View Full Version : Primers are coming

01-20-2022, 10:29 AM
Primers are on their way -- This facility will specialize in the production of primers

Here is the good news article:
By Junius Stone

Texarkana Gazette

HOOKS, Texas -- Expansion Industries, an ammunition manufacturing company whose corporate offices are based out of Carrollton, Texas, prepares to open a manufacturing facility here.

They have begun preparation work on the East Campus of TexAmericas Center, purchasing the main G Line of the former Lone Star Army Ammunition plant, and have begun preparing the site for operations.

Recently, they also have begun a recruiting drive, advertising an on-site job fair they have coming up Jan. 29. They plan on employing more than 400 by 2023 and have plans beyond that.

The facility will specialize in the production of primers, a key component in ammunition manufacturing, for the small arms industry.

"We have invested $100 million into the site so far," said Richard A. Smissen, owner, Expansion Industries. "This is all about supply and demand. There is serious demand in the industry for this product and right now, for various reasons, the supply chain is falling woefully short. So we are getting ready to do our part to help out with that issue."

Smissen describes the new facility as state-of-the-art, featuring a high level of automation. He said the site at the former Lone Star Army Ammunition plant is uniquely situated for what they will be doing.

"The manufacturing facilities at Lone Star were set up for ammunition manufacturing," said Smissen. "Not only the way the facilities are laid out on the former base, but the facilities themselves are hardened to protect against possible accidents working with this material. What is here was ready for someone like us to come and set up shop. So we've had our people in there getting it ready for a modern manufacturing facility. We aim to be up and running in the first few months of this year."

Besides getting the facility ready to go, Expansion Industries has already begun recruiting efforts for talent. Though touting modern automated manufacturing facilities, they still will have a sizable labor force, ranging from custodial to skilled labor and technicians, to their own force of truck drivers. They are looking at a wide range of talent.

"We will also need various engineers and skilled professionals," he said. "Those guys will be at a premium and we want to see those resumes."

Smissen says Expansion Industries picked the Hooks area for several specific reasons.

"This is a big asset that will do Hooks and the surrounding asset a lot of good," he said. "Also, this is a key transport area, with easy access to highway and rail freight transport, right there on TexAmericas Center. When it comes time to start shipping, there is not a place better, both in set up and location. And we will be shipping everywhere, both in this country and many places globally."

Smissen sees Expansion Industries as more than a manufacturing company, however. They have a core set of values that they emphasize with their products.

"Every box of our ammunition, we make it clear it is about freedom," he said. "The first 10 Amendments of our Constitution lay it all out, our liberties. And the 2nd Amendment is about the freedom of an American to be armed, to defend against any who would seek to take away that freedom. And should our 2nd Amendment fall, there is nothing to prevent the rest of it from being taken. We are a faith-based company and we make that clear. We are doing what we can to take a stand for American freedoms, support shooting sports and with this facility, we will be taking it all to the next level."

Smissen made it clear it was quite a maze of bureaucracy he had to navigate to get this facility up and running.

"Miles of red tape and mountains of paperwork, that I can tell you," he said. "And we would not have gotten this done without the team supporting us at TexAmericas Center. Scott Norton, Eric Voyles, Jeff Whitten, Teresa Kemp, Devon McClosky, thank you all."

(The Expansion Industries job fair takes space Jan. 29 at 523 Titus Road, Hooks, Texas. Prospective employees are invited to email resumes to exp-ind.com online.)

( TexAmericas Center is sprawling business complex located about 20 miles west of Texarkana near New Boston and Hooks, Texas.)

Print Headline: Ammunition plant to open near Texarkana

01-20-2022, 10:38 AM
This IS good news and hope to see their product on the shelves soon. I hope they can find the folks that want to work and support the shooting sport as well as the supplies to aid our law enforcement.
Thank you for the good news.


01-20-2022, 11:14 AM
Great news

01-20-2022, 11:28 AM
Is this the same Expansion Industries that was selling ETR-7 a few years ago?

If so I won't get my hopes up...

01-20-2022, 11:30 AM
That's great news. A powder plant would be nice somewhere too.

01-20-2022, 11:38 AM
Sure hope they succeed


01-20-2022, 11:53 AM
Hi all,
I also think this is great news, and of course, it could only happen in a red state. Unfortunately, I feel the assumption being made that the primers will find their way to reloaders is faulty. I suspect once production ramps up, the bulk of their product will go to feed large ammunition manufacturers. A business' primary purpose is to make a profit, so I think they will focus on volume and sales more than supplying a smaller segment of the market. Just my dos centavos.

01-20-2022, 11:53 AM
This is nice to see.

Ithaca Gunner
01-20-2022, 11:53 AM
Hot diggity dog!

01-20-2022, 12:00 PM
Hallelujah!!.... maybe

01-20-2022, 12:10 PM
That sounds promising! Thats quite an investment!

01-20-2022, 12:13 PM
Regardless of whether these initially flow to ammo manufacturers or whether they enter the reloading market, this is a good thing. At some point, primers will be on the shelves again!

01-20-2022, 12:45 PM
Yeah it is the same ones who were selling etr-7 , started out good and went downhill from there , reorganized after a move , not going to get any hopes up .

01-20-2022, 12:48 PM
My gut tells me that story is all "say so" but "no do so". They are not producing primers nor will they likely do so. They are trolling for somebody to buy them out for a quick buck. One of the big ammo companies will buy them just to shut them down.

