View Full Version : My Son In Law

12-24-2021, 07:26 AM
My son in law, Matt has been needing prayer, and we have been praying. He is 45, has 6 kids with our daughter. In mid November he was diagnosed with colon Cancer which had already gone to his liver and got surgery. He came through pretty well, praise the Lord. He has had a chemo treatment and got through it alright. Again Praise the Lord. When he went to get a second Chemo his numbers were not suitable somehow so it was postponed. Today he is in hospital with Covid and going to get that new monoclonal treatment. I will be traveling over to their house today to try to keep a lid on things over there. Please pray if you will that he can get well, Lord willing, we are all in the palm of the Lords hand.

12-24-2021, 07:46 AM
Prayers sent.

12-24-2021, 07:48 AM
My families thoughts are with you and yours. May he have a speedy recovery.

Pine Baron
12-24-2021, 08:44 AM
Praying for comfort, strength, and healing. May God be with the whole family, as He leads you through this.

12-24-2021, 09:00 AM
Praying for the family!

12-24-2021, 09:03 AM
My sincere best wishes and prayers for all!

Wayne Smith
12-24-2021, 09:06 AM
Praying for God's will in this situation. He knows what is best.

12-24-2021, 09:31 AM
May God give Matt a special touch and a speedy recovery.

12-24-2021, 09:40 AM
Prayers said my friend…


square butte
12-24-2021, 10:00 AM
Prayer sent up - Amen to those already posted

12-24-2021, 10:15 AM
prayers sent

12-24-2021, 10:32 AM
Prayers for healing in the Name of Christ Jesus, amen.

12-24-2021, 10:53 AM
Father Please be with Matt as he battles COVID. With his weakened immune system he is dire need of Your intervention and guidance to his medical team. Please guide them in the direction of healing and please give Matt freedom from pain and fear that surrounds his medical issues. Father, Lastly I ask that you heal Matt and restore him unto his family and friends. AMEN

12-24-2021, 11:30 AM
God bless, prayer sent. Try to make it a happy and holy Christmas! Prayers for you too.Tim

12-24-2021, 12:21 PM
The Monocolonial antbdodies infusion is about the best treatment we have going for Covid, if administered within 9 days of infection. The State of FL approved infusion centers across the state, expressly for those that can not take the “vaccines” I am alergic to all three vaccines, so. It is good for 90 days, which would get you on the other side of a virus infection.
My best wishes and prayers for Matt and for his family.

12-24-2021, 11:24 PM
Prayers sent!

12-25-2021, 12:49 AM
Prayers sent

12-25-2021, 08:51 PM
The fever is up and down and the cough is mild, He is in good spirits but his immune system is kaput for now. They are going to work on getting his white blood cell count up so he can get his next Chemo treatment. He is right with the lord so there is no bad outcome for him. But It is hard on the rest of us to see him this way. We just pray for the will of God to be carried out and that we can have strength to accept whatever that may be. Amen

Thank you for your prayers. I believe they work.

12-26-2021, 06:49 AM
May Gods' peace be with Matt and family. We will pray for you all.