View Full Version : Avoiding a Conflict

02-14-2022, 08:25 AM
Well said by Howard Funk....enjoy and learn!


02-14-2022, 09:01 AM
Thanks for putting up that video link! Everyone who carries needs to watch this video and take it to heart! One thing that was drilled into us at my CCW training was avoidance! I would like to recommend "no nonsense self defense" as a good resource, he teaches situational awareness and avoidance as you first and best self defense! The good guy don't always win a gun fight either!
My personal number one CC rule is "Don't go anywhere armed, you wouldn't go unarmed!)

02-14-2022, 09:16 AM
When I was giving classes for getting pistol permits I’d get a lot of people asking “when can I shoot someone”. Seems as though they had some type of Rambo complex and fantasized about getting into gunfights. I’d explain that they were taking a course in handgun safety, not a legal course about what you can and cannot do while carrying a concealed weapon. I’ve actually had to ask a couple to leave when they simply wouldn’t get off the subject. I always started off by telling everyone “I’m not a lawyer, and I don’t give legal advice. My best advice to you is avoid getting into a situation any time you can”.

02-14-2022, 09:18 AM
Great information ! You can’t loose a fight you avoid .

country gent
02-14-2022, 09:37 AM
This needs to be brought up and discussed often, it is the most important aspect of concealed carry and self defense.
To many become self involved in their daily business and what they are doing. Gong thru the day with blinders on.
People need to retrain themselves to be observant to who and whats going on around them, What is the situation ahead and look for areas where a set up could be. A group of people loud and boisterous cross the street or skirt them with as much room as you can. alleys opening into a sidewalk stay as wide as you can they are traps. Most times heads up eyes open and alert will detour a thug or allow avoidance.
Take a 5 year old fishing and see what he sees and you over look/ignore, We need to become a 5 year old again in this aspect.

02-14-2022, 11:25 AM
Great video. Thanks for posting.

02-14-2022, 12:02 PM
Upping our Situational Awareness can help in avoiding a fight.

02-14-2022, 03:17 PM
Great video. Lots to consider here.

Law enforcement is there to protect the public at large, not the individual. A Supreme Court decision many years ago determined that. I consider my concealed permit is for my personal protection only. If you don't know the situation, stay out of it. Mind your own business and stay out of trouble.

I've had discussions like this with shooters, lawyers, and police officer friends. What really sticks out was a story a cop told about a shooting in a park & ride parking lot. A well dressed guy was getting off the train and going to his car. A dirt bag approached him with a gun. A pistol carrying bystander saw this, interfered in the situation, and shot the dirt bag. What he didn't know was that the dirt bag was an under cover cop making an arrest. He killed a police officer! Like I said, mind your own business.

Amazing how Alec Baldwin can avoid all legal responsibility, and get away with his shooting incident.

Winger Ed.
02-14-2022, 04:48 PM
I consider my concealed permit is for my personal protection only.

That's where I'm at.
I was in a discussion awhile back with a few people about that.
They were saying with all the CCWs out there, it was like having a big giant Police force deployed on the streets.

I told them that, speaking for myself, I went through the process to get a CCW license for my protection---- not theirs.

02-14-2022, 05:27 PM
Friends, there are a number of prison cells in America being occupied by people who thought they knew the law. And no, I'm not an attorney. For many years now I have studied and read everything I could about what constitutes self defense, at least in my state. Three simple things can keep a fella out of a whole lot of misery.

1. Don't go dumb places
2. Don't hang out with dumb people
3. Don't do dumb things.


02-14-2022, 07:21 PM
I'm not an expert, nor did I play one on TV, I didn't even spend last night at a Holiday Inn Express, but when people ask why I have a permit and could carry, (it is my choice not most of the time), and people ask if I am looking for a fight, I tell them I have two basic guidelines: 1) The best way to win a gun fight is - Don't show up, and 2) If you think you need to go armed...you probably don't need to go. I carry most of the time because I am in the woods hunting and need protection from a lot of wild things, sometimes a bear, or a hidden lab, or something.