View Full Version : Beet Root Powder

01-07-2022, 04:00 PM
Anyone use the beet root powder that claims it helps with blood flow and stamina? Any down side to using it?

01-07-2022, 04:20 PM
You can read all about it here: https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-beet-juice-powder#1

I grow beets for their greens, seeded very close together in shallow totes, pull them or cut them off with scissors when they are about 6" tall and steam them until they wilt, they are great. Tastes like spinach only better.

Outer Rondacker
01-07-2022, 05:35 PM
Started taking it this morning. Not sure if what happened to me today is from the powder or not. I took it around 6am and around 10 am I got light headed and felt like I was going to vomit. This lasted for about two hours. I did eat something and have a few glasses of water around 1030 since I had not eaten yet today. I plan on taking the powder again in the morning and I will report back again. Its new to me.

I eat very little and am always moving. I only drink water and a cup of coffee in the morning with a drop of milk. I have a very large shoulder span and well come in at 245 lb. I have been trying for years to drop to 225 or more and nothing seems to help. So I am giving super beets a try.

I know of others who take it and lost some weight along with dropping blood pressure. Living in todays world we can all use some help in the lowering of our BP.

01-07-2022, 05:58 PM
My bottle just came today, going to start in the morning hoping it will drop BP a little bit, anything would be good.

01-07-2022, 06:13 PM
It is advertised all day long on TV, but it has also been around for a long time. I'm tempted, but wanted to hear from some real world people.

01-07-2022, 07:29 PM
I'm not sure about the powder ...but I'm probably one of the few who like eating cooked beets !
I hate to admit it but I even like canned beets ...if I had known they were good for you , I probably wouldn't have started eating them . My Mom fixed them , put them on the plate ... they tasted good so I ate them .
To find out they are good for you is a nice thing !

01-07-2022, 08:45 PM
Used to think beets were disgusting when I was a kid. They would be around at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Thought they tasted like dirt...
Now I like them.

Perhaps it was my move 30 years ago and finding that I like Greek salads from Coney Island restaurants. They have beets in them, and I eat whatever I pay for... mostly... :)

Don't freak out if you eat a lot one day and urine turns pink, it made me wonder what was wrong for a bit... :)

01-07-2022, 09:46 PM
I’ll take mine pickled

01-08-2022, 07:10 AM
I’ve always liked beets. The pickled ones are my favorite. You can put some hard boiled eggs in the juice to pickle them. Beet greens are really good too and supposedly very healthy for you. Does anyone know if you cut the greens off while the beets are in the ground, will the greens grow back?

01-08-2022, 07:25 AM
I looked on Amazon yesterday, they have many different brands and types of beet supplements. I checked every brand, the beets are sourced from either China or India. A lot are processed and packaged here, but I couldn't find one where the beets were grown in USA.

Outer Rondacker
01-08-2022, 08:34 AM
Well had my drink at 6am and now onto my cup of coffee. So far so good. I will keep you updated.

Well at 8 oclock after bringing in the chicken eggs the wife cooked up some breakfast. I normally go without but we are trying somethings different. So far so good and its 9am. Will report back later.

01-08-2022, 10:05 AM
I like beets and yes, you can harvest the tops for greens, but I only take a few from each. They will grow back. Love them pickled and home canned.

01-08-2022, 10:47 AM
This is an interesting thread and I hope that you who are taking the beet powder will keep us abreast of how you think it works. I've never really paid any attention to it but being a diabetic (55 years_ with neuropathy and other issues . .. it might be something to try? I'm wondering how many of you that are taking it and are on BP medications have noticed a change in your BP readings?

I have always loved beets. When I was a kid, when we had a garden there are always beets. My mother canned them as well as slicing them to pickle - I love pickled beets. When I had gardens in later years, I always found beets easy to grow - no longer have the okay for a garden but kuje the idea of using shallow totes - will have to give it a try.

EDIT: Was just sitting here with my wife having breakfast and talking wither about it. She googled the side effects of beet root powder and one of them was it could cause kidney damage in some people. Not so good for those with decreased kidney function - I had forgotten that beets were one of the things on the list to avoid or use in limited amounts for those with decreased kidney function - so that would nix it for me.

01-08-2022, 01:14 PM
Years ago I drank beet powder in water, but I never monitored anything. I don't remember any negatives.

I love beet greens. I can't eat the bulb though. Nothing wrong with it but it contains too many carbs for me. When I was growing beets I would plant them too close together and thin them out and cook up the greens with the tiny beetroot attached. Delicious! Never waste beet greens!

How are they cooked? Like spinach. I like to add some bacon to the pot first and brown it also to render out some of the fat which will stay in the pot. Then they get steamed, just the water that clings to the leaf is generally enough but if you do add water to the pot add it sparingly. .

