View Full Version : Been an intresting end of year.

12-28-2021, 12:20 AM
Woke up Thanksgiving morning with a bad right side ache, wife was conjested and crooping. Went to the ER up the street they ran test they wrote wife prescriptions and said you can go home, we are putting your husband in hospital. I had a perferated colan. So no dinner for me, Thursday thru monday perferation healed, but I had a cup of broth, some coffee to eat. Lost 10#. Not through yet Had a Dr. appointment the nexxt week for a CT scan, Dr. read it said good news the teaar is gone, bad news you have a time bomb in your colan and we can operate next week under steral conditions or wait for it to explode and take our chances.
Well went to sergury 12/20/21 got out of the hospital 12/23/21 had nothing but broth and coffee lost 10# more . Now on a soft diet and can have nothing I nave to cut up for six weeks, lost 10# more. Forgot to say wife contacted Covid while visiting hospital, I never took it. So all I can say is BAH-Humbug to the holliays
PS I am under 200# for th first time since 1955

12-28-2021, 06:06 AM
Just see if you can sell people on your diet plan! I'm praying a speedy and full recovery for you both!

12-28-2021, 06:26 AM
Prayers sent

Pine Baron
12-28-2021, 08:24 AM
Gee Freightman, that's a radical way to lose weight!
Prayers for healing and thank God you caught it before it got worse.

Wayne Smith
12-28-2021, 09:13 AM
Way better to do it that way than to wait for the inevitable. I will pray for your recovery.

12-28-2021, 09:26 AM
That is a real interesting diet. Hope you and the wife have a better 22.

Had one of those open heart surgery diets, lost 40#, dropped down under 190. Nothing fits anymore. It has been 110 days and I still must force myself to eat. Just think, days and days of watching your favorite, interesting, TV, yeah right….the stupid box just gets worse with more exposure.

12-28-2021, 09:47 AM
Thankful that 2021 is almost in the rearview mirror.

12-28-2021, 10:58 AM
I hate to hear of your troubles but God is over all of them, Prayers sent!

12-29-2021, 09:30 PM
I am so glad that the condition was caught before it turned into something far worse. Praying for divine healing for both of you.


12-30-2021, 03:16 AM
Woke up Thanksgiving morning with a bad right side ache, wife was conjested and crooping. Went to the ER up the street they ran test they wrote wife prescriptions and said you can go home, we are putting your husband in hospital. I had a perferated colan. So no dinner for me, Thursday thru monday perferation healed, but I had a cup of broth, some coffee to eat. Lost 10#. Not through yet Had a Dr. appointment the nexxt week for a CT scan, Dr. read it said good news the teaar is gone, bad news you have a time bomb in your colan and we can operate next week under steral conditions or wait for it to explode and take our chances.
Well went to sergury 12/20/21 got out of the hospital 12/23/21 had nothing but broth and coffee lost 10# more . Now on a soft diet and can have nothing I nave to cut up for six weeks, lost 10# more. Forgot to say wife contacted Covid while visiting hospital, I never took it. So all I can say is BAH-Humbug to the holliays
PS I am under 200# for th first time since 1955

I am glad you are ok. I must assume your wife is also ok?


12-30-2021, 07:45 AM
Freightman I can only say that you have had your plate full....loosing that much weight so quick is very hard on your system but at least your medical problem appears to be fixed. I am praying for your recovery and your wife's as well. Please keep us informed your Cast Boolits Family do care!

12-30-2021, 05:31 PM
wife is recovering and is fine thanks for all concerns and prayers.I am doing good had a new revolver I haven't had a chance to shoot for four months, sent it home with son to function test(hope I get it back) just kidding. The family is going to have a meeting as I am no longer able to shoot my rifles and am considering distributing them to the grand kids. No worries as they are all shooters and the youngest is 30.
PS for all my 82 years God has taken care of me and He will guide me to the end AMEN!

Pine Baron
12-30-2021, 06:17 PM
Thanks for the update Frank. I'm happy and thankful that your wife is on the mend. Praise Jesus. Have a safe and blessed New Year.

01-04-2022, 07:22 PM
Prayers going up for you and your wife.

Preacher Jim
01-07-2022, 06:59 AM
Frank just saw this put you and your wife on our prayer list. I know what your diet is like lost 100 pounds last spring from a similar diet and you will stay on my prayer list till i see you back in chat.

01-07-2022, 08:03 AM
wife is recovering and is fine thanks for all concerns and prayers.I am doing good had a new revolver I haven't had a chance to shoot for four months, sent it home with son to function test(hope I get it back) just kidding. The family is going to have a meeting as I am no longer able to shoot my rifles and am considering distributing them to the grand kids. No worries as they are all shooters and the youngest is 30.
PS for all my 82 years God has taken care of me and He will guide me to the end AMEN!

I thank you for your update and pray that recovery will continue....I truly love your position in your "PS" message....we are all in God's hands and I like you depend on Him to guide us down our path to being with the Father!