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View Full Version : Merry Christmas ya'll

12-24-2021, 11:36 PM
A big Merry Christmas to ya'll.
We've lost some good friends from here this past year.
Every loss is painful.
I've had two this past year.
My Mother, and a good friend.
The good friend I'm glad he went.
Bad alzheimer's. Just a shell of who he was.
Mom was doing good, but the virus really limited social gatherings with family.
Cat is 17yo. Is getting slow. Grumpy. But still a good friend.
I'm getting old.
Just grateful for good friends.
Don't know where I'd be without them.
Ya'll be safe, don't eat or party to much, and have a Very Merry Christmas.
Here's hoping next year is much better.

12-24-2021, 11:42 PM
Merry Christmas to all indeed!

Peace on earth, good will towards men, the truth and light, the way!

12-24-2021, 11:48 PM
Merry Christmas.
It is my wish to all Cast Boolits members and their families.
A big hug from Argentina.

12-24-2021, 11:48 PM
Merry Christmas to all!!!

First one without my dad so it’s rough but family is always critical. Make sure you spend time with all your loved ones any way you can. Even if it’s virtual cause you’ll never get this chance again and you never know when you won’t have another.

Not to leave on a down note, my oldest turned 5 recently and has started wanting to go shooting so looking forward to adding a new shooter to the ranks next year, if he can get his impulse control under control.

12-25-2021, 04:13 AM
Mele Kalikimaka!

Hard year here, too. Lost my brother in April and then three months later my Dad. Mom is lost and will be alone for most of Christmas Day because she has unknown respiratory crud as do SWMBO and myself so we’re trying to not pass anything around.

Prayers to all of you that the coming year is a whole heap better.

12-25-2021, 04:59 AM
Praying for a better year. Lost a few co-workers, and friends this year.
Merry Christmas everyone
