View Full Version : Primers ?

12-18-2021, 12:16 AM
Are we ever going to be able to get primers again ? Has anyone been able to buy any from our commonly known distributors ?

Winger Ed.
12-18-2021, 01:24 AM
Get on 'ammoseek.com'. You'll see more of what's available.

They're coming back, and coming down from $120. to around $100 per 1,000.
If you see something you want, go get it. It may be gone in a few hours.

12-18-2021, 01:28 AM
I will venture to say yes, they will come back. I will not venture to say at what the price per sleeve or brick will be. There will be a price increase though, no doubt. Probably not enough to deter your average shooter to stop loading though. How long before they return? Good question, it would take someone from within the ammunition industry to even get close to answering that one.

During the last bad outage (2008 presidential election), a lot of things were hard to come by, but we did get through it. I remember .22 rimfire was as bad as the current primer situation. Numerous people sold their .22 rimfires and shot .38's because it was cheaper to cast and load them than shoot .22 rimfire, insane as that may sound.

The primers I have found available of late, are on auction sites. And it's not a pretty site when I go there out of curiosity. Sad thing is, the price of .22 rimfire per shot vs the price of a single primer are too close to call as to which is cheaper to shoot, one heck of a mess for sure.


12-18-2021, 02:44 PM
If you are vigilant checking the major online distributors you will find them. You will also find they are much higher than we are used to and there is a 1 or 2 purchase limit. The inventory usually sells out in a matter of minutes. In the last year I have picked up around 15k of the various types but I paid more than I would have liked to. $70-80 per 1,000 is about the best I’ve come across. I hate to pay it but now I’m in a more comfortable position. I also hate paying as much as I am at the gas pump but that’s the world we’re living in now. Get by today and pray for a better tomorrow.

12-18-2021, 03:01 PM
They should come back without some ridiculous government mandate. That said, $60-80/1000 will be the new normal. Just my educated guess.

12-18-2021, 03:21 PM
I think many reloaders will fall by the wayside if primers, powder, cases and bullets remain very high. Some will pay any price but alas many will not.
Being I train new shooters and being active in range matters, our gun range has seen a big decline in shooters in general, not members, but just people shooting at the range.
A few I know have gone to shooting 22's only if they have the ammo, some are reloading small cased revolvers and autos just to make powder last saying, they have lots of primers but not much powder. Inflation is hurting many retired shooters as well, I see and hear this in all facids of shooters at the club. If America does not stop voting left we will soon be in real trouble if, not already.

12-18-2021, 03:27 PM
I was at my one LGS yesterday. Buying a gun. I took a look around. While waiting on NICS. He had a lot of primers. But 120.00 a 1000. He was always higher though on reloading supplies. My other LGS is always completive with online prices. But is only doing curbside pick up. I haven't called them about supplies im still good on them.

12-18-2021, 03:53 PM
Primers are really hard to find here in northeastern Kalifornia and the Reno, Nev. area. Powder is starting to show up, sometimes even the stuff you're looking for. Many of my fellow shooters are fishermen as well but, with the drought really putting a crimp on fishing coupled with a shortage of primers, it looks like we are all going to have to take up other sordid and nefarious bad habits!

12-18-2021, 10:07 PM
They are hard to find, unless you look at auction sites, (such as Gunbroker). That said-- they are expensive. But-- even at $120-150 (typical online prices today), reloading is still way less expensive than buying factory ammo. I'm 75-- do I wait to see if prices come down-- or would I rather enjoy shooting now? Answer is I buy at those prices just to make sure I have a supply to last me another 5 years at least-- just in case primers disappear entirely for a few years. It's your choice, guys - do you get stubborn about paying high prices or go on with your hobby?

12-18-2021, 10:41 PM
They are hard to find, unless you look at auction sites, (such as Gunbroker). That said-- they are expensive. But-- even at $120-150 (typical online prices today), reloading is still way less expensive than buying factory ammo. I'm 75-- do I wait to see if prices come down-- or would I rather enjoy shooting now? Answer is I buy at those prices just to make sure I have a supply to last me another 5 years at least-- just in case primers disappear entirely for a few years. It's your choice, guys - do you get stubborn about paying high prices or go on with your hobby?

I'm with you I definitely have more money than time left, so I buy because I enjoy my hobby.

12-18-2021, 10:43 PM
They are hard to find, unless you look at auction sites, (such as Gunbroker). That said-- they are expensive. But-- even at $120-150 (typical online prices today), reloading is still way less expensive than buying factory ammo. I'm 75-- do I wait to see if prices come down-- or would I rather enjoy shooting now? Answer is I buy at those prices just to make sure I have a supply to last me another 5 years at least-- just in case primers disappear entirely for a few years. It's your choice, guys - do you get stubborn about paying high prices or go on with your hobby?

Well said!

12-18-2021, 10:59 PM
I started "reloading" mine :coffee:

12-19-2021, 05:10 AM
This could all be fixed with a stroke of a pin ( allowing importation on powder and primers as well as loaded ammunition ) but it will not happen with this political party in power .

12-19-2021, 08:24 AM
I think there will be supply issues until ammo stocks get back to normal. I have paid $9/100 recently but I can't see myself paying $450 for a case down the road.

