View Full Version : final, for now, type metal score

12-16-2021, 11:59 AM
A while back I bough a bunch of mixed type metal from a scrap metal dealer couple cities up. They had a metal bin about 3.5' square full of mixed linotype.. and monotype.. foundry cores.. etc.. an odd cast bullet.. etc... 99.9% type metals.

I had been going down on my days off and buying a 5g bucket of it.. here and there.. then sat down and smelted it all a couple months back. Got 493# of clean type metal ingots out of that labor.

The guy at the scrap metal place called me and said he grabbed about 80# for himself and that they were getting rid of the rest if it didn't move. they had already stacked the bin to head to the recycler. I went down there today with 5 5g buckets ..gloves and a scoop and after about 1.5 hours work had looted the bin down to dust and crumbs...and filled the 5 buckets about 2/3's or so each.. about as heavy as them buckets will take. Paid for 448# of bulk scrap type metal and that officially cleaned them out. 1.50 per pound plus tax.

Over the holiday I will start smelting down into ingots and see how much I get this time. I am making pound and half pound lee ingots, smooth and ridged corn pone ingots, and mini muffin ingots, as well as short and long angle iron mold ingots. I use the mini muffin pan to also pour 'coin' mini ingots so I can just drop coins into a pot to sweeten the mix if needed. When done I hope to have at least 380# or more of type metal ingots out of this haul. This was on the bottom of the bin.. and is a bit dirtier. I'm still ok .. the buckfifty price is great for type metal.

Between this and my last haul.. I should have plenty of bullet lead for a loooooong time. ( may have to trade some for soft lead or coww lead eventually though.. )

12-16-2021, 12:50 PM
Ton of work, but well worth it!

12-16-2021, 01:09 PM
Yup. I remember smelting the last batch thinking how much work it was..but at the end seeing all those ingots made it worthwhile.
Good hard metal too...

12-16-2021, 10:27 PM
Thats a great score!

12-22-2021, 11:24 AM
Now you need a bunch of pure to cut it with.

12-22-2021, 11:38 AM
Yep. Have about 150# on hand..but really need 4x that.

12-22-2021, 05:20 PM
Yep. Have about 150# on hand..but really need 4x that.

Being that you are located in Redneck central, you should be able to trade for some pure! ;-)

12-22-2021, 06:28 PM
Hopefully so. That's my plan anyway. I got this cheap enough that if I can trade straight up for pure, I'm ok with it.

12-24-2021, 12:21 AM
How far are you from GNV?