View Full Version : Other things to do with my extra PC…

01-09-2022, 12:08 AM
Got a Do it egg sinker mold for Christmas and broke it in today. I grabbed some old bags of PC I bought from smoke and tumbled my sinkers. They turned out pretty nice IMO used a few colors I have trouble with getting a nice even coat. The only one that didn’t coat nice and even was orange so I added some yellow in a second container and rolled them in it. I think I’m going to call them Chernobyl Easter eggs.





Winger Ed.
01-09-2022, 01:16 AM
Fish will be jumping into your tackle box if ya leave the lid open.

Somebody I ran into awhile back was making those Lead jig heads with the fish hook the bass chasers put plastic worms
on and powder coating them. He actually made a few bucks selling them.

Wheelguns 1961
01-09-2022, 01:42 AM
I am curious as I also cast sinkers. Did you have any problem with the pc closing up the holes?

01-09-2022, 09:21 AM
I am curious as I also cast sinkers. Did you have any problem with the pc closing up the holes?

Only about 4 or 5 closed the holes and it was because I tumbled those particular ones while the lead was still hot. I ran a really small drill it through the holes of the clogged ones to open them back up. All the rest were fine. I did check them all to be safe just to see if the holes filled since it was a first time try. The rest were all good to go. The PC rounded the hole openings so I’m sure it will aid in less wear on fishing lines. I have a buzzer and spinner bait mold. Been casting lures out of them since late 70’s/early 80’s. I always dipped them in vinyl jig paint. My lures look like a work of art when I get done with them. Use to sell and trade them for rods and reels with the local bait shop down the road when I was a kid. Think I have some photos on my home page. Figured the sinkers didn’t have to look perfect so tumble coated and tossed them onto my mess baking tray I bought from Walmart. Some colors covered better than others as usual. I did this because I read that shades of orange colors attract surf fish. Apparently it’s the color of sand flea eggs. I’m Going to take a few to Florida in a few weeks to try on vacation. I like the brown I mixed up fir 9mm cast. I’ll have to make some more of that mixed color if I remember how I did it. I would think PC will hold up better than spray painting them and less of a mess to boot. I can remember the lead oxide build up in the trays from bare sinkers in my tackle boxes when I was a kid. Hopefully this will remedy it.

I am going to grab a tube jug mold soon. They wanted a $1 or more a piece for the jigs at the local door county fishing tackle shop last summer. I bought 3 bags and went though them pretty quickly. Once I get the $40 mold it will cost me about a nickel a piece when I buy hooks in bulk.

Wheelguns, what type of side cutters do you use. The ones I tried didn’t cut flush so I ran each sinker across a file a few strokes to smoother out before PCing. Not necessary I know but just like to make things that look nice.

I watched an instructional video on YouTube using the mold. The guy said he use to paint the 1/4oz ones orange and fished them with a hook for trout and salmon. Apparently it was his secret fishing lure for them when he was a kid. Makes sense because they look like salmon and trout eggs.

01-09-2022, 09:42 AM
Don't let them lay around little kids.

They look good!

01-09-2022, 09:46 AM
Don't let them lay around little kids.

I agree, single with no kids so I’m good to go. Took them over to show my mom yesterday…she wanted to eat one till I told her they were sinkers.lol

They do remind me of the tinfoil covered chocolate eggs from the 70’s. That’s why I called them Chernobyl Easter eggs. Bet they make one heck of a “clink” hitting porcelain on the way out.

I can tell you the 3oz sinkers weren’t kind on my dollar store Tupperware when tumbling. They cracked almost instantly. I wrapped the outside of the containers with packing tape to keep PC clouds at a minimum.

Think I got the PC color close…



Borrowed someone’s sand flea photo off Flickr. The PC I used was Smoke’s traffic orange and some of the sinkers were also rolled in his traffic yellow after tumbling in orange. I would think the uneven build up should look more realistic like little eggs to passing by surf fish.

