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01-18-2009, 09:59 PM
I puruse several gun websites.
On surplus rifle .com there is a piece by Family Firearms and finishes that speaks to a new gun law ( HR 1022)> I couldn't find it < and has to do with the Brady group and what they want the new President to ban. It seems that they want to ban and force everyone to turn in any weapon not considered a sporting weapon used for hunting purposes.
I do not even try to understand all of the verbage used but maybe someone here with a lot more smarts than I could read it and let the membership know what it means in layman terms!
If it's for real I think a lot of letters need to be written to a lot of congressmen.

survivalists Dad

Heavy lead
01-18-2009, 10:29 PM
This is a rehash of the Clinton "assault weapons ban" that they want to reinact, it's been around since it sunset in 2004. I personally don't care what they pass anymore, if they want my guns, they can come to the door, and I don't care who or if anybody is "watching this" thread.

However it works out, I don't thing they (congress) has the stones to pass much more than the Clintonista version with the sunset like before, that did little but to limit magazines to 10 rounds, now make no mistake I think this is stupid, but these guys have watched how many arms have sold ahead of this election. Quite frankly how would they come and get them anyway, the government can't even begin to control thugs in a third world country let alone the bread and butter of the American tax payer base, especially since this would effect the historical red states much more than the left and east coast, I don't have any statistics at my finger tips, but I'm sure the vast majority of the armed forces are from the red states. The people as a whole would not stand for this, not yet anyway. The government needs at least one more of generational re-education to make this work, by then are economy will be devistated anyway because of the population curve, and lack of producing tax payers that the new regime will create by government handouts.

As far as a letter campaign, it would work if the morons could read. I indicated in a thread last week I would never contact any elected official again, also that I would never vote again. I have retracted both of those ideas. I will vote and always will, I will write a little note to my rep. and senator, also it will include a copy of the Bill of Rights, all of my correspondence to them from now on will. We have got to drum it into their heads that the protection of Bill of Rights is the most important aspect of their job, and to not act such constitutes treason.

01-18-2009, 10:35 PM
This bill never made it to the floor. Died in committee. Here is the link.

Now the one to watch is HR45.

01-19-2009, 02:06 AM
Strange that those are the hottest selling guns on the market since the election.

01-19-2009, 12:48 PM
Here is a new one...