View Full Version : Johnathan Cahn message to Joe Bidden

01-10-2022, 06:58 AM
Look it up on you tube. Very powerful message.

01-10-2022, 07:24 AM
Who is Johnathan Chan?

Pine Baron
01-10-2022, 07:47 AM
Are you talking about the message that he gave on Biden's inauguration?

01-10-2022, 08:21 AM
Yes that is the message. I believe Johnathan is a profit of our time. He has shared the warnings given in the Bible, we must pay attention and heed these warnings. If you have read his books, you can see all these things coming to pass. The shakings that started in 01 to the present plagues and disasters we are witnessing. Will we not repent and change our ways. We need a revival now in our country !

01-10-2022, 10:03 AM
I have listened to Johnathan Chan for several years and have met him in person, I really recommend his teachings.

Pine Baron
01-10-2022, 10:15 AM
2 Chronicles 7:14
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

01-10-2022, 11:25 AM
Amen brother, and AMEN!

01-10-2022, 11:28 AM
If we want to turn this country around, turn it back into what it was. First we have to turn the people back to GOD. Then they must repent of the wicked things they did. Then and only then can the blessings on this country be restored. Then the Lord God amighty can heal the land, the sick, the twisted.

But it starts with returning to the Lord and Repentance.

01-10-2022, 12:50 PM
Ghosthawk, you are right. But we have a lot of evil people who will not return to God...some never knew Him.

God will forgive us, but we must take that first step.

This country is facing a special kind of evil. When I was an atheist, I still loved our country, and appreciated our freedoms. I had no desire to change America to fit in with the NWO. The evil we face wants to destroy America.

Having been an atheist and knowing people who do not believe, we cannot depend only on God to save the Republic. Biden says he is a Catholic and believes in God, but I see him as a traitor to this nation. I would rather have an atheist who loves America as President than a "believer" like Biden or his cast of clowns.

01-10-2022, 01:24 PM
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

I've always been a great lover of this world in general, and loved this country in particular. It is indeed hard for someone like me to watch it fall, and put more emphasis on the Lord and the world which he is preparing for us. jd

01-10-2022, 01:50 PM
If we want to turn this country around, turn it back into what it was. First we have to turn the people back to GOD. Then they must repent of the wicked things they did. Then and only then can the blessings on this country be restored. Then the Lord God amighty can heal the land, the sick, the twisted.

But it starts with returning to the Lord and Repentance.

True. But, Christians have been trying that since the crucifixion with very modest success; how do we (American Christians) accomplish it now, how do we get lost people who have never been there to "go back" to where they've never been and don't want to go?

I listen to Mr. Cahn (on youtube), I have some of his books. I don't agree with all he says but I very seriously contemplate and agree with many of his insights. Sadly, human history tells us that few people really listen to Godly prophets. Thus, it seems the only people we might actually have a chance to "change" is ourselves and few of us are ready to do that.

Bottom line, looks like this world is rapidly circling the drain; it's probably going down the pipes soon. Christians can rejoice that the glorious event of the Lord's coming Rapture of his Church is within our line of sight at long last. I rejoice and say, "Come quickly Lord Jesus!"

01-10-2022, 02:42 PM
Getting to get people to hear the word is like gardening. You've got the seed packet (ie the Bible ). You spread the seed out there and God will do the rest. We just have to do our part. It's not up to us to make them believe or not, but it is up to us to tell them that Jesus is there waiting and willing to forgive and love them.

01-10-2022, 03:36 PM
Augercreek I agree. But there is another issue now. Many people have participated to some degree in church or may have even heard the Gospel and have turned their backs on Him. Many excuses are given. That makes it significantly harder for us to tell them about Jesus and have the seed sprout. There is a book written about this- we are living in a post Christendom time
and need strategy like in the apostolic time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-10-2022, 04:10 PM
It is not up to us to make it grow, we just have to broad cast it out there. God does the rest. It's the same as gardening, we plant the seed God will water it and provide the growth. When judgement day comes, we will be asked, did you tell any about my salvation offered. We best be ready to answer.

01-10-2022, 04:57 PM
Can someone please tell me when the United States as a whole (or a majority) followed the ways of God? I don't believe there ever was a time.

2 Chronicles 2:14 was spoken to Israel and no other nation. It is not applicable to the United States as we never had a contract with God.

Now the closer we behave in accordance with God's prescription for success, the better off we will be. This is built into the system, so to speak. So if the average citizen states putting others' needs before their own...we'll have a great country. But I am not holding my breath as people are becoming less and less self-sufficient and many refuse to even be responsible for themselves.

Pine Baron
01-10-2022, 05:34 PM
I can't say it better than this.

01-10-2022, 07:25 PM
We put one of the most Evil men of the Twentieth Century in as our President; Lyndon Baines Johnson. He was elected by great majority of Americans when the Church pews were full of people. The decaying of the United State's just didn't start yesterday, it started years ago.

01-11-2022, 06:18 AM
O how soon history is forgotten!


Brothers, it didn't start with LBJ, it's always been, and will continue to be as long as the prince of this earth is waring against God!