01-20-2022, 12:54 PM
They run a metal punching operation in Mo, are out of NJ. Red River/LoneStar got shut down so they probably bought it at fire sale cost. There is a ammo maker in Garland also that uses plastic cases and needs primers. Rem plant is just down the road from Tex and Sig plant is near little rock.

01-20-2022, 01:29 PM
Cautiously optimistic !

01-20-2022, 01:58 PM
I have $100 that says we will never see a primer from that plant. I posted some numbers on the other thread. The economics do not make sense and $100 million "so far"...yea sure... They will need to produce over one million primers a day to break even...so call it 2 million a day to make a profit.

History tells us that pre-panic there was excess primer production capacity because we were getting primers on sale. Once the shelves are stocked back up, current manufacturers will be back to having excess capacity.

And the market has changed. People have been conditioned to shoot less and some have stopped altogether and moved to other hobbies. I know I will not go back to the 10-20k a year I used to shoot.

01-20-2022, 02:19 PM
Call me skeptical also, curious as to where they raised their capital, in today's political climate? Maybe they are still looking for investors. I do hope something comes of it, but I ain't holding my breath.

01-20-2022, 07:34 PM
Is this the same Expansion Industries that was selling ETR-7 a few years ago?

If so I won't get my hopes up...

Yes, same outfit that was basically kicked out of Virginia. I got caught in their bait and switch scam. Ordered some ETR7 at a good price, they charged my credit card then called the week later and told me the price was much more than advertised. This after charging my card so it was either pay the rest or get my CC refunded sometime in 2027.

The thing is that the powder is pretty good although I don't use it. I have 8lbs

01-20-2022, 08:54 PM
Call me skeptical also, curious as to where they raised their capital, in today's political climate? Maybe they are still looking for investors. I do hope something comes of it, but I ain't holding my breath.

Shouldn’t be too difficult to find investors. Heck, if 2500 people here were to invest a paltry $20k each we are up to $50 million. And this is a sure thing...right? Seems like there 2500 guys complaining about primer cost on this forum alone...lol. Add in the real shooters who shoot tons of 9mm and AR’s on those ninja forums and there is plenty of money to milk.

01-21-2022, 10:58 AM
Well, there are a lot of scammers out there. Some just go big and get big investors to put down big dollars with big returns offered. Others have done the environmental scams, had one in MS a couple of decades ago that was going to out in a tire recycling plant to shred and recycle the steel and rubber. Got the state of MS to give them several millions, (don't remember the supposed number, 5 or 10 million or so) never did more than clean up the site next to our plant. But sure spent the money.....

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

Plate plinker
01-21-2022, 11:17 AM
So what we know is they are sketchy at best and more likely frauds.

They don’t make powder and apparently never have, just repackage what they can get.
So they will never make a primer but more than likely try to buy primers from Europe and repackage them as their own. GFL!

I find it amazing that they go to all the trouble to be sketchy but if they would just fly straight they could probably ramp up Into a legit operation and make a living.

01-21-2022, 01:30 PM
So what we know is they are sketchy at best and more likely frauds.

They don’t make powder and apparently never have, just repackage what they can get.
So they will never make a primer but more than likely try to buy primers from Europe and repackage them as their own. GFL!

I find it amazing that they go to all the trouble to be sketchy but if they would just fly straight they could probably ramp up Into a legit operation and make a living.

I think the powder was CSB-1. Good powder and it mirrors Titegroup close enough to not make a difference. If the primers show up at a decent price I'd buy them but they have to be there in my hand before any money and I sure wouldn't invest any money with them.

01-21-2022, 03:52 PM
Kinda like them Texans to not sink a well til oils north of 100 a barrel. I am sure these guys are looking at current circumstances as incentive. That doesn't bode well for average Joe's.

01-21-2022, 04:01 PM
Bernie Maddoff would have done the same time if he only stole a million. Why go small?

One of Cuomo's scams was photonics. NY spent $130 million. He lined the pockets of his political supporters and Louise Slaughter. They created exactly 14 do nothing jobs

01-21-2022, 05:29 PM

Guy's got nerve using the same name all over. I'm only 15 miles from what was their Virginia location, which was just part of a small strip mall. BIL actually worked there a bit cleaning brass . The ammo worked, and the ETR-7 , wish I'd bought a barrel of. But I'd never order and pay for anything from these folks except across a counter.

01-22-2022, 04:20 PM
Kinda like them Texans to not sink a well til oils north of 100 a barrel. I am sure these guys are looking at current circumstances as incentive. That doesn't bode well for average Joe's.

I can tell you know nothing about the oil business. Biden was trying to kill the domestic oil business and started to buy foreign oil, mostly Russian at a much lower price. When others countries have an economic downturn and their only cash product is oil, they pump and sell all they can for what they can get and that suppresses the global oil market.

My son is an independent oil producer in Houston and has been out of work for well over a year. Oil production requires investors who will sink big bucks into drilling for and producing oil. The investors decided oil was not a good investment under the circumstances. When the price get back where it is profitable to drill and produce domestic oil, the investors will return and so will domestic oil. Of course all the environmental concerns also make it far more costly to drill and produce oil in this country. Others countries even on a bad day can produce oil cheaper than the US for lack of environmental regulations.

Nobody is going to make or produce anything and sell it at a loss. That is how governments work and not businesses.

01-22-2022, 06:58 PM
Some people think we still have a "Free Market" condition in the US and that the Political Class and the Wall Street types do not discuss and decide together their actions (I think they are fond of the term "Collusion").