01-09-2022, 02:19 PM
That sir is just cool.
Will have to do some myself
Thanks for posting

01-09-2022, 02:30 PM
Thomas is a forward thinker thats for sure...

01-09-2022, 03:02 PM
That sir is just cool.
Will have to do some myself
Thanks for posting

I was going to send you a message on it Smoke and forgot. Figured you can target the fishing forums too!

01-10-2022, 10:42 PM
With a negative 3 degrees out today I didn’t feel like leaving the house much so I casted and mad a few more. I found zero holes today. I made sure I didn’t put very much powder in my Tupperware which helped.




I think I have enough made for me,friends and family, my neighbors,and then some.

01-11-2022, 07:25 PM
Looks like you're ready for Easter.


01-11-2022, 10:04 PM
That’s a good idea! I can make some fishing Easter baskets for my buddies.

Charlie Horse
01-12-2022, 07:43 PM
Those look like catfish sinkers. I see you are from Wisconsin. I thought they hated catfish in Wisconsin. At least they did back when I was there as a kid in the 60's.

01-12-2022, 08:49 PM
Wanting to cast my own sinkers, as a kid, is what got me started scrounging for lead. I would melt the lead, and used a shallow pan as a mold. Never got a mold for sinkers, and I don't fish anymore.

01-12-2022, 10:47 PM
I caught dozens of huge catfish last year along with a 22 pound 8oz sheepshead using a Carolina rig. I didn’t have any egg sinkers so I was using bullet sinkers. Figured it was time to get an egg sinker mold. I have to say the catfish were great table fare. Normally in years past the meat always stinks 99% of the time like dead shad. Last summer they were all clean smelling and excellent tasting. Figured I’ll try some deep water Carolina rigs this year using my egg sinkers with swim baits and Mr Twisters. I’ve been casting spinner and buzzer baits since the late 70’s.

01-12-2022, 11:36 PM
this exact thought crossed my mind a few times. I fish alot of salt water and bright colors attract fish. The pompano rigs that I use have an orange float on them next to the hook to attract them......but the exact opposite has happened when I had new shinny sinkers, the bluefish, spanish and other fish would hit the line at the swivel because the sinker sits here having lite line on one side and heavier on the other (Carolina Rig). This would cut me off. Maybe a not so bright color or maybe color coding sinkers with size and color??? Less lead exposure.....great idea

01-13-2022, 02:12 PM
Do they have glow in the dark powder for fishing at night?

Charlie Horse
01-23-2022, 11:48 AM
I caught dozens of huge catfish last year along with a 22 pound 8oz sheepshead using a Carolina rig. I didn’t have any egg sinkers so I was using bullet sinkers. Figured it was time to get an egg sinker mold. I have to say the catfish were great table fare. Normally in years past the meat always stinks 99% of the time like dead shad. Last summer they were all clean smelling and excellent tasting. Figured I’ll try some deep water Carolina rigs this year using my egg sinkers with swim baits and Mr Twisters. I’ve been casting spinner and buzzer baits since the late 70’s.

We used to go up around Antigo when I was a kid. The other kids hated catfish. I remember they used to throw bullheads in the fire.:o
We have huge catfish here on the Mississippi. I like the 2-3 pounders for frying although I've eaten big ones and they were just fine.
I have some Traffic Purple powder I'd like to use up. This should be a good use for it. I can tell the tree huggers it's a special, environmental sinker.

01-28-2022, 10:23 PM
Do they have glow in the dark powder for fishing at night?

Yes, Pro-tec and a few other companies make glow in the dark powder coat paints specifically for fishing lures.

02-10-2022, 12:57 AM
Lots of things benefit from PC, hardware, tools, parts, hardware, etc.etc. I would suggest buying a gun and use your imagination or ask the wife for projects.
I just finished doing all the brass cabinet knobs that will never tarnish or need polishing again.