View Full Version : IRS reminds criminals to declare their stolen goods. Sheriffs offer help filing taxes

12-31-2021, 11:40 AM
I saw this news report on Gateway Pundit:


Now I wonder if this is a hint that the Feds will pursue the rioters let go by local authorities. Is this a hint or is this business as usual every year? Will we see "stupid criminal" articles about criminals that actually do request the Sheriff's help in tax filing? My memory says Al Capone was the trial balloon on this.

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12-31-2021, 02:06 PM
Ron - my wife and I heard that yesterday and we're still shaking our heads . . .

I don't have a lot of faith that the current Administration or the Justice Department or IRS is going to pursue any of the rioting issues or those helping themselves to others property in the case of retail fraud/major shoplifting or any other illegal activity unless it fits their agenda . . .

My wife heard somebody comment . . . don't know if it was a politician or not . . .but the individual asked if this new "code" covered those things . . if he went out an shoplifted like they are in the Republic of Kalifornia where they can steal up to a 1K amount of merchandise . . . and he took it home and someone broke into his house and stole all of it . . . will there new tax code allow him to write it off as a "loss"?

My Dad always had a saying . . . "the pot calling the kettle black" . . . in the case of this new tax code that these idiots have come up with . . . it's more like a bunch of "elite thieves making a law to insure that the "lowly serf thieves" have to pay their fair share of their booty so they can steal it". The same "thieves" who refuse to follow the laws that they helped create.

One thing is certain though . . . whenever the government writes a new tax code, you can be sure that they and their cronies will come out better than they did on the previous tax code. The ones who won't will be the American Citizen Taxpayer. It's kine of like when Biden gets up and reads off his prompter and tells everybody they should do as he says as the government is providing "FREE" Vaccine and "FREE" testing kits (which haven't even been ordered yet). There's noting "FREE" in this life and those things are paid for by the AMERICAN TAPAYER. . . but to listen to him, you'd think he was paying for it all himself.

The circus is being run by the clowns and the asylum is being run by the inmates.

12-31-2021, 02:12 PM
Wife saw it this morning. Foolishness as there is this thing called 5th Amendment. Declaring stolen goods incriminates yourself so you dont have to do it.

12-31-2021, 02:30 PM
As I understand it, tax records cannot be used to prosecute crimes other than tax evasion. But tax evasion isn’t a charge to be sneezed at. It’s how they got Capone. The government doesn’t have to prove that you got the money illegally, just that you had it and didn’t pay taxes.

12-31-2021, 02:31 PM
Isn't this what finally did Al Capone in?

12-31-2021, 03:29 PM
If you read the article it says that this came from a 1927 Supreme Court decision and is exactly the ruling used to take down Capone. What’s old is new again!

Der Gebirgsjager
12-31-2021, 08:56 PM
Never underestimate the stupidity of some criminals. How many fugitives with arrest warrants have shown up to claim tickets to sporting events that they "won"?


01-01-2022, 01:21 PM
Nowadays it would only be used on conservative "domestic terrorists", the federal gangsters support the peaceful protesters.

01-01-2022, 02:56 PM
The government has a lot more ways to track your finances than in Capone’s day. Until social security was passed in 1935 there wasn’t a central clearing house to access your data. Credit cards, UPC Codes, cameras and computers are too convenient.