01-11-2022, 06:42 AM
So, what do we say, Ho Hum, I can't do anything about it so I just shrug my shoulders and go on!!! NO, do your part, spread the word ! You know how fast rumors travel. If you all talk about Jesus the Gospel will spread. You don't have to preach, just tell some one you come in contact with, Jesus loves you.

01-11-2022, 10:21 PM
I live in the buckle of the Bible belt. I don't think there are many in this area who haven't heard the gospel many times but a lot of what they think they "know" about God's salvation gift is badly distorted.

Many "believers" believe in a "semi-salvation by semi-faith" in Jesus, heavily mixed with the Old Testament message of salvation by "livin' right". That legalistic view says men's souls are a little bit saved by Jesus but mostly saved by a very large dose of self righteousness - you know what I mean?

Sadly, many well-meaning people still wrongly teach the impossible sort of "salvation" earned by carrying the heavy burdens of "good deeds" that the Hebrews of Jesus' day taught ... and they will all go to hell because their good works are dictated by their inward focused human minds instead of outward focused, God loving hearts! (See Matt 7:21-24) ARRRRGG!

01-12-2022, 12:38 AM
I live in the buckle of the Bible belt. I don't think there are many in this area who haven't heard the gospel many times but a lot of what they think they "know" about God's salvation gift is badly distorted.

Many "believers" believe in a "semi-salvation by semi-faith" in Jesus, heavily mixed with the Old Testament message of salvation by "livin' right". That legalistic view says men's souls are a little bit saved by Jesus but mostly saved by a very large dose of self righteousness - you know what I mean?

Sadly, many well-meaning people still wrongly teach the impossible sort of "salvation" earned by carrying the heavy burdens of "good deeds" that the Hebrews of Jesus' day taught ... and they will all go to hell because their good works are dictated by their inward focused human minds instead of outward focused, God loving hearts! (See Matt 7:21-24) ARRRRGG!

That sums it up perfectly.

01-18-2022, 03:15 PM
Jesus was the perfect preacher, evangelist, and Sunday School Teacher and lived as a perfect example before all he meet. But many he meet refused to believe him after he preformed miracles before their very eyes. They did not deny the miracles but said his power was from Beelzebub, which Christ debunked. They lied and used their political power tp have Him crucified. Even knew He was ressurected, but still many would not believe in Him
The Pharisees destroyed the nation of Israel to have their power. They even held taunted the Roman government to the point that the Romans leveled Jersalem in AD 70.Estimates are around 1 million Jews were killed in AD&0.
The same thing happened with the stoning of Stephen. After his face shone like an angel and he delivered a gospel message they delivered the predetermined sentence of stoning him to death.
I know God has the power to turn America around but the majority ofpeople must "come to themselves" and repent before God will heal the land.
Will that happen? I know we are at the crossroads but history is not on our side.

Good Cheer
01-22-2022, 08:09 AM
Can someone please tell me when the United States as a whole (or a majority) followed the ways of God? I don't believe there ever was a time.

2 Chronicles 2:14 was spoken to Israel and no other nation. It is not applicable to the United States as we never had a contract with God.

Now the closer we behave in accordance with God's prescription for success, the better off we will be. This is built into the system, so to speak. So if the average citizen states putting others' needs before their own...we'll have a great country. But I am not holding my breath as people are becoming less and less self-sufficient and many refuse to even be responsible for themselves.

Your request: There was a time when the majority of our people were cognizant of the word and society in general based its expectations and norms for behavior upon that knowledge, though every region of the nation has been a story unto itself as time has passed. That said, we've had our own Balaam's introducing error by conspiracies and as a nation we err. Now more than ever.
Ruth Graham's quip about apologizing to Sodom comes to mind.
What was your reference to 2Chron2:14?

01-22-2022, 08:40 AM
Your request: There was a time when the majority of our people were cognizant of the word and society in general based its expectations and norms for behavior upon that knowledge, though every region of the nation has been a story unto itself as time has passed. That said, we've had our own Balaam's introducing error by conspiracies and as a nation we err. Now more than ever.
Ruth Graham's quip about apologizing to Sodom comes to mind.
What was your reference to 2Chron2:14?

Societal norms and a commitment to God are two entirely different things. Yes, decades ago Americans expected fellow citizens to behave a certain way and exerted peer pressure to at least push others to hide their bad behavior. Now our misdeeds and selfish intent is on open display because society no longer dictates what it once did. However, this does not mean the nation as a whole ever attempted to be pleasing to God.

I referenced the verse in Chronicles because the OP did. That verse calls Israel to turn back to God so things would go better (i.e., avoid famine and war) according to the covenant she has with God. The United States was never founded under such a covenant and the verse does not apply to us.

However, like I said in my last post, the closer an individual (or nation) lives in accordance with God's demands, the better things will be for that individual. This is built into the system that God created for mankind. E.g., Think about how the Bible tells us to help the poor vs how the government does it. If we stopped supporting the lazy we'd be much better off. Lazy people would be happier, there would be less substance abuse, less crime and less children born to a one parent home.