View Full Version : Good video- HR Funk

01-22-2022, 02:10 PM
Harold has a new video and as always he does a good job!


01-22-2022, 03:36 PM
I liked this one a bunch.

I heartily concur, though I would have added high-cap magazines to the list. If you haven't resolved your differences with 7 or 8 shots, somehow 10, 12, 13,....20...30, a 60 round drum will make your day? :rolleyes: Apparently, an 8 shot pistol is too hard to reload.

"Nobody ever complained of having too many rounds in a firefight." No, but a certain Marine private of my acquaintance found 3 bandoliers of 5.56 a bit much when marching. At least when added to all the rest of my 782 gear.

01-23-2022, 03:01 PM
Howard always does a great job....I really liked his analysis.....so many things on guns are like fishing lures....they are designed to hook you!

01-24-2022, 03:12 PM
Thanks fellas! I just happened across this thread. I’m glad you liked the video.


01-24-2022, 03:57 PM
I definitely enjoyed the video. I don't keep up on what is the cool new thing, but #10 came as a surprise to me. I'm obviously aware of the coatings of new handguns, and the durability is often talked about, but I don't think I have ever seen anyone make the claim that the shinier finishes were in some way a "tactical" disadvantage. Maybe open carrying that mirror finish S&W in a slim holster might draw some attention. All my favorite holsters cover almost the entire metal parts anyway, so I'm curious how such an opinion started with some people.

I'll disagree on #4 though, at least partially. This is in no way an insult, but you are an average height guy, with what appears to be average sized hands. You are precisely the person gun manufacturers design grips for. I'm a big guy, with big hands. I don't think I have ever picked up a handgun off a shelf and said it fit perfect. That's one of my biggest draws to revolvers is that I can buy custom grips to increase the trigger reach. I think the interchangeable backstraps are a great thing to happen to the semi-auto market. Where I would like to see improvement is instead of only replaceable backstraps or panels, I wish they would go to entire replaceable grips, revolver style. A perfect example is the Sig P220 or P226. You make the argument that it isn't needed, and it isn't. I could survive without it. Still to call it overrated seems a bit much. I'd argue this is as important as is having a decent trigger and sights.

02-01-2022, 12:34 PM
Excellent job Howard
The gun marketing guys will hate it :)

02-02-2022, 09:24 AM
Ha, ha! I get that a lot. A couple of years ago, an advertising firm sent me a couple of cmmg guns to review. In my review, I said they were both good firearms, but in my estimation they were overpriced for what you were getting. I haven't heard from that firm since.


02-02-2022, 10:58 AM
I guess not!:-)