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01-01-2022, 01:23 AM
Happy new year! As I sit here in my Living room listening to the gunfire in the not so distant surroundings, yes I said gunfire, pondering my youth. I realize that in my 65 years I can count the times on one hand that I went out for New Year’s Eve! Three of those were house parties and when I attended them I wouldn’t exactly consider at my youth. That leads to then I went out for before I was married. I can honestly say that they were very low on the list of enjoyable times! Amateur night! Too many people that don’t drink all year long decide it’s a good idea to go out one night of the year just because the calendar rolls over from one year to the next! In my younger days I dare say I consider myself a professional drinker and at no time did I want to associate with those amateurs that went out once a year for overindulge and make instant...... Well y’all know the saying instant (fill in the blank)just add alcohol! AnyWho happy New Year’s, especially to those like myself they chose never to partake in the madness ! This year is going to be better than last!
Oh yeah, let’s go Brandon!

01-01-2022, 01:40 AM
The best to all. A happy, safe, healthy, and prosperous new year to all.

01-01-2022, 01:52 AM
Yes.....Happy New Year to all! memtb

01-01-2022, 03:05 AM
Three years ago, my ex-girlfriend asked me what I was doing for New Year's Eve. When I replied that I would be home alone, she asked if I wanted company. I said yes and that was our first date. We were inseparable for 2.5 years until she ended things back in July.

This is my first New Years alone in quite a while and it is awful. I love parties and laughter, and people. Tonight is just me watching Netflix, eating frozen pizza, drinking decent whisky, arguing online, and contemplating getting back together with a woman I love but don't respect.

Such is life...

Lloyd Smale
01-01-2022, 05:22 AM
dont feel bad. Im still married and was in bed at 8 oclock. Second marriage for me. I was single for almost 20 years between them. Learned one thing. If it isnt right forcing it just doesnt work. Im kind of a loner and dont NEED company. Honestly if my wife died or left tomorrow id never have another even move in let alone marry again. I think when your lonely and alone you lose sight of how hard even a good relationship is. There is one downside to my train of thought. Getting up in years its nice to have someone around on the days you cant phyiscaly do everything that needs to be done. Like when recovering from operations ect. Something that happens to me about yearly anymore. But id take struggling with that over struggling with some high maintenance women.

01-01-2022, 05:56 AM
dont feel bad. Im still married and was in bed at 8 oclock. Second marriage for me. I was single for almost 20 years between them. Learned one thing. If it isnt right forcing it just doesnt work. Im kind of a loner and dont NEED company. Honestly if my wife died or left tomorrow id never have another even move in let alone marry again. I think when your lonely and alone you lose sight of how hard even a good relationship is. There is one downside to my train of thought. Getting up in years its nice to have someone around on the days you cant phyiscaly do everything that needs to be done. Like when recovering from operations ect. Something that happens to me about yearly anymore. But id take struggling with that over struggling with some high maintenance women.

Oh man, do I agree with you on that! I spent most of yesterday with my dad, who is 78, and lives alone in the country. He has been married three times, yet is still home alone on ten acres in Idaho. His only lifeline is me. He has stated multiple times that if he had to choose between living in town and choosing death, or living at his current home in the country, then he would choose death.

Every time I call him to check up, I fear that there will be no answer and I will be forced to respond to the scene and identify my father's dead body.

I've been divorced for ten years now and been in two serious relationships since then.

01-01-2022, 07:27 AM
poppy42, I resemble your story....was asleep by 10 p.m. Happy New Years to you, your family and our Cast Boolits family! May God bless us all in 2022!

01-01-2022, 10:15 AM
Glad to see the end of 2021. Started out nice enough, met a fine woman in 2020 and were were married Feb 14. Second for us both, she was a widow and I was a widower, neither of us were spring chickens (in our 70's). Sadly she developed heart problems in May and despite the best the doctors and rehab people could do she slipped away and passed 21 September. The year did end on a better note as I was able to spend Thanksgiving and Xmas with all my kids in Wisconsin. All in all though just glad the year is over and hoping like hell that 2022 will be a better year.

01-01-2022, 10:22 AM
Oh man, do I agree with you on that! I spent most of yesterday with my dad, who is 78, and lives alone in the country. He has been married three times, yet is still home alone on ten acres in Idaho. His only lifeline is me. He has stated multiple times that if he had to choose between living in town and choosing death, or living at his current home in the country, then he would choose death.

Every time I call him to check up, I fear that there will be no answer and I will be forced to respond to the scene and identify my father's dead body.

I've been divorced for ten years now and been in two serious relationships since then.

I am working on moving to that 10 acres in the country! Soon, I hope!

01-01-2022, 02:04 PM
From our house to yours, a happy, safe, healthy, and prosperous new year to all, and many more to come.

01-01-2022, 02:10 PM
Happy New Year everyone!

01-01-2022, 02:15 PM
Happy New Year. May the New Year be a blessed one for all.

Lloyd Smale
01-02-2022, 05:37 AM
Oh man, do I agree with you on that! I spent most of yesterday with my dad, who is 78, and lives alone in the country. He has been married three times, yet is still home alone on ten acres in Idaho. His only lifeline is me. He has stated multiple times that if he had to choose between living in town and choosing death, or living at his current home in the country, then he would choose death.

Every time I call him to check up, I fear that there will be no answer and I will be forced to respond to the scene and identify my father's dead body.

I've been divorced for ten years now and been in two serious relationships since then.

Dad just died last month at 90. Ma is 87 and not in good shape. He was actually in much better shape and she relied on him for about everything. Luckily i have 3 sisters that live within a few miles of her and they rotate weekly taking care of her and my wife drives over on weekends. Id be on that list too but she needs help with the bathroom and with dressing and neither of us feel to comfortable with me doing that. She just fears getting put in a home and is lucky to have people that are willing to help. Me? Id guess if my wife died and i needed help like that it would mean a trip to the Veterans home. Truthfully id rather pass in the night. But sadly God doesnt give us a choice in it.