Lloyd Smale
12-19-2021, 08:43 AM
im pretty much stocked for the long run so dont need to spend a 100 bucks on a brick of primers but like was said with the way ammo prices have gone and the MAJOR problem of even finding it if i needed primers id be buying

12-19-2021, 12:47 PM
i love it, MORE MONEY THAN TIME. me too(78). i do have a very good stock of powder-primers-bullets, but i did buy littlegun at 31.00+ tax at pound.

12-19-2021, 01:33 PM
I bought one brick of Large Pistol Primers (Federal) a few months ago for $75, then add in hazmat and internet sales tax = @$105. I was not happy at all about the cost, but should last me a spell in addition to the remaining supply of LPP's I already had. The uncertainty caused me to go ahead and do it. I sure was not going to buy more than that.

12-19-2021, 02:55 PM
i love it, MORE MONEY THAN TIME. me too(78). i do have a very good stock of powder-primers-bullets, but i did buy littlegun at 31.00+ tax at pound.

Mine is not so much age as the MRI's don't lie, so I definitely indulge my Habit. ;)

12-19-2021, 03:02 PM
BTW, noticed fewer people buying primers on Gunbroker at stupid prices.

12-19-2021, 03:14 PM
I’ve found local forums to be a good place for primers. $90-120 is the normal range. Ends up about the same or sometimes cheaper than buying online with qty limitations

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-2021, 03:55 PM
I just left my LGS they have boxes & boxes of primers 1K CCI or Federal $114-$116 & $125 for match AR primers.

12-19-2021, 06:30 PM
I passed on some #41's early this morning. Midwayusa notification. $99/k. I had purchased some locally for basically same price just no hazmat or shipping.

12-19-2021, 10:45 PM
I have only seen primers twice since March 2019. The first place, sometime late 2019, they seemed to think $200/K was a good price. The second was last month at Academy Sports, SP $6.99/100 limit 4. So I picked up 400. Was next door the next day with my wife, we both picked up 400. Haven’t seen any since.

12-20-2021, 07:59 AM
I have seen primers at the begin of this month at Cables and they were going about $75 a brick. I did not need them wanted to see what they had and not really any powders since there was only 2 lbs of 2 different powders.

12-20-2021, 10:54 AM
I think many reloaders will fall by the wayside if primers, powder, cases and bullets remain very high. Some will pay any price but alas many will not.

I'd say the problem is the exact opposite of that. Too many people are chasing after and buying up all the ammo and reloading supplies. If the demand dropped, the prices would fall.

12-20-2021, 12:03 PM
yes, but what if your wrong. reloaders want to shoot cheaper than buying loaded ammo, i saw 3006 for 50.00 a box of 20 this deer season. primer-.10 cents, bullet-.57 cents, powder-.35 cents comes around to a little over 20.00 a box of 20.

12-20-2021, 12:26 PM
The 1% ers, don't like guns. They know, without primers, there will be no ammo. Back door gun control. Many primer chemicals come from China and Mexico only, do they like us?

*Warren Buffett,* Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates and his Xwife Melinda, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Ballmer. Just to name a few anti gun people.

12-20-2021, 12:38 PM
They should come back without some ridiculous government mandate. That said, $60-80/1000 will be the new normal. Just my educated guess.

With a little bit of time I think they will be less than that, Northwest Ohio distributor of mostly shotgun components who sells some retail is $40.00/brick. Current limit is 2. Gun shop in Mid-Michigan was at $45/brick for 209's several weeks ago.

General line sporting goods store near me who sells more golf balls than primers had 15,000-20,000 CCI#41 sitting on the shelf. $90/brick but no limit and I suspect they will be there a while at that price.

When primers start showing up in places like that, the supply line has to be filling up. And prices will start falling.

Just a WAG, but I suspect $40-45/brick will cover the new material/labor costs. I don't think it will go back to the $25/brick we were paying around here in early/mid 2020.

12-20-2021, 01:32 PM
£51 a 1000 here.

12-20-2021, 01:51 PM
If the price remains at this high, I will likely invest into the time and equipment required to reload primers as well.

12-20-2021, 02:00 PM
When I got the 270 re-barrel done, stopped by he local LGS, owner apologized at the 4 or 5 noxes of ammo he had at $43 each. Said it was all he could get. So I just reloaded 20, all the 270 brass I had, and gave them to the young man as part of his Christmas present from his parents. He has been hunting with his grandfather’s original 03…..ouch.

12-20-2021, 02:33 PM
I bought one brick of Large Pistol Primers (Federal) a few months ago for $75, then add in hazmat and internet sales tax = @$105. I was not happy at all about the cost, but should last me a spell in addition to the remaining supply of LPP's I already had. The uncertainty caused me to go ahead and do it. I sure was not going to buy more than that.
Almost to the penny what a brick of CCI400s were from Midway this morning with tax, shipping, and hazmat. I passed becaue I already have enough for the time being. Had they been CCI200s it would have been a done deal.

12-20-2021, 03:46 PM
I'd say the problem is the exact opposite of that. Too many people are chasing after and buying up all the ammo and reloading supplies. If the demand dropped, the prices would fall.

What he describes would result in a reduction in demand. What you're suggesting is that people could become more responsive to price (e.g., that their demand could become more inelastic).