View Full Version : The Great Divorce

01-17-2022, 11:04 AM
What a PROFOUND statement by CS Lewis in The Great Divorce.

There are only two kinds of people in the end:

Those who say to GOD "THY will be done".

And those to whom GOD says "Thy will be done".

The Implications are horrifying!!!!

01-17-2022, 11:18 AM
What can i get for a rib?

01-17-2022, 12:06 PM
I've long loved the impressive wisdom of C.S. Lewis. I've read his Mere Christianity (twice), Screwtape Letters and the Narnia series but never the Great Divorce so I've not read that perceptive bit of his writing until now! Thanks.

Hell is not a good place so it does kinda make your blood run cold when you know the point Mr. Lewis is making about the determined lost, don't it? :cry:

I've known several self professed highly "eddicated innerlecsals" who's spiritual outlook is something like, "I'm not a bad person so if God is real and if He really loves me he will take me (i.e., [i]make me go) to his heaven." BUT, the truth is God loves everyone enough to let each of us choose our own eternity apart from Him and Lord Jesus (John 3:18).

Fact is, God's salvation is an unearned, undeserved gift for everyone who wants to receive it but His salvation will never be jammed down a resisting throat. And there's no spiritual halfway house - no "purgatory" - for anyone to be prayed (or paid) out of.

Pine Baron
01-17-2022, 02:04 PM
What a PROFOUND statement by CS Lewis in The Great Divorce.

There are only two kinds of people in the end:

Those who say to GOD "THY will be done".

And those to whom GOD says "Thy will be done".

The Implications are horrifying!!!!

Horrifying indeed!

01-18-2022, 11:46 AM
Yes the results are everlasting life in the presence of God or everlasting damnation separated from God forever!