View Full Version : Iver Johnson 55SA 32

01-30-2022, 12:47 PM
Lions, tigers and bears, Oh my! At sixty years old and more than a few handguns this one had never tweaked any interest from me. Never a may I see that one please, never a stall over a table to touch, now I think I know why. A family member had passed and it was discovered during dispersal, "That goes to the gun nut in family". After inspection, clean and rub I am fairly sure I will not be putting (if you could find/make any) live rounds in this specimen. Barrel/cylinder gap .033", the ramps on cylinder do not have the usual T slots cut for bolt/lock, just ramps. Cocked and locked you can roll cylinder back and forth maybe .100". Clear with hammer down you can roll cylinder back and forth with firing pin banging in empty cylinder hole stopping further rotation. Cylinder lock (bolt) is built into top of trigger and only protrudes at hammer/trigger cocked. Sometimes attempting DA it is locked until slight hammer pull then it will release for DA. Piece is a solid 95%+ and looks probably not a half a box ran through it. Please understand I am not complaining here, a free firearm is rarely a bad thing and the family and contacts have scored me some real gems over the years. I am just, maybe the word is confused with the fit, function of this piece. Pretty sure this one will live bagged in the dark like it has most its life until they go through my stuff.

01-30-2022, 01:09 PM
I suspect that a detailed strip and cleaning a century's-worth of dried oil out of the works would greatly improve the functioning.

02-05-2022, 04:46 PM
Not being one that accepts defeat well and not being able to just leave it alone, pulled it back out. Pulled grips and stuck in parts washer for flush and blow with no change. Never appears to have been diss'd before because these are pinned and zero sign of molestation and only blue thin exterior grip frame. The hand rolling cylinder into locking stop located on top of trigger (the bolt) which is raised up on aft trigger on hammer pull. Play found when in battery against trigger lock stop up, cylinder can be retarded more than a little. Looking down barrel alignment looks good on stop, rolled back not so much. Okay short hand, what are the chances of finding a hand that would work? Went looking around and found a brand new hand with pin on GB for cheap. Maybe a success story to come, then on to finding ammo for less than fifty a box.