Outer Rondacker
01-08-2022, 01:27 PM
Well I said I would keep you all updated. I hope that by doing so the OP does not get upset. Its half past noon and I feel fine. Perhaps it was a fluke, or I have a to eat breakfast with this stuff. I searched the good old web and no mention of having to eat with the glass of Beet Juice powder.

The wife made a comment, She said are you sure you didn't drink your bullet cooking powder by mistake. Haha

01-08-2022, 01:43 PM
Greetings Outer Ron....
Weight loss.... Cut out all sugars ! Period But you have to decide.
You will loose one pound a day.
Read every label. Every product. If you bought it in a store it is sugarized.
I weighed myself today... 140... 2 pounds over what I weighed when I ETS'd from the "Green Machine" in July, 74.

Outer Rondacker
01-08-2022, 02:16 PM
Greetings Outer Ron....
Weight loss.... Cut out all sugars ! Period But you have to decide.
You will loose one pound a day.
Read every label. Every product. If you bought it in a store it is sugarized.
I weighed myself today... 140... 2 pounds over what I weighed when I ETS'd from the "Green Machine" in July, 74.

I have been almost 0 sugar for about 7 months now. Light on the carbs. Dont really need to read many labels since I do not eat out or prepared foods very often. Twice a month would be a lot. Cannot be a stiff at the grandkid's birthday party. We grow most of our own and harvest the rest. I will keep it up but by adding the beet root powder I was hoping things would change. I could use the lower BP also as this modern world urks me to no end. Doctor wants to keep prescribing me drugs I would like to prescribe him a short pier to walk off of.

MT Gianni
01-08-2022, 03:45 PM
I’ve always liked beets. The pickled ones are my favorite. You can put some hard boiled eggs in the juice to pickle them. Beet greens are really good too and supposedly very healthy for you. Does anyone know if you cut the greens off while the beets are in the ground, will the greens grow back?

I thin them when the root is no larger than my thumb. I cook the beet end with the greens.

01-08-2022, 06:55 PM
My best friend is a cycling coach who taught the world how to train with power meters. He has been working with beet powder for a number of years, and swears it creates a very measurable improvement in the power you can produce during exercise. He and his girlfriend just got back from competing in a mountain bike race in Peru, at very high altitudes. They used it there and said it not only made the race possible but allowed them to finish in the top of their classes. Evidently it increases the nitrogen oxides in your blood (just like ******) allowing it to carry more oxygen to your muscle cells. Not sure if it helps with sex or not...

Wow, I didn't know that was a censored word. The blue pills I guess.

01-09-2022, 08:36 AM
I cut out carbs for the most part and stuck with meat and vegs. Only sugar is 2tsps in coffee everyday but I never ate much in the first place. I lost 16lbs without really trying.

As for beets, I was one of those weird kids that would eat anything. Beets, turnips, brussel sprouts, cabbage etc. Not fussy at all. Cinnamon and garlic are both supposed to be good for your blood. I eat a lot of garlic so don't talk any supplements like that.

I do recommend one of the green powders like Puritans Pride Life's Greens or similar which has beet powder in it and tastes not bad I think. I mix a scoop in grapefruit juice and it looks green and weird but tastes good https://www.puritan.com/green-food-057/lifes-greens-with-advanced-probiotic-formula-005225 Easy way to get everything in one shot.

01-09-2022, 05:29 PM
You mention turnips....done right, they are very tasty!

Outer Rondacker
01-09-2022, 05:53 PM
End of day three and all seems ok.

01-09-2022, 06:31 PM
i believe the BP benifit is that beet juice contains a fair amount of nitric oxide which relieves the constriction of arterys and viens, and by letting them open up some bloods flows easier and pressure is reduced.

01-09-2022, 06:37 PM
Outer Rondacker, thanks for the feedback. Every morning, I take my BP med, and a Vit-D pill, but I put a small amount of V-8 juice in a small blender and put a heaped 1/2 teaspoon of red yeast rice in there, and swirl it up. The V-8 is thick and the RYR powder blends right in, and I use it to swallow the other two pills. Done. I can't take statin pills, but the RYR powder has done well and my cholesterol stays down. I was thinking of just combing a hit of beet powder in the mix, and swallow it all down. I will get some that is sourced from India, instead of China, if for no other reason than principal.

01-10-2022, 06:30 AM
For those looking for "made in America" beets, they're very, very easy to grow. You almost can't do it wrong. A few seeds in the ground, forget about them, and before you know it, beets.

If you've already cut out most of the processed food, what's left to change is sugar and alcohol. Every ounce you cut is weight you don't have to carry. I say that as someone who likes them both... My wife is a nutritionist and been living in a large, health-conscious family that's tried everything. Those are the things that consistently work for everyone. And if you really want to kick the weight, go coffee and water for one day a week. It's not that bad...you can use the saved hour or two for anything you want. Casting...handloading...shooting...breakfast the day after tastes like heaven...