2 minutes of swirl (or, in my case, I shook it like I was shaking a can of spray paint before use... hard!) and they are completely coated. Agree with swirl gently after picking out what you see and the others will come to the top.
Baking now..... results soon.

I was a little slow. It was not until around Mid 2105 before I jumped in. By this time, ASBB shake and bake was pretty much “all worked out”.

02-19-2022, 03:01 AM
+1 To all the cudos! PC was exactly what I needed

02-19-2022, 11:15 PM
Yup, made it foolproof for a beginner. Got a plastic container, black airsoft bbs, Ford light blue powder and went to town without having any problems.

02-20-2022, 08:41 AM
Have y'all seen Columbia Coatings Chroma Chrome powder!???




Charlie Horse
02-20-2022, 09:38 AM
Heck yes. I shied away for too long. Then one day I got a pound of powder from Smoke and I've been off to the races since then.

02-20-2022, 07:15 PM
I and a large bunch of other fine folks on here (Beagle333 and Popper and countless others) started the shake-n-bake thing back in 2013 or so. We did a tremendous amount (months and months!) of experimenting and research with different containers/BB's/techniques/baking processes/ temps/racks/ovens styles/handling techniques. Finally arrived at what you guys use today as a standard process. So, if you want to say thanks, I am just one of the MANY dozens of nice generous folks on there that messed & played around with the process of PC'ing boolits.

I have now moved on to ESPC for everything, using two guns I now own. But Shake-n-bake was my go-to process for many thousands of successful no-leading, no smoke rounds.................back in the day.

I just hope all of us involved back then left a legacy for all you new guys today!

Keep on truckin'.........................!


02-20-2022, 08:33 PM
There it is.