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View Full Version : Today is Eastern Orthodox Christmas (January 7)

01-07-2022, 06:42 AM
For those of us who had a grand parent from Eastern Europe where they celebrate Christmas on the Julian Calendar
Merry Christmas.

in the 50's when my grandfather was alive mom would make an ersatz Ukrainian Christmas meal with cabbage rolls, perogies, potatoes, pickled herring, wheat salad, home canned green beans, home churned butter, home baked bread and buns, and of course a small ham, and a turkey with dressing. There were mince pies, mince tarts (home made mince meat), butter tarts, and home made cranberry sauce for the turkey.

There were never presents but there was good food and visiting relatives

Red River Rick
01-07-2022, 12:46 PM
Ukrainian Christmas was a big thing when there was still lots of family around, there's hardly anyone left. I'll probably go see my mother (Baba) later today, she's 90 and still going strong, and have a feast of perogies, cabbage rolls and more.

Those Christmas family gatherings sure bring back a lot a memories.

Merry Christmas!

01-07-2022, 01:00 PM
Merry Christmas! Love those perogies, haven't had one in years. They are a bit labor intensive.

01-07-2022, 01:20 PM
Merry Christmas! Always enjoy reading about other's backgrounds and their family traditions. I do't have a drop-of Ukranian blood in me as far as I know but that certainly sounds like a wonderful feast to sit down to to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Thanks for sharing!

01-07-2022, 03:31 PM
Half Ukie here.


Perogies and kapusta and kielbasa, OH MY!

01-08-2022, 01:22 AM
Attended a family gathering and one of the grandmothers had a whole pan of perogies. No one would eat them. My mom is Pennsylvania German and Dad's folks were Czech. Mom used to make perogies every so often. So when grandma passed around with the pan, I said they don't know what they are missing. Ate the whole pan. Delicious. Second time around guess who she headed for? yep me. My daughter found some ate them boiled but taste better either baked or broiled. Nice and crispy. Frank

01-08-2022, 04:42 AM
I grew up with all that great Russian food.

01-08-2022, 05:59 PM
If you happen to be in the "City by the Bay", go here:https://food.google.com/chooseprovider?restaurantId=/g/1tfzg_7_&g2lbs=ALgbXSrtkWpZ9sCmGns7Nk4av9xWivogTTn7w4W4exaW QhP5m2xyAoaP3IS50R0ESaJzeSyk9c6Z8xMN5Iniyr3I-FvXVpaqRA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&gl=us&ssta=1&fo_m=MfohQo559jFvMWwP9igWZeWQMczq7voErUdXMT_RFPQ05 bfKMQVr5-7IofUJMU_hT8vrWuwRMUOzJVpjPL1YMfaXTPp5KXh-OAE%3D&gei=yAjaYb69B5Tw9AOlp72ACQ&fo_s=OA,AH&orderType=2&sei=CfgVC5BtHUWXEZahFTIpZnZe&utm_campaign&utm_source=search