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01-15-2009, 08:56 PM
My uncle had a friend years ago that worked at our local newspaper. When the plant switched from lino to computers to print the paper, he gave my uncle just over 500lbs of the stuff. My uncle passed away in 1999, and I got all of his loading gear, including the lino. I have used about 50lbs of it over the last 10 years, but am more tight with it as time goes on. Looking at the price on Midway, I have a small fortune in alloy. I did not realize until recently how valuable the stuff is, or how hard it is to come by. My uncle always cast all of his bullets from straight lino. Not me!!!!:castmine:

01-15-2009, 09:27 PM
You're on the right track! Use the softest alloy that will work for you in the gun/cartridge you're using. Use only enough lino to make your boolits work without leading.

Welcome aboard!



lead Foot
01-15-2009, 11:15 PM
So true Stew.

01-16-2009, 03:57 AM
..............My dad was a journyman pressman at ACME Colorprint in San Bernardino, CA. They printed most all the color funnies for newspapers on the west coast. The presses were from the turn of the century, and 2 stories tall. They used lead plates and in the casting room they were in simply HUGE piles.

The first firearm that I bought with my own money was an import Zouave muzzle loader. I asked my dad to bring home some lead so he brought home some pieces of one of those plates. It was too hard for the ML'er, and it was maybe 10 years or so after that before I became interested in using cast for modern centerfires. By then ACME had folded (due to the Union) but oh how I wished I'd had dad bring home a plate a week of that stuff in the meantime :-)


01-16-2009, 04:35 AM
I'm not jealous... not at all [smilie=1:

I have about 20lbs of lino left, like that's gonna take me a long way! A guy from my club told the guy I do all my casting and reloading with, that he and his friend have close to 2000lbs of that stuff. This recently came to my attention, so I asked the guy if I could buy a few 100lbs. He said "sorry it's all gone". Uhhhh he doesn't cast and neither does his friend, then why the heck can't I have any :twisted:!?!?